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Church and Religion: 130630_kids

Nourishing Our Kids to Hope in the Lord Ephesians 6:4 Summary: Have you ever worked in a garden? Sometimes working a garden is fun, because we get to dig and plant and harvest. But other times it is difficult because there are weeds and thorns that get in the way of the good plants. Sin is like that in our lives. But God has provided the family as a place where He wants us to be nurtured and trained to love Jesus! Let's think about it as we talk again to Dads about their role to train their kids: The family is God's great training ground to raise up disciples of Jesus: 1. The thorns of family discipleship: we nurture in a context of sin 2. The tools of family discipleship - discipline and instruction 3. The fruit of family discipleship is a relationship with Jesus; it's not about a set of rules, its about a Person. Verse: Jeremiah 17:7-8 Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose trust is the Lord. He is like a tree planted by water...

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