Things you can take pictures of.
Viewed 4939 times - Created by hannah1982.
valentines and hearts
Viewed 4665 times - Created by pinky.


valentines and hearts
Viewed 4704 times - Created by pinky.
Viewed 5023 times - Created by sadie000.
Digital Photo Class
Viewed 3640 times - Created by jschutt.
Viewed 8302 times - Created by Rachel Kwon.
Viewed 6209 times - Created by benhoward.
These are words that relate to scrapbooking
Viewed 5230 times - Created by jherbold.
Find the answers to the following questions! What determines depth of field? This isntrument is used to take photographs. This is how fast or slow something moves. This term refers to how long film or paper is 'opened' to light. This moves to expose film inside the camera. This instrument is used to maake a print. This is the process of making several photos of the same thing at differnt exposures. This is how sharp the image is. An upright frame for displaying or supporting something is a... This is the first thing to capture an image (in a negative). A camera is put on this to hold it entirely still. This is the process of eliminating unwanted space in a photo before making a print. Thin sheet of wood for writing on or exposing photos onto. A ground or molded piece of glass, plastic, or other transparent material with opposite surfaces either or both of which are curved, by means of which light rays are refracted so that they converge or diverge to form an image. The opposite of dark is...
Viewed 3553 times - Created by clearlyal0ser.
Viewed 3333 times - Created by kke2b.
Made by the Watson's
Viewed 3425 times - Created by thanksgivin_puzz.
Find All These Words!!!
Viewed 3074 times - Created by jlee.
Find the following words.
Viewed 3080 times - Created by victorish137.
Viewed 4742 times - Created by news.
Find th ten french words
Viewed 5427 times - Created by danny1.
To make a more interesting and viewable photograph, use the elements of composition to improve your pictures.
Viewed 4255 times - Created by mbrownkorbel.
Dgital Photo Important Words to Know
Viewed 6773 times - Created by mbrownkorbel.
Find and circle these words related to photography.
Viewed 3474 times - Created by melinda.
All words that describe Mimi's personality
Viewed 4056 times - Created by erbucci.
Halloween stuff
Viewed 2687 times - Created by Jordans8.
101 to 120 of 126 in 7 pages
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