Words describing different feelings that humans have
Viewed 2220 times - Created by lsteele.
Viewed 2391 times - Created by delayne.


Helpers and the community services offered within the local community.
Viewed 1207 times - Created by bonnie4055.
Viewed 1556 times - Created by steph32m.
Words related to globalisation
Viewed 20270 times - Created by JillO.
Viewed 917 times - Created by midnighter.
vocabulary around the concepts Chaos and Order
Viewed 2286 times - Created by juliefantastic.
some dances from around the world
Viewed 1828 times - Created by indoctrin8.
Try this going green word search
Viewed 5012 times - Created by pipi345.
Vocabulary word search Chapter 22
Viewed 985 times - Created by jake woodard.
word find
Viewed 1529 times - Created by clgaston.
As citizens of an increasingly globalised world, students should be aware of the presence, role and impact of human rights; how they apply to them within their immediate surroundings and in a broader global context. But moreover, that despite their name, human rights are not as universal as the title would suggest. There remains great debate over this issue and numerous problems surrounding its place in a vastly diverse world. I aim to introduce the history behind the emergence of the concept of human rights, highlight to them the dilemmas involved with the implementation and policing of them in a culturally diverse global environment and in doing so, make clear the complexity of this concept.
Viewed 14850 times - Created by tpeters.
Key words for Economic Competition
Viewed 2659 times - Created by wbovee.
The uneven economy of India
Viewed 2221 times - Created by Rosetta m Shaw.
Vocabulary for the price system chapter (6)
Viewed 2100 times - Created by wbovee.
find all the words in the wordsearch
Viewed 2706 times - Created by xlilfraser2x.
Find these crime related words!
Viewed 2027 times - Created by JillO.
This word search has been designed and developed to inform people about the reality of racial bias in education and to promote awareness and diversity in our society. New research conducted by the University of Maryland shows that racial bias in education can be prevented by being diverse in society's educational institutions.
Viewed 1299 times - Created by tammyg86.
This is a word search on moral Justice.
Viewed 2348 times - Created by trina12345.
This word search contains names of some of the residents of Maycomb County.
Viewed 1525 times - Created by spoil4life.
521 to 540 of 903 in 46 pages
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