Word Search Games By bdsmith!

Word Search Games By bdsmith!
Proverbs 22:1-6 Train Up a Child, Part 1 Summary: Did you know that the job of parents is to train their children in the way of wisdom? This is what Proverbs tells us. Parents are to teach and train their kids to love God and live wisely. Let's think about it! Outline: Training kids for a life of wisdom: 1. The means: coaching their hearts 2. The goal: train them in the way they should go 3. The hope: godliness Verse: Proverbs 22:6 (ESV)6 Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it. Discussion Questions: 1. Read Proverbs 22:6. How might this promise be wrongly interpreted? how do we balance it Scripturally? 2. What do you think are some of the central things parents are to teach their kids? 3. If you are a parent, where do you feel your weakness the most in your role as you shepherd your children? 4. What can you do differently this week to actively shepherd your children's hearts toward Jesus? If you do not have kids, how can you encourage and support parents around you?
Viewed 6525 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Proverbs 3:9-10 Honor the Lord With Your Wealth Summary: Did you know that everything you own is a gift from God? How do you think it might change our attitude toward our money and the things we own if we knew they were a gift from God? Today we're going to think about what it means to honor the Lord with our wealth (our money and our possessions). Let's think about it as we study Proverbs again: Outline: 1. The command - honor the Lord with your wealth 2. The promise - overflowing blessing Verse: Proverbs 3:9 Honor the Lord with your wealth and with the firstfruits of all your produce... Discussion questions: 1. Why do you think Solomon tells us to honor God with our wealth and firstfruits? Why two different categories? 2. As a believer in Christ, this command is not lessened, but heightened for us. So, how are you approaching your use of your wealth and resources? What would it look like to honor God with these things God has given you? 3. How should we interpret the promise of verse nine? Is God promising to make us wealthy if we keep the command of verse nine? 4. How does the generosity of God the Father, and the self-giving of Jesus help you think differently about how you use your resources?
Viewed 7570 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

When God Doesn’t Make Sense Habakkuk 1:1 -2:4 Summary: Have you ever had really hard things happen and wanted to ask God hard questions? Does it ever seem like God isn’t around when things get tough or like maybe he doesn’t really care about your struggles? Today we start a series of sermons through then little Old Testament book Habakkuk. The prohet Habakkuk saw much evil in his nation and asked God the hard question: “God, where are you? Aren’t you going to do something?” Let’s listen in to the conversation: Outline: 1. A big complaint 2. A hard answer 3. A call to faith Verse: Galatians 3:11 (ESV): Now it is evident that no one is justified before God by the law, for “The righteous shall live by faith.” Discussion questions: 1. How would you describe Habakkuk's complaint to God? How should we
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1 Timothy 4:1-5 Life in the Last Times Summary: God's Word is full of rich promises. But God warns us that there will always be people who teach lies instead of God's truth. Let's think about it today from 1 Timothy chapter 4: Outline: 1. Beware of false teachers 2. Embrace God's good creation Verse: 1 Tim 4:4 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving Discussion Questions: 1. What is the source of the false teaching of which Paul speaks in this passage? What is the content of some of this teaching? 2. How might we see some of these false teachings today in the world or the church? How can we guard against it? 3. How does Paul want us to think about God's good gifts (especially marriage and food)? How can we foster a proper, thankful use of them?
Viewed 2570 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Habakkuk 2:15-20 The Lord is in His Holy Temple Summary: We humans long to be happy and safe. Think about all you do every day to take care of yourself and make yourself happy. What are some of those things? Today as we study this little book of Habakkuk again, we hear God telling us of all the terrible things God's enemies have done to try to be safe and happy. But only God can save and care for us. Let's listen as God speaks to us today: Outline: 1. Using people cannot save you 2. Other gods cannot save you 3. The ray of hope: The Lord is in His Holy Temple Verse: Habakkuk 2:20 But the Lord is in his holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before him.” Discussion Questions: 1. How does God condemn the reckless pursuit of dominance in this passage? How do you see the unbelieving world seek safety, power and pleasure without God today? How might you also seek those things as well? 2. How is the futility of idolatry described in vv. 17-19? How do those same principles of idolatry apply more broadly today? 3. How does v.20 provide the proper answer to those who rebel against God? How did Jesus take the cup of God's wrath (v.16) for you, and how should that encourage your walk this week? How would it influence your fight against sin?
Viewed 2579 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Acts 21:17-37 Prophesies Fulfilled Summary: There may be times when you get to tell people about Jesus. It is a great thing to do, and it is awesome to see God work through it! But it is not always easy. Let's think about a time when Paul suffered for Jesus: Outline: 1. Gospel witness flows from a love for God and a love for people 2. The Gospel's enemies seek to suppress the truth 3. Gospel suffering follows in Jesus' footsteps Verse: 2 Timothy 2:3 Share in suffering as a good soldier of Christ Jesus. Discussion Questions: 1. Have you ever suffered for your Gospel witness before? What form did that take? 2. Why do you think Paul agreed to take the four men in this passage to the temple to complete their vow? What was the purpose? Is there any significance in this for our own witness? 3. How did Paul's sufferings in this passage mirror some of Jesus' own experience? How might Luke be trying to encourage us by drawing those parallels? 4. How can this encourage you this week in your walk?
Viewed 3488 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

My text: Mark 6:14-29 Sermon Title: Clash of the Kingdoms Sermon Q & A Intro (1) What do we have to do if we want to read the bible well? (2) What is this brilliant literary technique called in movies? (3) What does Mark accomplish by telling his story in this way? Strategic Location (4) Why is Mark's lingering over John the Baptist's death a strange thing for Mark to do? (5) What does the strange collision of these two events - John the Baptist's death and Jesus' sending of the aposltes - suggest? (6)What does the location of this text tell us? Theme #1: Messianic Identity (7) What is one of the main questions Mark poses in his narrative? (8) What are we supposed to do as Mark's audience? (9) Why does Mark intentionally link ch. 6 & ch. 8 together? Theme #2: Political Hostility (10) What does Mark uniquely highlight? (11) What movement has Jesus been building? (12) What is at stake on the cross?
Viewed 1469 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Call to Worship: Isaiah 12:3-6 Confessing our Sin: 1 John 1:8-9 Promise of Forgiveness: 1 John 2:1-2 Tithe: Isaiah 60:4-5 Sermon Text: John 6:48-60 Sermon Title: The Heavenly Meal
Viewed 1728 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Genesis 45 Come To Me Summary: In the story of Joseph today, he finally reveals himself to his brothers. Imagine their shock at this news! Joseph show us an image of the mercy and love of Jesus. As you listen, ask God to fill your heart with love for Him. Today, God invites you to come near: 1. See His providence 2. Receive forgiveness 3. Live under His care 4. Have your hope revived Verse: Romans 8:28 And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good… Discussion Questions: 1. How does Joseph reveal his faith in this story? How would an understanding of God’s providence help you think about your life differently? 2. How do Joseph’s actions toward his brothers show us glimpses of the character and work of Jesus for you? 3. Is there a need for reconciliation with someone in your life? How can the story of Joseph give you the Gospel strength to forgive? Or perhaps you, like these brothers, need to accept forgiveness form God and others for your failures?
Viewed 4803 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Luke 18:9-17 Generous Hearts 1. The People 2. The Problem of Contempt 3. The Unlikely Candidates of Generosity 4. The Generous Heart Sermon Summary: Today we are doing something special in the life of our church. We are ordaining and installing 1 Elder (Ko M.) and 2 Deacons (Paul K. and Brian W.), this is a huge day for the church. God has called these men to serve His church and the question they may ask is how generous do we have to be? Wether in the role of Elder, Deacon or as a church member how generous do we have to be? What I hope that we see through this parable is that Jesus has given us everything and when our hearts are filled with love and thankfulness for all that Jesus has given and done for us, we will turn toward each other with generosity. When this happens the question should change from how much do we have to give, to how much of ourselves can we give? Memory Verse: Rom. 8:32 He who did not spare his own Son but gave him up for us all, how will he not also with him graciously give us all things?
Viewed 6183 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Genesis 39 When Doing Right Lands You in Jail Summary: Have you ever done the right thing and got in trouble anyway? Maybe you told the truth about something, or made a choice to say no to a sin. But even when you did what was right, you suffered. Maybe you’ve asked -
Viewed 5180 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Acts 6:8-15 Full of Grace and Power Summary: Today in our sermon we get to see Stephen, one of God’s servants who was used to preach the Gospel body, and in the end was put to death for his faith. Stephen’s life reminds us that God will always care for his people, even in their darkest moments and trials! 1. Stephen was full of grace, power, wisdom and the Holy Spirit 2. God’s enemies rage and plot to stop God’s plan 3. God shines on His children and defends their cause Psalm 34:5 Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.
Viewed 5592 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Isaiah 9:1-7 After Darkness, Light Summary: Merry Christmas! Today is such a privilege to get to worship together on the day we celebrate His birth! Let’s look at an ancient prophecy from Isaiah 9 that tells of Jesus’ being born to us. His birth brings light to our darkness, and peace to our war with our Creator. Let’s think about it: Outline: 1. Darkness is over 2. A Son is given Verse: Isaiah 9:6 For to us a child is born, to us a son is given...and his name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Discussion Questions: 1. Isaiah describes our condition before Jesus as gloom, darkness, and war. This was very true for Israel as they faced exile from their homes, but how is that true for us all spiritually? 2. How are each of these names of the Son in verse 6 fulfilled in Jesus? 3. Part of the point of Isaiah’s words is to show us that our response should be joy after gloom (v.3). What darkness in your own life needs the light of Jesus today?
Viewed 3859 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Facing the Unknown Genesis 46 Summary for Kid’s Bulletin: Are you ever afraid of the future? Expecially if you have to go somewhere you’ve never been before, or do something you know will be hard? Jacob had to pack us family and leave the land of promise and go to Egypt at a very old age. Would he survive the trip? Would he ever come back? Would he be welcomed in this new land? Let’s see how God cares for Jacob, and for us with the “unknowns” of life: 1. To face the unknown, God gives you His promise 2. To face the unknown God gives you His people 3. To face the unknown, God gives you His Provider Kid’s bulletin Verse: John 14:1-2a “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me. In my Father’s house are many rooms.” Discussion Questions 1. Why did God meet Jacob before he left for Egypt, and what “unknowns” was he facing? What would God’s promises do for him? What similar promises has God made to you in Christ? 2. What is the significance of the list of all the people who left the promised land with Jacob? How does God work in your life, not just individually through His people? How can you sink your roots more deeply into the life of NCPC? 3. How does Joseph and Jacob’s reunion show us God’s grace in their life? How does Joseph’s provision for his family reflect the rescue Jesus provides for you? How could this Gospel hope change you this week?
Viewed 7606 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

One Shepherd Among Many Imposters John 10: 1-21 I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, just as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay down my life for the sheep. (John 10:14-15)
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Sermon Text: Revelation 5 Sermon Title: The Silent Conqueror Outline 1. The Search for the Conqueror 2. The Silent Conqueror 3. The Celebration of the Conqueror Summary: The Church has, is, and will always undergo much suffering. Sometimes we question why need to suffer so much. However, Christian obedience requires it. This scene in Revelation 5 gives us hope. Jesus Christ the King suffered as a lamb led to the slaughter in order to earn eternal life for us. It is because of this that allows us to suffer not because we want something, but to thank God for what he has done for us. Memory Verse: Revelation 5:9 (From
Viewed 4660 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Genesis 43 Shalom Summary: Are you finding it hard to trust God in some area of life? Today, listen to the story of Jacob, Joseph and his brothers as God is bringing them back together after many years. Jacob can’t yet see what God is doing, and he struggles between fear and faith. Let’s learn together to walk in faith as we study God’s Word today: 1. The struggle between fear and faith 2. The kindness of our Savior brings peace in our fear Verse: Hebrews 11:1 Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen. Discussion Questions: 1. In what ways do you see the brokenness in Jacob’s family? Where is peace and harmony broken in your own life or family? 2. How does Jacob wrestle between fear and faith? What evidence do you see of such wrestling in your own life? What things or people might be idols to you like Benjamin was to Jacob? 3. How does Joseph’s kindness toward his brothers show us the love and compassion of Jesus? How can the power of the Gospel (Jesus’ dying and rising for your salvation) help you live in faith instead of fear in your life? Your relationships?
Viewed 4281 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

The Cost of Discipleship Luke 14:25-35 Summary: Sometimes Jesus says hard things - like today’s passage. He seems to say that following Him means “hating” our father and mother or sister or brother. Now sometimes we don’t like or love our family as well as we should! But Jesus is not saying that we actually hate them, is He? No, He is telling us what it means to love God more than all other things. Today listen for the words “disciple” and “discipleship.” To be a disciple of Jesus is to love Him, to be willing to give up everything for Him, to learn from Him, and look to Him as Savior and Master. Let’s think about it: What is the Cost of Discipleship? 1. Love Jesus supremely 2. Carry your cross 3. Count the cost 4. Renounce all you hold dear Luke 9:23 ...If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.
Viewed 5163 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Genesis 44 Take Me Instead Summary: Today’s sermon is titled “Take Me Instead.” There are many amazing stories that tell of someone who is willing to trade their life to save the life of someone else. Today listen for Judah, one of Jacob’s sons, willingly offering to become a slave for life in place of his brother Benjamin. Why would he do this? We could also ask, why would Jesus be willing to suffer God’s punishment in OUR place? Judah’s sacrifice shows the work of God in His life, AND he shows us what Jesus came to do for YOU and ME. Let’s think about it: Outline: 1. The test: will I save my own skin? 2. The confession: I am guilty 3. The substitute: greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friend Verse: Ephesians 5:2 And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Discussion questions: 1. How does this last test in Genesis 44 bring up the same temptations that led Joseph’s brothers to sell him into slavery? Why is Joseph bringing this all about? How might you be tempted to “save yourself” in situations you also face? 2. What is the response of the brothers when they are caught by Joseph? How did Judah respond? How does Judah show us what Jesus would come to do for us? 4. How might God want you to own personal guilt like these brothers did? How should this story help Jesus’ sacrifice shine more brightly to you?
Viewed 4418 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

The Source of True Blessing Genesis 47 Summary: Can you remember what you got for Christmas? Or it is tough to remember already? Did anything you got break already? It is amazing how quickly the things in this life fade, break, or we just lose interest in them. Today, as we look at Jacob’s life again and see how blessed he was, let’s seek Jesus together to find the only place where we can really be blessed. Outline: 1. A blessing to the nations 2. A blessing for God’s people 3. The source of true blessing Verse: Genesis 12:2 (ESV) 2 And I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you and make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. Discussion questions: 1. How has God blessed Jacob and his family, even though they were undeserving? How has God treated you better than you deserved? 2. What are the blessings you enjoy in Christ? Read Ephesians 1:1-14 to spur your thinking. 3. How can meditating on the blessings you have in Christ help you this week?
Viewed 5947 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Generous God, Generous People Luke 19:1-10 Summary: You may have heard the story of Zacchaeus (and maybe even sung a song about him!) before. But today we’re going to dig deep into the story of how Jesus invaded a person’s life with grace, and see how Zacchaeus was changed forever! God’s grace can come freely to anyone - no one is being God’s reach! And when He saves lost people like us, changes start to happen. Let’s see it in action: Outline: 1. A lost sinner 2. A seeking Savior 3. A changed life Verse: Luke 19:10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost. Discussion Questions: 1. Describe the lost condition of Zacchaeus. Why was he so lost? 2. What do you see in this story about the character and saving power of Jesus? 3. Generosity and repentance (with restitution) were the clear evidences of salvation in Zacchaeus’ life. Why would those be such powerful barometers of grace at work? 4. Where might you need to repent and even make restitution for sin? Is radical generosity with your own possessions and money reflecting God’s saving work in your life? Why or why not? What things are keeping you from such generosity and what changes is God calling you to make so you could enjoy this blessing more?
Viewed 6615 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Are You Thirsty? Psalm 63 Summary: Do you know what is like to be true thirsty - even dehydrated? It happened to me once - I got sick (a lot!) and ended up in the hospital. It wasn’t fun! In Psalm 63 King David says his longing for God is like being in a desert with no water! He also says that God’s love is like sitting down to a great feast. So, are you hungry and thirsty to know God? Let’s think about it: Outline: We are thirsty people In the midst of our fainting God offers a feast The wilderness stirs up our spiritual thirst Verse: Psalm 63:1O God, you are my God; earnestly I seek you; my soul thirsts for you; my flesh faints for you, as in a dry and weary land where there is no water. Questions: 1. How does the psalm writer describe his longing for God? 2. What are the things in this world that you hunger and thirst for other than God? 3. How does God often use trials and the wilderness to stir up our spiritual thirst (see Ps 63:9-11)? 3. How does Jesus fulfill the spiritual hunger and thirst in all of us? (Read John 4:7-14, 6:35, 7:37-38). How can you drink deeply from this fountain in 2017?
Viewed 4790 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Viewed 5139 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Genesis 41 The Rise to Power Summary: Today in our sermon we get to see Joseph finally experience relief in his struggle. He goes from being in jail to seeing the fulfillment of God’s original promise that he would have a position of great authority. God’s plan took thirteen years to unfold! Listen today as we see Joseph’s life show us a picture of Jesus’ suffering and glory. Outline: 1. Suffering and glory 2. Forgetfulness and fruitfulness 3. Famine and feasting Verse: John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. Questions: 1. How do you see Joseph’s faith remain firm throughout this story? How does he express it? In your own struggles, do you trust in God’s plan, or are you experiencing frustration and hopelessness? 2. In what ways do you see Joseph’s life foreshadow Jesus in his humiliation and exaltation? 3. Joseph’s time of suffering prepared him to be a blessing to others. How might this be happening in your own life?
Viewed 4139 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

The Lord of The Harvest Matthew 9:35-38 Summary: Today we will hear about our church’s call to be involved in reaching the lost with the Gospel of Jesus. Listen in our passage today for Jesus' compassion and love for people. Did you know He loves you this much? Let’s ask God to give us that kind of heart for others as well. 1. The kingdom work 2. The shepherd’s heart 3. The great potential 4. Praying in the harvest Discussion Questions: 1. How should this passage move you to go with the Gospel to the lost? What encourages you about Jesus’ heart? How does the potential of a plentiful harvest encourage you to go? 2. Who should you be praying about? Who might God be calling you to seek out? Who might just need that compassion from Jesus, through YOU? 3. How can you PRAY for more laborers this week?
Viewed 5917 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Genesis 48 May God Make You Like Ephraim and Manasseh Summary: Sometimes God works in ways that surprise us. In Genesis he has blessed people who were pretty underserving! But that is really good news for us, because we are unworthy too. Today listen as we talk about two boys: Ephraim and Manasseh, Joseph’s sons. Listen for God’s surprising grace! Outline: 1. We are unworthy outsiders whom God has made family 2. God’s blessings aren’t always what we expect 3. Pass the blessings down! Verse: Romans 5:8 But God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Discussion questions: 1. Have you ever seen what God was doing and it didn’t look like how it “should” be (a.k.a. how we want him to work)? How do we often react? 2. What did Jacob’s blessing mean for Ephraim and Manasseh? How has Jesus shown even better blessings to you? 3. How can you be a blessing this week by passing the blessings down to others? How can you be an agent of God’s covenant mercy to your kids or fellow Christians?
Viewed 4711 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Sermon Title: Called to Send and Suffer Text: Philippians 1:4-14, 4:10-20 Outline 1. What does partnership look like? 2. What is partnership for? 3. What does partnership require? Kids Bulletin Paul is a missionary who is traveling around the Mediterranean to spread the Gospel; however, he cannot do it alone. The Philippian church, despite their deep poverty, partnered with Paul from the beginning. Paul calls them to continue to give more, not because he needs more money; it is because he is thankful for the fruit of holiness and the reflection of Christ's self-giving that God has produced in them. Community Group Questions 1. How have we incorrectly viewed financially partnership with missionaries? How has Paul's perspective on financial partnership identified our own idols? 2. How does the generous giving of the Father and the missionary work of Jesus Christ give you new motivations for the ministry of sending? 3. How can your community group start to pursue partnership with other missionaries?
Viewed 4422 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God Meant it for Good Genesis 50 Summary: Have you ever been to a funeral? If you have, you know that there is often sadness, along with lots of memories of the person who died. Today in our last chapter of Genesis both Jacob and Joseph die. But in their death they show us that they trust God’s promises to the very end! Listen today for Joseph showing his faith in God’s plans when he says to his brothers:
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The Preaching of God’s Word: Zechariah 3:1-10; 6:9-15 Westminster Seminary Graduate Calvin Kim The Priest Who Would Be King Then he showed me Joshua the high priest standing before the angel of the LORD, and Satan standing at his right hand to accuse him. 2 And the LORD said to Satan, “The Lord rebuke you, O Satan! The Lord who has chosen Jerusalem rebuke you! Is not this a brand plucked from the fire?” 3 Now Joshua was standing before the angel, clothed with filthy garments. 4 And the angel said to those who were standing before him, “Remove the filthy garments from him.” And to him he said, “Behold, I have taken your iniquity away from you, and I will clothe you with pure vestments.” 5 And I said, “Let them put a clean turban on his head.” So they put a clean turban on his head and clothed him with garments. And the angel of the LORD was standing by. 6 And the angel of the LORD solemnly assured Joshua, 7 “Thus says the LORD of hosts: If you will walk in My ways and keep My charge, then you shall rule My house and have charge of My courts, and I will give you the right of access among those who are standing here. 8 Hear now, O Joshua the high priest, you and your friends who sit before you, for they are men who are a sign: behold, I will bring My servant the Branch. 9 For behold, on the stone that I have set before Joshua, on a single stone with seven eyes, I will engrave its inscription, declares the LORD of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of this land in a single day. 10 In that day, declares the LORD of hosts, every one of you will invite his neighbor to come under his vine and under his fig tree.” 9 And the word of the LORD came to me: 10 “Take from the exiles Heldai, Tobijah, and Jedaiah, who have arrived from Babylon, and go the same day to the house of Josiah, the son of Zephaniah. 11 Take from them silver and gold, and make a crown, and set it on the head of Joshua, the son of Jehozadak, the high priest. 12 And say to him, ‘Thus says the LORD of hosts, “Behold, the Man whose name is the Branch: for He shall branch out from His place, and He shall build the temple of the LORD. 13 It is He who shall build the temple of the LORD and shall bear royal honor, and shall sit and rule on His throne. And there shall be a priest on His throne, and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.”’ 14 And the crown shall be in the temple of the LORD as a reminder to Helem, Tobijah, Jedaiah, and Hen the son of Zephaniah. 15 “And those who are far off shall come and help to build the temple of the LORD. And you shall know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you. And this shall come to pass, if you will diligently obey the voice of the LORD your God.” Memory verse: Zechariah 6:13 It is He who shall build the temple of the LORD and shall bear royal honor, and shall sit and rule on His throne. And there shall be a priest on His throne, and the counsel of peace shall be between them both.
Viewed 1453 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Sermon Text: Psalm 77 Sermon Title: Meditating in Prayer on the Deeds and Silence of God Outline: 1) Distinctions for Israel from the thinking of the world 2) Distress for the Believer 3) Deliverance from the Distress Summary: Sometimes when life is very hard, we can be tempted to think that God has forgotten us. Psalm 77 shows us a man named Asaph who struggled with this. How did God help him? Let’s listen in as he remembers God’s powerful deliverance through the Red Sea and takes comfort that God will not forget His people. Verse: Psalm 77:13 Your way, O God, is holy. What god is great like our God? Discussion questions: 1. How does Psalm 77 describe his distress? What words might you use to describe trials you experience? 2. Have you ever felt like God has forgotten to be gracious (vv.8-9)? Why? How does the psalm writer help his own soul with this struggle? How can this help you? 3. How has God’s deliverance in vv 14-20 been accomplished even more powerfully for us today?
Viewed 4384 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

2 Corinthians 5:11-21 The Cross is the Power for Missions Summary: Have you ever wondered why we often say it is so important that we tell people about the saving power of Jesus? Maybe you have friends who aren’t Christians, but they seem to be nice people. Why should we tell them? We all need to be reconciled to God, and He does this only by Jesus’ death on the cross. And He gives the church (that’s all of us!) the joy of being his workers on earth, telling people the good news of what Jesus has done. Let’s think about it: Outline: 1. The judgment and love of Christ motivates our mission 2. The cross of Christ is the power of our message 3. God invites us to participate in His Gospel mission Verse: 2 Corinthians 5:21 For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God. Discussion Questions: 1. How does the future judgment motivate our mission as a church church? According to Paul, how does the love of Christ compel us in our mission? 2. How was Paul an ambassador for Christ? How might that apply to us today, even though we are not apostles like him? 3. How can you participate in God’s mission at home? Around the world?
Viewed 5405 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

2 Corinthians 4:7-18 The Resurrection is the Hope of Missions Summary: Have you ever told someone about Jesus but they didn’t respond? It is sad when that happens. What should motivate us keep telling people about Jesus, and even suffer rejection? Jesus promises that, because He rose from the dead, we can have hope of His final victory! Outline: 1. God uses our weakness and suffering to show the greatness of Jesus 2. We proclaim the Gospel to all nations because of the sure hope of the resurrection 3. Our future hope causes us to not lose heart as we suffer for God’s cause in the world Verse: 1 Corinthians 15:58 Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain. Discussion Questions: 1. How does the hope of Jesus’ resurrection give hope and certainty to our mission as a church? 2. How does the resurrection help Paul in his sufferings? How should it help you? 3. How can we live now in light of the future reality resurrection and glory with Jesus? How might that shape our thoughts about global missions?
Viewed 9789 times - Created inside Children and Babies.

1 Timothy 1:1-2 A True Child in the Faith Summary: What is the church supposed to be like? That is a big and important question. Today we start to study the letter of 1 Timothy. It is a letter that the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy, a younger pastor. As we study together, we'll hear some of the answers to the question,
Viewed 2992 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

The Acts of the Risen Christ Acts 1:1-11 Summary: Today in church we start reading and studying the book of Acts. Some of the great stories of Jesus building His church are in this wonderful book! Today we will see Jesus promise His little band of followers that He will send the Spirit to give them power for the mission to take His Gospel to all the world. Though Jesus ascended to heaven, He will never abandon us! Let’s think about it: Outline: The story of Acts will show us that: 1. The risen Jesus is reigning and ruling today 2. The Holy Spirit is at work in the church 3. Jesus has given us a mission to complete 4. Jesus is creating a worldwide people 5. We can have certainty and hope Verse: Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.”
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Acts 1:12-26 The Lord Provides Leaders Summary: From the earliest days of the church, God has cared for His people. Even in one of the darkest moments, when Judas betrayed Jesus, God was still working out his plan! Today we will see that God cared for his church to provide a new leader to replace Judas. God also calls us to obey Him and trust that He will never give up on His church! Let think about this more: Outline: 1. The marks of a dependent church 2. The rise of faithful leaders 3. The provision of a faithful God Discussion Questions: 1. What does this passage tell us about the priorities for God’s church? How do they show their dependence on God? How can prayer deepen your own dependence? 2. Why is it significant to see Jesus mother and brothers together with the disciples? 3. How does this passage show us the provision of God for the health of His church? How can this help you this week? Memory verse: All these with one accord were devoting themselves to prayer, together with the women and Mary the mother of Jesus, and His brothers.
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The Power of Jesus' Resurrection Philippians 3:7-11 Summary: Today is that great day when all God’s people remember and celebrate that Jesus is risen from the dead. He is Risen indeed! Sometimes you might wonder why it is so important that Jesus rose from the dead. What does that do for us? Today, let’s listen to find out: Outline: What does it mean to know the power of Jesus’ resurrection in your life? 1. Resurrection power to save us 2. Resurrection power to change us 3. Resurrection power to raise us from the dead Verse: Matthew 28:5-6 “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. 6 He is not here, for He has risen, as He said. Discussion Questions: 1. Why is it so important that Jesus rose from the dead? What does Paul tell us here? See also 1 Corinthians 15:12-23 for more on this. 2. How does Jesus’ resurrection give us power for new life today? See Romans 6:1-14 for more. 3. How might you be pursuing “self-salvation” or
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Text: 2 Corinthians 5:21 Title: Christ our Righteousness Our Contribution to our righteousness Christ’s Contribution to our righteousness Our response to being made righteous Questions for discussion 1) What does it mean that Christ became sin who knew no sin? 2) In what ways do you still try and contribute good works to your salvation? What sort of good works does this Sunday’s message call us to do? 3) How will you, your family, your community group change in response to this Sunday’s message? Summary for the kids bulletin: Do you wonder if you are good enough for God to love you? Do you ever wonder if you are following the rules enough for God to let you into heaven? Does that make you nervous? This Sunday we are going to hear from God’s word the amazing truth that Jesus became sin so that we don’t have to earn our way into heaven. That is truly good news, God’s love for you does not and will not change because Jesus gives you His perfect righteousness. Memory Verse: 2 Cor. 5:21 - For our sake he made him to be sin who knew no sin, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God
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Text: Isaiah 49:13-16 Title: Will God forget? The Context: Salvation and Suffering The Cry: Have you forgotten me? The Cross: God’s hopeful answer Memory Verse: Isaiah 49:15-16a Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you. Behold, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands… Summary: Have you ever been forgotten by your parents at school, church or the store? It is really scary! I can remember when I got lost in a store and I was all alone and I felt like there was no hope. I remember a time when I forgot one of my kids at school. When I pulled up there was a feeling of failure and my child felt betrayed. Israel was in a similar place as I was and my child was, they were taken away into captivity and were wondering did God forget us? There are some times when we feel like God has left us alone as well. But God tells Israel and us that He will never forget us, in fact he has engraved us on his hands. These hands are the hands of Christ, you are engraved on the hands of Christ! He will never forget you. This Sunday we will hear about Jesus’ love for us that gives us hope.
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Acts 2:1-13 Pentecostal Fire Summary: Today we get to learn about one of the most amazing days in the history of God’s people: the day of Pentecost, when God sent the power of His Holy Spirit upon his church. The question is, what happened that day, and what does it mean for us today? Let’s find out: Outline: The Day of Pentecost was: 1. The dawn of a new creation 2. The dawn of a new Exodus 3. The breaking of an ancient curse 4. Should we expect Pentecost today? Verse: Acts 2:38 And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Discussion questions: 1. Why did God send His Spirit on the day of Pentecost? What did it produce? What was the significance of the Spirit coming in wind and fire? Why was it significant that they believers began speaking in tongues? 2. Should we expect that the events of Pentecost should or do still happen today? Why or why not? Why might this be a unique, unrepeatable event? 3. How does the Day of Pentecost show you the faithfulness of Jesus (see 2:22-33) to complete his mission and care for his church?
Viewed 5172 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Acts 2:1-13 Pentecostal Fire Summary: Today we get to learn about one of the most amazing days in the history of God’s people: the day of Pentecost, when God sent the power of His Holy Spirit upon his church. The question is, what happened that day, and what does it mean for us today? Let’s find out: Outline: The Day of Pentecost brought: 1. God’s presence with His people 3. The breaking of an ancient curse 4. Power to complete the mission Verse: Acts 2:38 And Peter said to them, “Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. Discussion questions: 1. Why did God send His Spirit on the day of Pentecost? What did it produce? What was the significance of the Spirit coming in wind and fire? Why was it significant that they believers began speaking in tongues? 2. Should we expect that the events of Pentecost should or do still happen today? Why or why not? Why might this be a unique, unrepeatable event? 3. How does the Day of Pentecost show you the faithfulness of Jesus (see 2:22-33) to complete his mission and care for his church?
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Lord and Christ Acts 2:14-41 Summary: Have you ever had doubts or wondered if all this stuff about Jesus is really true? All of us struggle with doubt at times. On the Day of Pentecost in Acts 2, many people did not believe, so Peter explained to them that the powerful work of the Holy Spirit, and the resurrection of Jesus both proved that Jesus is Lord and Savior! Today, if you doubt, let’s listen to God’s word for help: Outline: 1. The gift of the Holy Spirit is proof that Jesus is Christ 2. The resurrection is proof that Jesus is the Christ 3. What shall we do? Call on the name of Jesus, repent and be baptized. Verse: Acts 2:36 Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.” Questions: 1. Do you struggle with doubt about the truth of the Bible and Christianity? What doubts do you have? How did Peter’s sermon in Acts 2 address people’s doubts about the coming of the Holy Spirit? 2. How does Peter seek to persuade people about the truth of Jesus’ identity as the Messiah? How does he use the Old Testament Scriptures in his sermon? How might this help us in our own doubts? 3. Peter was speaking to Jews who believed their Old Testaments. How might this translate into our culture today, as we seek to show Christ to unbelievers? How is it different, or similar?
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Life in the Family of Faith Acts 2:42-47 Summary: Do you know what it means to be devoted to something or someone? When someone gets married, they promise to be devoted to their spouse - meaning they are glad to love only that person and give time and effort to their marriage. When the early church in Acts learned and believed in Jesus and saw all He had done for them, they were devoted to a whole new life of devotion. What does it look like to be devoted to Jesus? Let’s look and see: Outline: 1. A learning church 2. A worshipping church 3. A loving church 4. A praying church 5. A magnetic church Verse: Acts 2:42 And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. Discussion questions: ·1. What are the characteristics of the early Christians in Acts 2:42-47? What was the result in their community? What was the result in their witness? 2. What parts of the early church’s life in this passage was unique to them? Why? What things do we share in common with them today? What is different about our context? 3. What would it look like for YOU to have a life devoted to Jesus? How does that compare to the devotion of the early church, and how might this text shape our own devotion? 4. Read Mark 10:45 and Philippians 2:1-11. How does the work of Christ shape our life together?
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Walking and Leaping and Praising God Acts 3:1-10 Summary: Our God is mighty and powerful and good! Today we get to see a picture of his goodness and might as he gives Peter the power to heal a man who cannot walk. The man’s response is perfect! He gets up and walks and leaps and praises God!! I think we might do the same if we were him. But we have reason to jump for joy and praise God too! Let’s think about it: Outline 1. A better gift 2. A powerful name 3. A perfect response Verse: Acts 3:8 And leaping up, he stood and began to walk, and entered the temple with them, walking and leaping and praising God. Discussion Questions: 1. Why is it important to see that the disciples were at the temple during the hour of prayer? 2. Should should this story lead us to expect miracles like this today? Why or why not? What was the original purpose of this miracle? 3. Why was it perfect for this man to respond as he did? What about Jesus’ might and goodness and power might move you to the same response?
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Hope for Restoration Acts 3:-11-26 Summary: Remember last week when God used Peter to heal a man whose legs didn’t work? It was an amazing miracle. But it wasn’t Peter’s power - it was Jesus’ power. And it was a little preview for us: one day God will do away with all sickness and sin and all the ways our bodies and our world don’t work right. What a day that will be! Let’s listen in and think more about it: Outline: 1. A promised Savior heals our true sickness 2. A call to repentance 3. A promise of relief and restoration Verse: Acts 3:13a The God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, the God of our fathers, glorified his servant Jesus... Discussion Questions: 1. What about Peter’s sermon helps you to understand the flow of the Bible’s story? Why does Peter show the people that all the prophets have “proclaimed this days?” What is the heart of that story? 2. What does Peter promise that God will do for those who repent (v. 19-21)? What does he mean by “times of refreshing” and the “restoring of all things?” Why are those so important to his hearers? How does it relate to the miracle they have just witnessed? 3. How does the hope of refreshing and final restoration help you today?
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Are You Afraid? - Romans 8:18-30
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Acts 4:1-22 We Cannot But Speak Summary: There are times in the Christian life when we will be treated badly because of our love for Jesus and witness for Him. That might take different forms: We may be laughed at, or people try to silence us. In some cases there can be real danger. Some Christians have been arrested or even killed for seeking to tell people about Jesus. But today let’s learn from the book of Acts about such tough times. Even when people resist the truth of the Gospel, God’s Word is not imprisoned! Outline: 1. Have hope, because God’s Word is unchained 2. Have conviction, because Jesus’ name is the only power for salvation 3. Have courage, because when hostility rises, we must obey God rather than men Verse: Acts 4:12 12 And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” Discussion Questions: 1. Where do you see opposition to the Gospel in the world? In your own sphere? When are you most tempted to remain silent instead of speak to people about the saving power of Jesus? 2. How does Peter speak about the exclusivity of the Gospel in his defense? (See 4:12). Why is this so hard for people to hear today? How can we speak with love and truth about this when people ask “Aren’t there many sincere paths to heaven?” 3. How can this passage give you encouragement this week to speak about Jesus to people?
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Mark 2:1-17 Son your sins are forgiven Summary: Jesus won’t be taken on our terms. He doesn’t act in ways that are safe or that we expect. Jesus sees the needs of his people and acts in ways that are shocking but are best for those people. Jesus isn’t tame. This Sunday we are going to hear about a miracle that Jesus did that was totally unexpected, he forgives and then heals. Jesus acts beyond all expectations! Outline: 1. Unexpected Declaration 2. Unexpected Miracle 3. Unexpected Call 4. Unexpected Community 5. Unexpected Results Memory Verse: 2:17b sounds great Discussion Questions: Why does Jesus forgive the paralytic’s sins first and then heal his body? How did this confront the expectations of the people gathered? The text says that Jesus saw their faith, and then that Jesus perceived the scribes spirits. Why does Mark draw this contrast between these two groups? How does this passage change the way you look at those who suffer around you? How does it move you toward evangelism?
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Acts 4:23-31 Pray for Gospel Boldness Summary: have you ever wondered why you should pray to God? Do you ever feel like he doesn’t hear, or maybe doesn’t even care? The disciples in Acts 4 were desperate. They had been threatened with punishment if they kept talking about Jesus! They may have been afraid. What do they do? They pray! The prayed because God is in control, even when He seems distant and the troubles seem big. Let’s think about it more and learn to call on our powerful God: Outline: Because of God’s power and promises, we can pray: 1. With certainty, because all is under God’s sovereign plan 2. With courage, asking God for the strength to continue His mission 3. With expectation that God will answer Verse: Acts 4:31 And when they had prayed, the place in which they were gathered together was shaken, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and continued to speak the word of God with boldness. Discussion questions: 1. How would you characterize your prayer life? Strong? Weak? Intermittent? Why do you think that is? 2. In their desperation, the disciples turned to God in prayer. What are the prominent features of their prayer? Why do they quote from Psalm 2? 3. How should Jesus’ sovereign reign (see all of Psalm 2) help our prayers, especially when we face people who are against Christ? 4. How might God want to change your prayer life this week?
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Acts 4:32-37 A Loving Community Summary: What does it look like when God’s Spirit begins to shape an entire church? Today we will see how the Gospel and the Spirit at work shape us into a loving and generous community that shows the grace of God to the world. Let’s pray today that God would continue this good work in us! Outline: The power of the Gospel in the community of faith should produce: 1. A profound love 2. A powerful testimony 3. A generous spirit Verse: Acts 4:33 And with great power the apostles were giving their testimony to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus, and great grace was upon them all. Discussion Questions: What are the key characteristics of this community in Acts 4? What does it mean to be “of one heart and soul?” Acts 5:4 shows us that they did not all sell every possession. So what might it mean that they had everything in common and did not believe their possessions were their own? What would that look like for you? What hinders your own generosity the most? What fuels the generosity of the church in this account? (See especially v. 33 - “great grace…
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1 Timothy 3:1-7 God's Leaders: The Elder Summary: God has given many gifts to the church, and one of them are her leaders. Being an elder or pastor in the church is not easy, and not everyone is called to do it. But it is also a role of joy to serve God's people. Let's listen today to learn what God thinks of elders: Outline: What is an elder in the church of Jesus? 1. He is a man who is called 2. He is a man of character 3. He is a man of conviction 4. He is a man who is capable Verse: 1 Timothy 3:1 The saying is trustworthy: If anyone aspires to the office of overseer, he desires a noble task. Discussion questions: 1. Why do you think Paul gives such a detailed set of criteria for those who serve as elders in the church? What is at stake? 2. What should this set of qualifications do in YOU, even if you are not called to be an elder? 3. With such a high set of qualifications, how should this shape our search for elders at NCPC? Will you commit to pray for this process at our church?
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Acts 5:1-11 You Don’t Need to Pretend Summary: Sometimes it is fun to pretend. Some of our favorite games are the ones where we imagine we are someone else! Today in Acts 5 we will see two people who pretend, but it is not a game. Sadly Ananias and Sapphira lie to God and the apostles and pretend they are being more generous than they really are. The punishment is swift. But today we can know that the Gospel of Jesus frees our hearts from having to pretend! We cannot hide from God, and don’t need to. God can set us free from our pride and greed and free us up to be truly generous. Let’s think about it: Outline: 1. The danger: It is possible to pretend…for a time 2. The awesome truth: You cannot hide from God 3. The Gospel: Jesus can set you free from from hypocrisy and greed Verse: Luke 12:15 And he said to them, “Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.” Discussion Questions: Spend a few minutes contrasting Barnabas with Ananias and Sapphira. What differences do you see? What hinders your own generosity the most? What fuels the generosity of the church in this account? (See especially 4:33) How can this help you? Make concrete plans to stir up your own and/or your family's generosity in 2017. “Is your confidence in God’s grace mingled with a healthy fear of His holiness? Have the twin truths that he searches hearts and forgives the guilty set you free to drop the masks by which you have tried to enhance your image?” (Dennis Johnson, Let's Study Acts).
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1 Kings 19:1-18 Title:
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Text: 2 Cor. 3 Title: Unveiled Faces 1. The Veil that Separated 2. The Veil was Lifted 3. Beholding God with Unveiled Faces 4. Living life with Freedom Questions How does the New Covenant surpass the Old Covenant? (Compare and Contrast them using the Apostle Paul’s terms.) How do you still live like there is a veil that separates you from God? What things need to change in your life to allow you to live in freedom before God? To live generously with the Church and Others? To build humility into your life? To endure through suffering? Kids Bulletin Have you ever wondered what it would be like to see God? I think it would be one of the coolest things that could ever happen. In the Old Testament Moses got so see God, and his face glowed. It scared the people of Israel because they saw a reflection of the holiness of God. So, they told him to put a veil over his face because they saw the glory of God. When Jesus came he removed that veil from everyone who believes so that they can behold the glory of God. This Sunday, we are going to talk about how this changes everything! Memory Verse: Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (2 Cor. 3:17)
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Acts 5:12-16 A Community of Power Summary: Today’s Bible passage from Acts is all about POWER. We use and need power all the time. But the power here in Acts is all about the power of GOD at work, God’s spiritual power to heal and save and strengthen His church. During these days God was doing powerful acts of healing and saving as part of growing His church. What does God’s power look like today in the church? Let’s listen and find out: Outline: 1. The power of God to heal 2. The power of God to save 3. The power of God in persecution Verse: Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel, for it is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes... Discussion Questions: 1. What is the purpose of al the signs and wonders happening here in Acts? Should we expect God to work in the same way today? Why or why not? 2. What were the various responses to the power of God at work in this passage? How do you see those same responses today? Who is in your life who needs to hear the Gospel? 3. Why is it so tempting for us to backdown in the face of persecution? How does this passage give us confidence in our witness?
Viewed 5156 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Acts 13:1-12 The First Missionary Journey Summary: Our church sends and supports many missionaries around the world. It is exciting to be part of God’s mission to reach the whole world for Christ! Today we will see the very first missionaries sent out from the church in Acts 13. Let’s look and see how God calls missionaries, and how he saves people through their labors: The point today: Our great Savior Jesus calls missionaries by His Spirit, through the church, to bring the nations to Himself. Outline: 1. God’s missionary call - The Spirit and the church 2. God’s superior power: The Master vs. the magician Verse: Acts 13:2 While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy Spirit said, “Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work to which I have called them.” Discussion Questions: 1. Have you ever felt an inward call to missions? Have you ever prayed and asked God for direction on how to be involved in His missionary work around the world? 2. How were Saul and Barnabas called and sent off to their missionary work? How should that influence how NCPC does missions? 3. How does God’s power triumph over Satan’s power in Elymas the magician? What do we see in this passage that helps us understand the Gospel more?
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Acts 4:17-42 Worthy to Suffer Dishonor For the Name Summary: There are people in the world today who suffer greatly for their faith and love for Jesus. God’s people have always experienced some form of dishonor and rejection from the rest of the world - Jesus told us to expect it if we belong to Him! Today in Acts we will see this happening to the church, and yet they are not discouraged by it! They rejoice to be counted worthy to suffer for the sake of Jesus! How can this be? Let’s think about it more, and hopefully get a glimpse into the joy of knowing Jesus more: Outline: When we suffer dishonor for the name of Jesus, we should ask: 1. What shall we say? 2. Whom should we obey? 3. Where is our joy? Verse: Acts 5:41 Then they left the presence of the council, rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer dishonor for the name. Discussion Questions: 1. How is the church suffering here in Acts? How is it happening today in the world? In your own life? 2. What is Peter’s sermon all about in this moment? Why is he always preaching this similar sermon? How can this help you when you face dishonor for Christ? 3. Are there any places in your life where you “must obey God rather than men?” How do you know when it is right to disobey the rulers over you? 4. Why are they rejoicing to be counted worthy to suffer for the name of Jesus? Why would that be a cause for joy for them, or for you?
Viewed 5441 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

A Tale of Three Angels Acts 12 Summary: Today I want you to imagine being in prison like Peter, and being met in the night and rescued by one of God’s mighty angels. What a night that must have been! Peter was in prison for preaching about Jesus, but God cannot be stopped! Let’s listen to this powerful story and see why God’s power is still unstoppable today. Outline 1. The angel of mercy 2. The unexpected angel 3. The angel of death Verse: Psalm 34:7 The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and delivers them. Discussion questions: 1. Peter was delivered from death at the eleventh hour. How could that powerful rescue from God encourage you today? 2. Why do you think the disciples were so surprised to see Peter? How might we pray for things and then be shocked when God answers? 3. The deliverance of Peter and the judgment upon Herod are both powerful testimonies to God’s unstoppable purpose and care for His church. Where do you see the evidence of that today in the church? In your own life?
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Acts 6:1-7 Spirit Empowered Servants Summary: There are times when we see people in need of some of the things we take for granted, like food, clothing and a home. Something much like this happened in the days of the Apostles. Many widows (women whose husbands had died) were going hungry daily. What did the church do? They choose faithful men to serve and meet this need, much like our own deacons do today. As we care for those in need, we get to show the love of Jesus to people! How can you show love and mercy like Jesus? Let’s think about it: Outline: 1. The struggle: the Body of Christ finds people not receiving care 2. The solution: the Body of Christ chooses servants of mercy 3. The success: The Body of Christ shows God’s mercy to the World Verse: Psalm 146:9 The Lord watches over the sojourners; he upholds the widow and the fatherless, but the way of the wicked he brings to ruin. Discussion questions: Consider this description of Jesus: “Jesus of Nazareth, a man who was a prophet mighty in deed and word before God and all the people…” (Luke 24:19). What does this tell us about the fullness of Jesus’ ministry? How should that be reflected in the church’s ministry? Where are you seeking to meet needs and dispense mercy today? Where can you begin this week? Make a plan – perhaps a plan that involves your whole family.
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God Rescues His People -- Acts 7:1-53 Summary: Today we look again at a man named Stephen, whom God used as a preacher and a witness for Jesus and His Gospel. We will see Stephen on trial, speaking before the Jewish rulers. He boldly speaks about God’s truth to them, and in the end they kill him for it! But God cares for His servants, even in times like this. Let’s listen in: Outline: 1. The warning: Don’t resist God’s prophets 2. The encouragement: Return to God and He will always forgive Verse: 1 Kings 8:27 “But will God indeed dwell on the earth? Behold, heaven and the highest heaven cannot contain You...
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Sermon Text: 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 Sermon Title: God of all comfort Summary: Suffering is never fun. Whether we are suffering because we are sick or because something bad has happened to us, we don’t like to go through suffering. Many times when we suffer we can question whether or not God cares for us. But what God wants us to know and to experience is the comfort of Christ who was a man of suffering. Listen this week as God tells you He loves you and is with you to give you comfort in your suffering. Outline: 1. God cares for you in your suffering 2. God has a purpose for your suffering 3. God is reliable in your suffering Memory Verse: 2 Corinthians 1:7 (ESV) Our hope for you is unshaken, for we know that as you share in our sufferings, you will also share in our comfort. Questions 1. What sort of suffering typically causes you to despair and doubt God’s goodness toward you? Why? 2. How are you tempted to trust in yourself to figure your way out of the suffering instead of turning to Christ? 3. What are some ways Christ has met you with comfort in the middle of your suffering? How can you help point other people to Christ in the middle of their suffering?
Viewed 5935 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Dying to the Glory of God Acts 7:54-8:4 Summary: Today we see the death of a goodly man, Stephen in the book of Acts. Last week there were two funerals in our church. Whenever someone dies, it should remind us that for Christians death not to be feared. It is a doorway we walk through to be with Jesus! Stephen knew this in his life and it gave him courage in his death. How can that future give you courage today? Outline: 1. For the Christian, death is a window to see Jesus 2. For the Christian, death is a doorway to join Jesus 3. For the Christian death can be a mirror to reflect Jesus 4. For God, terrible evil can be turned to a greater purpose Verse: Acts 7:56 And he said, “Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God.” Discussion questions: 1. Read Acts 7:54-8:4. What do you see about God’s enemies vs. Stephen? How does their rage compare with Stephen’s character? 2. Why is it significant that heaven opens and Stephen sees Jesus standing at the right hand of God? Why might God have done this? Why is it signifiant that Jesus is standing? 3. How can this passage help you as you consider death? As you think about facing persecution int this world? How might it encourage you to know that Jesus stands ready to vindicate and receive his saints at their death? How does this knowledge help Stephen in the very end? (See verse 60). What might that look like in your life?
Viewed 6731 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Acts 8:5-25 You Can’t Buy God’s Power Summary: Have you ever wanted to be popular or liked by others? Has it ever led you to do something you should not? Today we learn about a man in the Bible named Simon who loved the praise of people. He did magic and people were amazed by him. But when real power from God was shown through a man named Philip, it revealed Simon’s heart- he wanted the praise of people more than he wanted Jesus! Let’s think about it more: Outline: 1. Stand in awe of God and His power 2. Beware of the temptation to use God to pursue our own greatness 3. Attempt great things for God, to bring glory to God Verse: Psalm 62:11-12a 11 Once God has spoken; twice have I heard this: that power belongs to God, 12 and that to you, O Lord, belongs steadfast love. Discussion Questions: 1. How was Simon tempted to buy God’s power? What did that reveal about his spiritual condition? How might we be tempted to control or manipulate God for our own benefit? 2. How was Simon corrupted by a pursuit of power? What might the desire for power, greatness or influence be dangerous for you? 3. How we might be amazed and taken in by supernatural experience more than amazed by Jesus and the glory of His grace?
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Acts 8:26-40 The Good News About Jesus Summary: Today, take a look around at church and see all there people from different backgrounds and cultures. Everyone has a unique story. It is beautiful to see God drawing people to Himself from many backgrounds! Today let’s listen to Acts 8 as Philip brings the Good News about Jesus to a new culture - a man from Ethiopia. God can also use you to tell people about Jesus! Outline: 1. When sharing the Gospel, follow God’s call to the nations 2. When sharing the Gospel, look for Jesus in every part of the Bible 3. When sharing the Gospel, give the good news of Jesus’ death and resurrection Verse: Acts 8:32 Like a sheep he was led to the slaughter and like a lamb before its shearer is silent, so he opens not his mouth. Discussion Questions: 1. What does this passage show us about God’s heart for the nations? For those who may feel like they are too far from God to receive grace? Do you feel that way, or do you know someone who feels that way? 2. How should Philip’s use of the Scriptures show us how to read the Bible in a Christ centered way? What does Isaiah 53 shows us about Christ that is so crucial to sharing the Gospel? 3. Who can you begin to pray for and seek to share the Gospel with this week? How can this passage guide your evangelism? Consider sharing this with your group to pray and hold you accountable.
Viewed 5074 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Acts 9:1-19 Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners Summary: Do you know and pray for someone who is not a Christian? Do you ever wonder if God will ever break through and save them? Many people might have doubted that the Apostle Paul would ever come to faith in Jesus. But God’s sovereign grace and power can break through to reach anyone! Today we get to see Jesus powerfully meet Saul (Paul) with His grace. And it shows us that no one is beyond God’s power to save! Outline: 1. Radical rebellion 2. Sovereign grace 3. Total transformation Verse: 1 Timothy 1:15 This is a faithful saying and worthy of all acceptance, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am chief. Discussion questions: 1. How would you describe Paul before Jesus met him on the road to Damascus? How would you describe your own life before Christ? 2. How does God break through to bring Paul to himself? Though we might not be struck blind and hear Jesus audibly, how does this passage help us understand God’s sovereign grace in salvation? How did he meet you? 3. Who is in your life that God has not yet saved? Have you possibly lost hope that God would reach them? How can this passage give you hope? How can you begin or renew pray for the lost in your life?
Viewed 5589 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Psalm 73 Does it Pay to Serve God? Summary: Sometimes life seems backwards to us. It seems like those who do wrong are not punished, and those who do right suffer. Sometimes it seems like those who rebel against God prosper, while being a Christian brings hardship! Does the Bible help us understand this! Yes! Let's look to Psalm 73 for help: Outline: 1. Confusion 2. Clarity 3. Comfort Verse: Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is nothing on earth that I desire besides You. My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. (Psalm 73:25-26) Discussion Questions: 1. What are some ways in which you see the wicked prospering in your world? 2. How are you tempted to envy them? 3. Think of a time when you’ve given into the temptation to live like those who don’t believe. How would this Psalm and the hope described in it have impacted your decisions in that situation? 4. Read 1 Peter 2:21-25. How does Christ’s response during his suffering help us understand how we ought to navigate trials?
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Acts 9:19-31 Counting the Cost in a New Life Summary: Have you ever started something new? A new school, a new neighborhood, or a new city? Every time we start over or start something new, it comes with new fears and struggles, but also new joys and adventures. Saul (Paul) in Acts 9 begins a whole new life as a Christian. For him all the zeal to punish Christians becomes zeal to tell people about Jesus and His Gospel! But it also comes with new struggles. Let’s think about how our life as Christians is like this: Outline: 1. The new life brings a new calling 2. The new life brings new suffering 3. The new life brings a new family Verse: 2 Timothy 3:12 Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted… Discussion Questions: 1. How does Saul’s life radically change after the Damascus road experience? How would you describe his new calling? What is the calling you have as a Christian and how is it similar or different? 2. How did Saul suffer in these early days as a Christian? How can you be prepared to suffer for Christ in our day? Where have you experienced it? How has the prospect of suffering for Christ affected your actions as a Christian? 3. How does Saul press in to be part of the family of God in his first days as Christian? Are you seeking to “live in community” at NCPC? Why or why not?
Viewed 6732 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Acts 10 God Shows No Partiality…and Neither Should We (AKA Bacon Sandwiches and Global Fellowship... :) Summary: Have you ever been tempted to avoid someone just because they were so different from you? Sometimes it is hard to be friends with people who come from a different culture or background. But we have to be careful not to look down on someone else just because they are not like us. Today we will see how Jesus’ perfect sacrifice breaks down all the barriers between people and creates one Body in Him. Listen today to the story of Cornelius, an unlikely person whom God saved by His grace: Outline: 1. Examine your heart: Do not call common what God has made clean 2. Prepare to GO: God is drawing people to Himself from the nations 3. Believe in Jesus: He is the true cleansing for ALL people 4. Rejoice at God’s work: The Holy Spirit makes us one body Verse: Acts 10:43b
Viewed 4196 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Do Not Stand in God’s Way! Acts 11:1-18 Summary: Today we learn how God’s free grace in salvation should change us. His grace saves, His grace brings people together, and His grace should make us praise Him. Today, listen to how God gives His grace to people from all different cultures: Outline: 1. God’s free grace among the nations should break down barriers between people 2. God’s free grace among the nations should fuel our worship Verse: Acts 13:47 ...I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth. Discussion questions: 1. How do you see God moving in the world today? How might you be tempted to be critical or make judgments about other groups who are sharing the Gospel? What dangers should we guard against here? 2. How was God breaking down barriers between people in this passage? What might it have been like for new Gentile Christians and Jewish Christians to develop fellowship in those early days? How might we also encounter similar struggles or joys today? 3. How should this account lead us to understand the free grace of the Gospel better? (see esp vv 17-18) How should it shape our worship?
Viewed 4347 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Gladness and Grace in God’s Global Work Acts 11:19-30 Summary: Today we get to hear more in Acts about the Gospel coming to new cities, this time a place called Antioch. We’ll see a faithful God saving people, and sending servants like Barnabas and Saul to teach them. This is the first city where believers in Jesus were called Christians! Let’s listen in and hear about God’s great work: Outline: 1. A faithful God 2. A faithful servant 3. A faithful people Verse: Acts 11:26b ...For a whole year they met with the church and taught a great many people. And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians. Discussion questions: 1. How is God’s faithful hand at work in different ways in this passage? How did God bring the Gospel to them? How do you see him at work in our city? 2. How does Luke describe Barnabas? How did God use him in Antioch? Why might this be significant for us? 3. How did the Gospel shape these new Christians in Antioch? What are the effects of Jesus’ work in them?
Viewed 4255 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Sermon Text: John 13:1 Sermon Title: Immeasurable Love Points 1. Immeasurable Love 2. Unending Love 3. The gift of Love Summary: What do you want for Christmas? You may want a video game, or some clothes, a book or if you are like me just some time with your family. We are all looking forward to opening our gifts and feeling the love that comes with gift giving. This Sunday we will hear about the best gift of all time, the never ending love that Jesus has for us. This love moved Jesus to be borne as a man so that he could die for us and it should move us to love one another. Memory Verse: John 13:1b Having loved his own who were in the world, he loved them to the end. Question: How do you see Jesus’ love for you this Christmas season? How can you show Jesus’ love to others this Christmas season?
Viewed 4170 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Acts 13:13-52 Preaching Christ Summary: Today we get to listen in on Paul the Apostle as he tells the good news of Jesus to a group of people. We need to hear the good news of Jesus dying and rising to forgive our sins, just like they did! Let’s listen in and hear again of all that God has done to save us. Outline: To reach people for Christ, Paul preached: 1. The history: God promised a Savior would come 2. The focus: Jesus died and rose to justify us before God 3. The call: do not reject God’s Messiah 4. The response: God is calling some, while others walk away Verse: Acts 13:23 Of this man’s offspring God has brought to Israel a Savior, Jesus, as he promised. Discussion questions: 1. What would you want to include in any presentation of the Gospel that you give? Why? What did Paul see as vital? 2. How does Paul show that salvation is by grace and not by works in this sermon? 3. Why does Luke tell us that “as many as were appointed too eternal life believed”? Why is that important for our evangelism? Who can you pray for and speak to about the Gospel this week?
Viewed 4733 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Acts 14 Suffering and Fruit Summary: In the days of the Apostle Paul, sharing the Gospel of Jesus was often dangerous business. Today we see in Acts 14 how he was violently opposed and his enemies tried to kill him by stoning him (a terrible way to die!). But Paul survived and boldly continue to tell of God’s grace. There are still places in the world where it is dangerous to be a Christian. But even when we aren’t in danger like that, we should still ask: How can God give me courage and use even my suffering to share Jesus with the world? Outline: You can have courage and even willingness to suffer for Christ, because He suffered before you, and promises to build His church through you. 1. Proclaim the Gospel 2. Share in the sufferings of Christ 3. Trust God’s care for His church Verse: Acts 14:22b…
Viewed 4768 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 7:37-39 Living Water Summary: Do you know what is like to be true thirsty - even dehydrated? It happened to me once - I got sick (a lot!) and ended up in the hospital. It wasn’t fun! In John 7 Jesus is at a great Jewish feast (the Feast of Booths), and says “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink…” What did he mean? We are all spiritually thirsty people, and Jesus himself promises us Living Water so our spiritual thirst can be satisfied. But what does that mean? Let’s listen in and see: 1. A universal thirst 2. A river of Living Water Verse: John 7:37 On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Discussion questions: 1. Why does Jesus say “if anyone is thirsty?” What are the things in this world that you hunger and thirst for other than God? 2. What does Jesus mean when he promises a river of living water coming out of our hearts? 2. How does Jesus fulfill the spiritual hunger and thirst in all of us? (Read also John 4:7-14, 6:35). How can you drink deeply from this fountain in 2018?
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Luke 14:15-24 -
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Daniel 10:1-11:1 -
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Acts 15:1-35 Preserving the Truth, Reaching The World Summary: Today we are back in Acts! We pick up the story with a time where God’s true Gospel is being questioned: are we really saved by faith in Jesus alone, or must we do works of the law to be loved by God? What do you think? Let’s look in God’s Word today and remember that God freely saves us through faith Jesus alone! Outline: 1. God preserves His Gospel 2. God rebuilds the ruins 2. God reaches the world Verse: Ephesians 2:8–9 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast. Discussion Questions: 1. What is the matter being debated by the church in Acts 15? Why is it important? How does this passage show us the place and mission of the church in controversy? 2. In the debate, why does James quote from Amos 9:11,12? 3. How is God “rebuilding the ruins” of people’s lives at NCPC to reach the nations for Christ? How can you be part of it in 2018?
Viewed 3518 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Title: Freedom to Share the Gospel Verse: Acts 1:8 Outline: I - Lev 11 - The limit II - Acts 1:8 - The bridge III - Acts 10 - Now possible IV - Your Jerusalem, Judea, and Samaria Verse: But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth. (Acts 1:8) Summary: Today we get to hear from missionary Mike Pettingill. Mike will share from Acts 1:8 about sharing Christ with others. Who do you know that needs to hear about God’s love? Discussion questions: 1. How does the promise of the Holy Spirit in Acts 1 help us today? How can we expect the power of the Spirit? How is it different or similar today? 2. How can this passage in Acts 1 give you hope for God’s cause in the world? How does it help you to know that Jesus is ascended and ruling and will return? 3. Who is in your life that you could pray for and share Christ with?
Viewed 4126 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Acts 18:18-28 "Strengthening the Disciples" Summary: Have you ever planted a garden? If so, you know that without a few important things, your garden won't last long. Plants need sunlight, and water or they will die! Like a garden, we need to be spiritually "watered" as well. Today we will see how God uses people (like Paul and others) to give spiritual help and encouragement to us so we can grow in grace. Let's think about it together: Outline: God uses people to water the seeds of the Gospel in our hearts, so He can grow and use us for His kingdom: 1. Paul waters, where he has planted 2. Apollos is watered, so he can be used 3. Apollos waters, and God causes the growth Verse: 1 Corinthians 3:6 6 I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. Discussion Questions: 1. How does God cause spiritual growth in us? What are the various ways? 2. Who has God used in your life to water the seeds of the Gospel? Do you have anyone who is pouring into you? What might happen over time without this in your life? 3. How could God use you to water the seeds of the Gospel in someone else's life?
Viewed 4009 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Acts 15:36-41 Beauty In the Messes of this Life (let’s go with this updated title) Summary: Can you remember the last time you had an argument with someone? Sometimes we have disagreements and it is hard to love each other. But The gospel is powerful to bring peace and God is sovereign even over our struggles with each other. Let's listen today as Paul and Barnabas have a similar struggle: 1. Even godly people can make messes 2. God makes something beautiful out of our mess. Verse: Romans 12:10 Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Discussion questions: 1. What is the cause for the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas? Can we tell who is right and who is wrong? 2. How did God sovereignly make something beautiful out of the disagreement between these two leaders? How can God do that in your life? 3. What disagreements or strife are you currently encountering? How can the power of Jesus in the Gospel work to bring peace? Who do you need to reconcile with today?
Viewed 3435 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Ezekiel 37:1-14 When bones come to life 1. God’s Call 2. God’s Man 3. God’s People 4. God’s Message 5. God’s Power Kid’s Bulletin Summary: Have you ever seen a skeleton? Maybe it was around Halloween, on TV, or in your science class. What are they? Nothing but bones! Can bones do anything? No! Without someone or something moving them all they do is lay in a pile on the ground. In this weeks sermon we are going to hear how the people of God are like a big pile of bones, and yet, God calls a man, to deliver a message to those bones, and they come to life! Now, don’t get me wrong, it had nothing to do with the man, it has everything to do with the God who sends him. We get to install Pastor Mike this week, God has called him to serve NCPC, to bring to NCPC the message of resurrection life! Scripture Memory: Ephesians 2:4–6
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Mark 1:40-45 Willing and Able Sermon Outline: I. The leper's corruption from his disease. II. Jesus' compassion for the unclean. III. Jesus' commitment to his mission. Discussion Questions: 1. How does Jesus bring healing to all the ways that I might see myself as the leper? 2. Do I really believe that Jesus is willing to make me wholly clean? How might that affect the way I approach him this week? 3. Who are those whom I often regard as a leper? What would it look like to show the love of Jesus to them? Kid's Bulletin: When your hands are dirty, everything else you touch becomes dirty. Maybe you've left dirty hand prints around the house before! Today's sermon is about a man with a skin disease called leprosy that made him unclean, and everything he touched also became unclean. But then Jesus touches him; does Jesus also become unclean? No! Listen to hear how Jesus heals and makes the leper clean instead. Memory Verse: 1 John 1:9 - If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Viewed 3970 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Acts 16:1-15 Come Over and Help Us Summary: Have you ever been to another country? It can be exciting, and scary to visit a new place! Paul the apostle traveled to many different places, all to preach the Good News about Jesus to the world. And God calls us to be a missionary church as well, to take the Gospel around the world. Let’s see how God saved people through Paul’s ministry: Outline: 1. The Holy Spirit raises up Gospel workers 2. The Holy Spirit guides our mission 3. The Holy Spirit opens people’s hearts to be saved Verse: Acts 16:9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night: a man of Macedonia was standing there, urging him and saying, “Come over to Macedonia and help us.” Discussion Questions: 1. Why did Paul circumcise Timothy? Why would he do this after the Jerusalem council said this is not necessary for salvation? How might this inform our thoughts about evangelism and missions? 2. How does Jesus sovereignly guide in this passage? How should this work of God’s Spirit influence and shape the way we think about missions? 3. How might you be involved in the church’s mission to the nations this year?
Viewed 3510 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Acts 16:16-40 Believe in the Lord Jesus Summary: Have you ever been to JAIL?? Ok, hopefully not, but I am sure that prison is not a nice place! In our sermon today we will hear about Paul and Silas being beaten badly and then put in prison, all for preaching the Gospel of Jesus. Do you think they were mad? Sad? I might be. But they were up at night praying and singing hymns in jail! What would move them to respond with such praise? Let’s find out: Outline: 1. Worship in chains 2. The Word of life 3. The fruit of faith Verse: Acts 16:31 31 And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” Discussion Questions: 1. What enables Paul and Silas to sing and pray after being being and thrown into jail? Do you ever doubt if you could respond the same way? 2. Why is the question of the Philippian jailor so central, and how does Paul respond? 3 .What are the evidences of genuine faith in this man's life? How can they be cultivated in your own life as a response to the grace of God you’ve received?
Viewed 2979 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

1 Timothy 2:11-15 Men and Women in God's Church, Part 2 Summary: God a GOOD plan for His church! Today we'll listen again to Paul talk about God's plan for the church from 1 Timothy 2. Today we'll ask questions like this: What are women called to do in God's church? Who should preach? Who should be pastors? Let's listen and let God teach us today. Outline: 1. The discipleship role of women in God's church 2. The creation order that guides our ministry Verse: 1 Timothy 6:12a Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called... Discussion questions: 1. Why do you think the question of women's role in the church is such a divisive one? How has the church often misunderstood or misapplied the Bible's teaching about women's roles? 2. How does Paul and the New Testament actually elevate the status of women compared to the culture? How does the calling to learn with submissiveness apply to all people, not just men? 3. Why does Paul refer to the creation order to explain the unique roles of men and women? How can we as a church be even more faithful to the Bible's teaching on men's and women's roles?
Viewed 2508 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Acts 17:1-15 Noble Bereans Summary: Today we get to hear more about the journeys of Paul and his friends as they traveled from city to city telling the good news of salvation through Jesus. Some people refused to listen and tried to harm them, but others, like people in the city of Berea, responded with joy and faith, because God was working in their hearts. Let's think today about what it looks like when God is at work: Outline: 1. The great Gospel that Paul preached - all about Jesus 2. The pattern of unbelief - full of jealousy 3. The joy of true faith Verse: Acts 17:11b ...They received the word with all eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see if these things were so. Discussion Questions: 1. According to 17:2-3, how did Paul share the Gospel in each city? 2. What are the differences you see between the response of the Thessalonians and the Bereans in this passage? Why is that important for us to understand? 3. How could the greatness of the message that Paul proclaimed move you also to the kind of response the Bereans demonstrated?
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Acts 17:16-34 Mars Hill Summary: Today Paul's journey leads him to the city of Athens, where he sees something very troubling: he sees all sorts of idols to worship many false gods. What should he say? He tells them about the one true God and His Son Jesus! Let's listen in: Outline: Be provoked by the idols of this world Share Christ with the world Seek the one true God and you will find Him Verse: Acts 17:24 The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of heaven and earth, does not live in temples made by man... Discussion Questions: 1. What was Paul's reaction to the various idols in Athens? What might that look like in our culture today? What are the various idols in our context, and why or why aren't we
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I Have Many in this City Who Are My People Acts 18:1-17 Summary: Today we continue to hear of Paul's travels as a missionary for Jesus. I know it might be surprising to hear that Paul sometimes was afraid as he thought about his mission and the danger he faced! Have you ever felt afraid when speaking about Jesus to someone? Let's listen in today and hear God's promise of help along the way: Outline: Expect opposition where God has placed you Expect God’s help where He has placed you Expect God to work where He has placed You Love the city where God has placed you Verse: Acts 18:9b–10a...“Do not be afraid; keep on speaking, do not be silent. For I am with you... Discussion Questions: 1. Why do you think God came to Paul and encouraged him to not be afraid? What fears do you have about sharing Christ with others? 2. How does God's promise that
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Luke 24:1-12 Resurrection Wonder Summary: Welcome to Easter Sunday! Jesus is Risen! Today let's listen again to the story of Jesus' resurrection and why it matters so much: Outline: 1. Confusion and doubt 2. Wonder and worship 3. Resurrection power Verse: Luke 24: 5b-6a “Why do you seek the living among the dead? 6He is not here, but has risen.
Viewed 5219 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Text: Psalm 77 Title: Remembering Outline: I. Has God remembered me? II. Does God remember who he is? III. Remembering God's redeeming power IV. God remembers you in the storm Discussion Questions: - In times of grief and lament, who or what do I trust in? How does the cross and resurrection change my perspective? - How has God proven his steadfast love for you? How does that comfort you in the midst of despair? - The psalmist doesn't write that his situation gets any better. But what changes in the psalmist? How might God be transforming you in the midst of your circumstances? Kid's Bulletin and Memory Verse: Has someone ever forgotten about you before? Maybe they forgot to pick you up from school, or they didn't remember to invite you to a party. It's hard when people forget us. Sometimes we wonder if they really care about us. But God keeps remembering us even if it seems like he's not there. Listen to hear how he will always remember his promises to us because he's given us Jesus! Matthew 28:20b -
Viewed 3431 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Acts 19:1-20 The Great Gospel Takes Hold in a Great City, Part 1 Summary: Today as we join Paul again in his missionary journey, we get to see how the power of God and His Gospel take hold in a new city. What should we expect when God starts to move in a new place? Let’s think about it: Outline: What happens when the Gospel comes to a new place? 1. Jesus’ Spirit comes down 2. Jesus’ name is honored 3. Jesus’ Word prevails Verse: Acts 19:20 So the word of the Lord continued to increase and prevail mightily. Discussion questions: 1. What is the significance of the Holy Spirit coming down on these first people in Ephesus? What should we expect today when God moves in people’s hearts? 2. Why do we have this account of the sons of Sceva? How does it show us the power of God, even when a demon possessed person seems to gain the upper hand? 3. Discuss the response of the people in vv. 17-20. When “the name of Jesus is extolled” (v.17) and “the Word prevails mightily” (v.20) what should be the result in our lives? What might this look like for you?
Viewed 3429 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Acts 19:21-41 The Great Gospel Taking Hold in a Great City, Part 2 Summary: Today we get to continue to see God's amazing history of the Gospel going into all the world. In Ephesus Paul and his friends met fierce enemies of the Gospel, but God took care of them and they were able to bring the good news to many. What does that mean for us? Let's find out: Outline: 1. The Gospel challenges our idols 2. The Gospel draws the enemy's fire 3. The Gospel sometimes gets an unlikely defense Verse: Matthew 16:18b ....On this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Discussion Questions: 1. What is the substance of Demetrius' accusation against Paul in this chapter? Is it accurate? What might happen in our city if God broke through people's idolatry on a massive scale like this? 2. How does God enable Paul to continue to minister in Ephesus? How does God sometimes use unbelievers to keep His Gospel going out? 3. What idols might God want to shatter in your life? Pray with someone about this this week.
Viewed 3979 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Saving Eutychus Acts 20:1-12 Summary: Have you ever fallen asleep in church? Most of us have been that tired at one time or another! Today we hear the amazing story of a man who fell asleep listening to the apostle Paul preach and fell out of the window and died! But God use Paul to raising from the dead. Why is this important for us? Let’s find out: Outline: 1. Life together 2. Life resurrected 3. Comfort for life and death Verse: John 11:25 (ESV): I am the resurrection and the life. Discussion Questions: 1. What do you see in the passage that tells us the commitments and values of the early church? What can we learn from this? 2. How does the raising of Eutychus show us parallels to Elijah, Elisha and Jesus’ own ministry? How does this miracle affect the church in this city? 3. What should this miracle do in us as God’s people? What comfort and encouragement might it bring you today?
Viewed 3616 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Acts 20:13-27 A Fond Farewell, Part 1 Summary: What is it that pastors and leaders in our church DO? One time a non-Christian asked me:
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Acts 20:28-38 A Fond Farewell, Part 2 Summary: Have you ever wondered what is the job of the elders at our church? Today let’s listen to Paul as he speaks to elders at the church in Ephesus. He tells us what our elders do and why they are called to take care of God church. Let’s listen in! Outline: 1. The shepherds and the sheep 2. The wolves and their tactics 3. The Good Shepherd and His grace Verse: John 10:11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. Discussion Questions: 1. What do Paul's words reveal to us about the calling of elders? What are the motives you see that shape and compel their labor? 2. According to Paul, what does the church need even more than the work of faithful elders? 3. According to Paul's description, what are the dangers we face as a church that leaders are called to guard against? 4. How can you pray for your elders this week?
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Stewards of God's House Titus 1:5-9 Summary: God has given many gifts to the church, and one of them is her leaders. Being an elder in the church is a big job, but it is also a joy to serve God's people. Let's remember to pray for them! Let's listen today to learn what God thinks of elders: Outline: 1. God wants us to choose our leaders wisely 2. The characteristics of God's stewards (elders): a. Godly family life b. Personal character c. Godly in relationships d. Sound doctrine Verse: Titus 1:7a For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why do you think Paul gives such a detailed set of criteria for those who serve as elders in the church? What is at stake? 2. What should this set of qualifications do in YOU, even if you are not called to be an elder? 3. With such a high set of qualifications, how should this shape our search for elders at NCPC? Will you commit to pray for this process at our church?
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Acts 21:1-16 Ready to Die for the Name of Jesus Summary: Have you ever been worried about something bad happening to you or your family or friends? Just ask my kids: every time we go hiking I am worried they will fall off a cliff! Today let's listen to God's Word and hear Paul's friends as they worry that he will be arrested or killed if he goes to Jerusalem. What will happen to him? Let's find out: Outline: Living for the Name of Jesus means sharing in His sufferings Dying for the Name of Jesus is not a was ​te​ Verse: Philippians 1:21 (ESV)21 For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. Questions: 1. Why are Paul's companions all urging him not to go to Jerusalem? Were they right to do so? 2. What is the source of Paul's resolve to suffer or die? How does this resolve reflect the pattern of Jesus' own life and ministry? 3. Why is suffering or dying for the name of Jesus not a waste? What would it look like for the Name (person and work) of Jesus to be magnified in you who may not be called to physical death for the Lord?
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Acts 21:37-22:39 A Ready Defense Summary: If you had the chance to tell people what you believe, what would you say? Today we hear Paul speak to a large, angry crowd. What does he say? He tells them about JESUS! Let's listen to what he says. Outline: A strong connection A transformed life A divine calling A wise approach Verse: John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Discussion Questions: 1. If you were called upon to make a summary of what you believe or share the essence of the Gospel, what would you say? What would be vital? 2. How does Paul's speech reveal his transformed life and his new calling? 3. How did Paul make a connection to calm the crowd at first and gain a hearing? What are some of the ways you can forge a connection with people when talking about Christ?
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Text: Ephesians 3:14-21 Sermon Title: Praying to Know the Love of Christ Kids Outline: 1) We need the power of the Spirit to know Jesus’ love 2) We need power because Christ’s love is greater than we can know 3) Knowing Christ's love fills us with God's presence
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Acts 22:30-23:11 On Trial for the Resurrection Summary: It is hard to imagine what it would be like to stand on trial before a bunch of religious leaders who would all like to kill you, but that was what Paul did in our sermon text in Acts. Can you imagine? Paul used to be one of their fellow leaders, and now they all want to get rid of him! What gives him hope? Let's listen today, and we will find that Jesus stands by Him through it all. Outline: 1. A reason to rest 2. A reason to suffer 3. A reason for courage Verse: Acts 23:6b ...It is with respect to the hope and the resurrection of the dead that I am on trial. Discussion Questions: 1. Why did Paul feel he had lived in
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Acts 23:12-35 Divine Protection Summary: Sometimes it is hard to see how God is at work in our lives, and we wonder if he is involved or not. Today in Acts we are going to talk about the word
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Feel the Freedom of Identity in Christ 1 Corinthians 4:1-5 Welcome our guest preacher, Matt Bohling. He will be sharing with us God’s Word as found in 1 Corinthians, chapter 4, verses 1 through 5. Let’s listen closely and see if you can complete the outline below as he speaks: 1. See creaturely judgement as a problem 2. Don't fall for self-justification 3. Feel the freedom of identity in Christ Memory Verse For it is not the one who commends himself who is approved, but the one whom the Lord commends. -2 Corinthians 10:18
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Acts 24 A Cheerful Defense Summary: Have you ever gotten into trouble when you knew you did nothing wrong? How did that feel? Paul the Apostle had that happen many times, when his fellow Jews lied to get him in deep trouble. Jesus suffered in this way too. Let’s think about it more: Outline: 1. A false charge 2. A cheerful defense 3. A powerful witness Verse: Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Questions: 1. Have you ever been wrongly accused of something? How did it feel? Did you defend yourself? How? 2. How does Paul’s life reflect Jesus’ path again in this account? 3. How might the gospel have strengthened Paul to make his defense cheerfully on this day? How could the gospel of grace enable you to face false accusations?
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True Religion Mathew 21:28-46
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Title: Vocation, Lizards, and Gospel Opportunity Scripture: Philemon (all of it) Main Point: God sends you, in your daily callings, into Gospel Opportunities. NT Opportunity Your Opportunities Application Questions 1. Where does your daily life intersect with people outside of Christ? 2. What opportunities do you have to represent Christ? 3. How will you live out the meaning of the Gospel in your daily calling? Verse: and I pray that the sharing of your faith may become effective for the full knowledge of every good thing that is in us for the sake of Christ.
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Acts 25-26 Defense Before Kings Summary: A few weeks ago we talked about what it would be like to get in trouble for something you know you didn’t do. That is what’s happening to Paul in Acts 25-26. Let’s listen to his trust in God’s plan as he makes a defense before the King: 1. A certain verdict 2. A servant and witness 3. Almost persuaded Verse: Acts 26:16 (ESV): But rise and stand upon your feet, for I have appeared to you for this purpose, to appoint you as a servant and witness... Discussion Questions: 1. How would you describe Paul’s defense? What do you see in it that helps us understand our calling as a servant and witness for Jesus in the world? 2. Why does Paul appeal to Caesar? How is God at work by his providence behind everything in this narrative? How might God be calling you to trust Him as you think about your own future?
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Acts 27 Peril on the Sea Summary: Have you ever been on a boat? They can be a lot of fun! But if you've ever been on a boat in a storm, it can be really scary! Today let's listen as Paul continues to follow God's call. As a prisoner he sails on a boat that gets caught in a huge storm! Let's listen in and see how God preserves Paul and keeps his promises: Outline: Warning Promise Encouragement Love Verse: Acts 27:25 So take heart, men, for I have faith in God that it will be exactly as I have been told. Discussion Questions: 1. How would you compare this account to the account of Jonah when he flees to Tarshish? To Jesus calming the storm? What are the similarities and differences? Why is this helpful to compare these accounts? 2. How does Paul's confidence in God's will help you, even though you and I don't get specific words about the future? 3. If it was God's plan for Paul to preach in Rome, why might He have allowed this storm? What might that tell us about our own sufferings?
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Acts 28:1-16 To the Ends of the Earth, Part 1 Summary: Last week we saw God's powerful hand as He saved Paul and the passengers on a ship from a scary storm. But his trials aren't over yet! He gets bitten by a snake, but God protects him! Today let's look at the rest of the journey, where God protects and uses Paul as he lands on the island of Malta: Outline: 1. God's power 2. God's promise 3. God's provision Verse: Acts 1:8 ...And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Discussion Questions: 1. Why do you think God protected Paul from physical harm (the snake bite)? Should we expect this now? 2. What do we learn about God's providence in this passage? How does he fulfill his promises to Paul? To you and me? 3. What was Paul's response when he came to fellow Christians in Rome? What might we learn here about the value of the bonds that Jesus creates between believers?
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John 21:9-19 -
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To the Ends of the Earth, Part 2 Acts 28:17-31 Summary: Last we heard, Paul was bitten by a snake on Malta but God protected him, and Paul arrived safely in Rome just as God had promised. Let’s listen in to hear what God had in store not just for Paul in Rome, but for all nations as well. Outline: Mission accomplished, but not concluded The Holy Spirit’s warning The unchained Word to all nations Verse: Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Discussion Questions: 1. Does the ending of this book seem to leave unanswered questions for you? Why do you think it ends the way it does? 2. What is the important point of Paul's quote from Isaiah? Why is it needed still today? 3. What is Paul's message to these Jews in this passage (see esp. v 31)? What might that kind of ministry look like for us as aa church or you individually? 4. What are the main applications you could take away from the study of Acts?
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Living By Faith When You Just Don't Understand Habakkuk 1:12-2:4 Summary: Here is a really hard question: We know God is always good and holy. So why does he allow or use evil in the world? That is the hard question the prophet Habakkuk asks when he realizes God's people will be attacked and carried away by a nation that seem much more sinful than Israel. Habakkuk’s second complaint: His confidence in God His willingness to wait God’s second answer: His timing is perfect His call to faith Verse: Romans 1:17b ...As it is written, “The righteous shall live by faith.” Discussion questions: 1. How do you react when reading this passage and hearing that God planned to use a brutal and wicked nation to be the instrument of reproof for His people? 2. Do you ever struggle when you see unbelievers prosper while you or other Christians suffer? Why? What hope does this passage offer? 3. Where is the good news of the Gospel for us in this passage? How did Jesus' death defeat our greater enemy once and for all? What would it look like to now live in the gap until Jesus comes back?
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2 John -
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Habakkuk 2:4 The Just Shall Live By Faith Summary: What is faith? God told the prophet Habakkuk that part of faith is trusting in everything God has said. God promises that all who believe (have faith) in Jesus who died for our sins will be saved! Let's listen to find out more about faith: 1. Faith is how we survive in the gap 2. Perseverance by faith in God's promises 3. Salvation through faith in God's Son Verse: Galatians 3:11 ....that no one is justified before God by the law, for “The righteous shall live by faith.” Discussion Questions: 1. How would you define faith? 2. Habakkuk 2:4 is quoted in the New Testament several times (Hebrews 10:38, Romans 1:17, Galatians 3:11). How do these passages help us understand the nature of saving faith? 3. Where do you struggle to believe God's promises? What could each of the passages above do to help strengthen your faith this week?
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Psalm 111 Give Thanks in the Company of the Upright Summary: Take a look around today!! I know you think I mean we should look around at the remodeled worship center. It is beautiful and we should praise God for providing this for us! But as we gather, the church is not a building, it is God's people. Today as we gather, we'll look at a Psalm that reminds us to gather as God's people and praise Him for all He has done to save and care for us. Let's praise Him today! Outline: 1. God wants us to remember what He has done and praise Him: 2. Remember His works 3. Remember His provision 4. Praise Him because he remembers His covenant Verse: Psalm 111:1 Praise the Lord! I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart, in the company of the upright, in the congregation. Discussion Questions: 1. Why does this Psalm make such a big deal about calling us to remember God and His works? Why do we tend to forget? 2. What is the effect of us
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Habakkuk 2:5-14 Woe to God's Enemies Summary: It is not an easy thing to think about, but did you know that part of the GOOD news in the Bible is that God is going to judge those who reject Him? Today we will see that this is actually good news for suffering believers! There is hope for us that God will make all wrongs right! Let's think about it: Outline: 1. Riches cannot save you 2. A dynasty cannot save you 3. Oppressing others cannot save you 4. The glory of God is coming! Verse: Habakkuk 2:14 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea. Discussion questions: 1. In what ways do you seek for safety and security in this life? How might you be tempted to sin to get it? 2. How did the coming of Jesus fulfill the promise that the
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1 Timothy 2:8-10 Men and Women in God's Church, Part 1 Summary: God has a plan for you! Did you know that? God cares about every part of your life - how we pray, how we get along with others, even how we dress! The Gospel shapes how we live and love in God's church together! Let's think about it: Outline: 1. The power of unified prayer 2. The power of loving modesty Verse: 1 Tim 2:8 I desire then that in every place the men should pray, lifting holy hands without anger or quarreling... Discussion Questions: 1. Read 1 Timothy 2:8-10. Why do you think Paul charges the men to
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Habakkuk 3:1-16 In Wrath Remember Mercy Summary: The Bible tells us about who God is, and what He is like. It is so important to know this God when we face the troubles of this life. As Habakkuk grew in his understanding of God's ways, it increased his faith as he faced hard things. Let's listen to Habakkuk's prayer of faith as he waits for the day of trouble: Outline: 1. Pray for God's mercy 2. Remember God's salvation 3. Wait in peace as you face the day of trouble Verse: 1 Timothy 1:2 ...Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord. Discussion Questions: 1. How does Habakkuk's prayer reflect his growing trust in God's ways? What is the nature of this prayer in chapter three? 2. Why does he pray
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Habakkuk 3:17-19 Joy When Everything Crumbles Summary: Have you ever hoped for something, only to be disappointed? Maybe a vacation, or a gift you were hoping for? Today is our last sermon in the book of Habakkuk, and one of the great lessons he learned in his life was this: Although everything good in life might be taken away from us, there is one thing that can never be lost: no one can EVER take our God away from us! Do you believe that today? If you believe in Jesus, you can lose everything in this world and still have a life of joy! Let's listen to God's Word today: Outline: 1. The loss of everything 2. Our source of joy 3. The victory of living by faith Verse: Habakkuk 3:18 ...I will rejoice in the Lord; I will take joy in the God of my salvation. Discussion Questions: 1. By the end of the book, Habakkuk accepts that God's people will endure some of the temporal consequences of their sin. Where might you be suffering some of these? Do you believe it to be God's punishment, or the loving discipline of your heavenly father? Why? 2. How does Habakkuk come to a settled confidence and joy in his life, even though he knows he will lose all earthly provision? Where is your hope and joy found, and how might things change if you lost everything? 3. How does the end of this book demonstrate what it means that
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Psalm 50 God the Judge Summary: God gave us the Psalms to help us as we learn to love, obey and worship God. For the next few weeks we'll study Psalms written by a man named Asaph. He was a man who led music for God's people in the temple during the time of King David. Today in Psalm 50 we will hear God encourage us to worship and obey God from the heart, not just on the outside. Let's listen! Outline: 1. God has a right to judge 2. Don't miss WHY we worship 3. Don't merely pretend to obey 4. God gives a gracious warning to repent Verse: Psalm 50:2 Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines forth. Discussion Questions: 1. What are the ways this psalm confirms God's right to be the judge of the universe? 2. Verses 7-15 detail God's indictment against formalism, the temptation for the believer to worship outwardly, but not from the heart. Where do you see this lurking in your own worship? How do these verses elevate our view of God to draw us toward Him? 3. Verses 16-21 are God's rebuke of the hypocrite who claims obedience outwardly but in reality lives in disobedience. Where might you need to confess such hypocrisy in your life? 4. It may be difficult to find evidence of God's grace in this psalm. Where do you see mercy, pointing us toward the Gospel of Jesus?
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Psalm 50 God the Judge Summary: God gave us the Psalms to help us as we learn to love, obey and worship God. For the next few weeks we'll study Psalms written by a man named Asaph. He was a man who led music for God's people in the temple during the time of King David. Today in Psalm 50 we will hear God encourage us to worship and obey God from the heart, not just on the outside. Let's listen! Outline: 1. The summons: God calls His people to court 2. The charges: Charge #1: Your god is too small Charge #2: You have forgotten your God 3. The gracious call to repent Verse: Psalm 50:2 Out of Zion, the perfection of beauty, God shines forth. Discussion Questions: 1. What are the ways this psalm confirms God's right to be the judge of the universe? 2. Verses 7-15 detail God's indictment against formalism, the temptation for the believer to worship outwardly, but not from the heart. Where do you see this lurking in your own worship? How do these verses elevate our view of God to draw us toward Him? 3. Verses 16-21 are God's rebuke of the hypocrite who claims obedience outwardly but in reality lives in disobedience. Where might you need to confess such hypocrisy in your life? 4. It may be difficult to find evidence of God's grace in this psalm. Where do you see mercy, pointing us toward the Gospel of Jesus?
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Psalm 74 Arise O God! Summary: When hard things happen in your life, did you know that God WANTS you to cry out to Him for help? Psalm 74 is an example of someone doing that very thing. When we don't understand what is happening, when things are scary or confusing, God wants us to come to Him! Let's see five ways He prays: Outline: Five Prayer Requests that are always acceptable: 1. Why God? 2. Remember your people, O God 3. How long, O God? 4. Remember Your Covenant, O God 5. Arise, O God! Verse: Psalm 74:1212 ... God my King is from of old, working salvation in the midst of the earth. Discussion Questions: 1. Why was this psalm writer so distraught? Can you think of a time when it seems like God has forgotten you? 2. How does this Psalm wrestle from confusion to faith? 3. How does this Psalm point us to Christ and His work? 4. How can this Psalm help you as you pray for the circumstances in your own life this week?
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O Come, O Come, Emmanuel Luke 1:76-79 Summary: It is time to celebrate Christmas again! One of the great songs we sing at Christmas is
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Luke 2:15-20 What Child is This? Summary: It's getting close to Christmas! I hope you're excited - I know I am. But can you imagine the excitement of the shepherds when they were visited by angels in the field, telling then of Jesus' birth? Those shepherds were amazed! They probably ran to Bethlehem to see the baby, and to tell everyone what they had seen! Today, let's pray that God would fill us with that kind of excitement that God has sent us a Savior! Outline: 1. How can we be silent? 2. What should kindle wonder? 3. How do we slow down and ponder? 4. What should bring us to worship this Christmas? Verse: Luke 2:14 14 “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!” Discussion Questions: 1. As you read this passage and remember the moment of the angelic visit, what might have been your response if you heard the reports of the shepherds? Would there be skepticism? 2. What are the things that tend to quench rather than kindle wonder at Christ's coming? What are some realistic steps you can take to change that this Christmas? 3. Why do you think Mary is described the way she is in verse 19? What would
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Philippians 2:5-11 Veiled in Flesh Summary: One of the most amazing things about celebrating Christmas is remembering that Jesus, the God of the whole universe, took flesh like you and me! Christmas is great because God became a man, all to save us. That is a great reason to celebrate! Let’s think about it more: Outline: 1. The glory Jesus left… for you. 2. The humbling Jesus endured… for you. 3. The honor Jesus deserves… from you. Verse: (John 1:14) And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen His glory… 1. What does Philippians 2:5-11 tell us about Jesus’ attitude toward His mission to take flesh and save us? 2. Why is it so important to believe that “God became man?” Why is this so central to the Christian faith? 3. Study again the humiliation of Christ in vv 7-8. How does it strike you? What should such a truth produce in you? 4. How can this passage help fuel your wonder and worship this Christmas? Think about practical ways to keep these truths before you over the next few weeks.
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Revelation 22:1-5 Joy to the World! Summary: It's just a few days before Christmas! I hope you are excited. The song,
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Luke 2:41-52 Jesus, the Son of God Jesus shows that He is the Son of God by redefining His relationships and people’s responses to Him. 1. The Son who redefines family 2. The Son who redefines obedience 3. The Son who redefines wonder Memory verse: And He said to them, “Why were you looking for Me? Did you not know that I must be in my Father’s house?” (Luke 2:49)
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Psalm 75 Singing Praise for God's Justice Summary: Do you know what a judge is?  When someone breaks the law, they often have to face a judge in court who decides if they are guilty.  That judge then sentences them for their crime. The Bible tells us that God is the ultimate judge, and that is a good thing!  Why is that good?  Why should that give us hope, and even make us praise Him?  Let's find out: Outline: 1. God is the judge, and that is good news 2. God's comfort and warning 3. God's justice deepens our reasons for worship Verse: Psalm 75:7  But it is God who executes judgment, putting down one and lifting up another. Discussion Questions 1. Author/Speaker Paul Tripp says that
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Psalm 75 Singing Praise for God's Justice Summary: Do you know what a judge is?  When someone breaks the law, they often have to face a judge in court who decides if they are guilty.  That judge then sentences them for their crime. The Bible tells us that God is the ultimate judge, and that is a good thing!  Why is that good?  Why should that give us hope, and even make us praise Him?  Let's find out: Outline: 1. God is the judge, and that is good news 2. God's comfort and warning 3. God's justice deepens our reasons for worship Verse: Psalm 75:7  But it is God who executes judgment, putting down one and lifting up another. Discussion Questions 1. Author/Speaker Paul Tripp says that
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Psalm 76 Who Can Stand Before You? Summary: Two words to listen for today in our sermon:
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Psalm 4 “Show Us Good” Memory Verse: In peace I will both lie down and sleep; for You alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety. (Psalm 4:8)
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Has God Forgotten? Summary: Have you ever been sad or depressed? Sometimes something sad happens, or we may be sad and we don't even know why. God knows and understands our sorrows, better than anyone. Today let's look at Psalm 77 and see how Asaph seeks help from God when he is discouraged. Outline: 1. How depression feels 2. How faith searches 3. How God answers Verse: Psalm 77:11 (ESV)11 I will remember the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will remember your wonders of old. Discusion Questions: 1. If you experience short or long term depression, can you describe what it feels like? Are their circumstances that contribute to your sadness, or is it something that just seems to stay with you? 2. How does the Psalm writer describe his suffering in this way? How does he question God? Do you think this is healthy? 3. How does this Psalm search for help and hope? How does this Psalm point us to Jesus, the
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Psalm 78:1-8 A Word for the Next Generation Summary: Have you ever wondered why at our church we make such a big deal about teaching you the Bible? Why do we spend so much time helping you hear about and get to know Jesus in His Word? Because God is so great, and because he commands us to tell you about the glory greatness of our God! Psalm 78 is one of those places where God commands parents to teach their children. Let's think about it: Outline: The command God gives to parents: disciple your children The content of our teaching: God and His mighty works The source from which we teach: God’s Word The goal of our ministry to our children: Hope in God and pass it on Verse: Matthew 19:14 (ESV) ...But Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.” Discussion Questions: If you’re a parent: What are you doing to disciple your children? How can Psalm 78 guide you? If you’re a young person at NCPC: Are you receiving your parent’s spiritual leadership? Why or why not? Are you hoping in Jesus for salvation today? What can you do to help fulfill this Word to all our kids at NCPC? What might God be calling you to do? How can you help kids hope in God?
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Psalm 78:9-39 Learn from the Past Summary: Have you ever had your parents tell you to clean your room, but you don't do it? Did they get frustrated because they had to tell you multiple times? Sometimes we need to be reminded over and over again before we learn. Psalm 78 reminds God's people (again!) of His faithfulness, and how easily we forget His care and goodness. But even when we fail, God is full of mercy and love! Let's learn from the past together, as we see God's commitment to us in four ways: Outline: 1. God's miracles 2. God's provision 3. God's discipline 4. God's mercy Verse: Psalm 103:8 The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love. Discussion Questions: 1. What is the purpose for which the Psalm writer rehearses this history? Why do we need it today as well? 2. What are the ways Israel forgot God's power in Egypt, His provision in the wilderness, spurned His discipline, and even ignored His mercy? How do you tend to do the same at times? 3. Why do you think God still poured out mercy on Israel, even with all their rebellion? How has God done that even better for you in Christ? How might this Psalm serve as a powerful pointer to Jesus' perfect life, and work of atonement for us? 4. What might it look like to more actively cultivate
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Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
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Sermon text - Psalm 127:1-5 Sermon title - Receive Rest From God Outline I. Embrace Dependent Work II. View Children as God Does III. Receive Rest From God Verse: Unless the LORD builds the house, those who build it labor in vain. Unless the LORD watches over the city, the watchman stays awake in vain. (Psalm 127:1)
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Psalm 78:40-72 God’s Love to a Wayward People Summary: Do you like it when your parents read you a great story? I love great books, and great stories too. The amazing thing about the Bible is that the great stories we read are TRUE - not myths or fairy tales. And God wants us to remember His great power in history because it builds our faith! Today let's remember some of those great moments as we finish Psalm 78 together. Outline: Remember God’s powerful redemption Seek blessing from God alone Embrace God’s grace in your waywardness Verse: John 10:11 (ESV)11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. Discussion Questions: 1. As you read Psalm 78 again, what was the failure of Israel in the wilderness (see vv. 18-20)? What was their failure in the promised land (vv. 42, 48)? 2. Israel's idolatry was a failure to trust in God alone for salvation and blessing. What are the ways you seek blessing, identity, safety or security apart from God? 3. How does Psalm 78:65-72 show us God's grace even in the face of His people's sin? How should God's sacrifice of His Son for you move you to put idolatry and discontent to death?
Viewed 2471 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Psalm 79 Let Your Compassion Come Speedily Summary: Have you ever been disciplined by your parents for disobeying in some way? Our moms and dads discipline us NOT because they hate us, but because they love us and want us to grow in grace and holiness! This is the way God disciplines us as His children. Let's think about it in Psalm 79: Outline: 1. Deep losses 2. Jealous love 3. Reason to praise Verse: Psalm 79:8b Let your compassion come speedily to meet us, for we are brought very low. Discussion Questions: 1. How does Psalm 79 describe the suffering of Israel? WHY are they suffering? 2. What is evidence of God's fatherly discipline and jealous love in this Psalm? How have you seen it in your own life? 3. How does this Psalm perhaps reflect the larger struggle we have against the world, the flesh and the devil? How can you pray for God's
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Psalm 80 Restore Us and Let Your Face Shine Summary: Do you have a garden at your house? How about weeds? Taking care of plants can be fun, but also hard work. Our psalm today uses the image of a vine to refer to God's people, asking for him to care for His people in time of trouble. Let's learn to pray for God's help in all things: Outline: 1. Pray for God's renewing work 2. Pray that God will care for His vine 3. Trust that God will answer! Verse: John 15:5 (ESV) 5 I am the vine; you are the branches. Whoever abides in me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit... Discussion Questions: 1. What is the significance of the repeated phrase:
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Psalm 81 Open Your Mouth Wide and I will Fill It Summary: Today as we look at another Psalm of Asaph, I wonder if you've ever thought about your heart when you come to worship? Are you distracted, bored, or wish you were somewhere else? If so, you're not alone - we all struggle at times with this! Psalm 81 begins by calling us to praise God. He wants to show us how God can satisfy us- better than your favorite food! Let's think about it: Outline: 1. A call to praise 2. A call to remember 3. A call to repent 4. A call to feast Verse: Psalm 81:10 (ESV)10 I am the Lord your God, who brought you up out of the land of Egypt. Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it. Discussion Questions: 1. Jesus warned against worship that was only external. What are the biggest temptations for you to praise God only
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Psalm 82 God in the Judgment Seat Summary: God gives us many good things, but some of them you might be surprised to know. For example, the Bible tells us that God puts rulers over us for our good. We have our president, congress, and our mayor to govern in our land. We have judges and police officers to enforce laws. God gives them specific commands to rule with goodness and justice. Today in Psalm 82, let's listen in as God speaks to rulers who have not obeyed Him in their job, and let's learn how to trust God in the middle of it all. 1. God's warnings to those in power 2. The results of injustice 3. God to the rescue! Verse: Psalm 82:8 Arise, O God, judge the earth; for you shall inherit all the nations! Discussion questions: 1. Think of a time when you hear about unjust judges in our world. What is your normal response? What does the Bible call us to do in such circumstances? (See Romans 13:1-7, 1 Timothy 2:1-2). 2. How does Psalm 82 inform our own personal response to injustice? How did Jesus perfectly show us what Psalm 82:3-4 should look like?
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Psalm 83 A Plea for Justice Summary: Sometimes as we try to live as Christians in the world, it might feel like everyone in the world is against Jesus (and maybe us too). God's people Israel felt that way too, and often prayed for God to help. But sometimes their prayers sound violent, asking for God to kill their enemies! Yet Jesus said to love our enemies. How can we make sense of this? Let's look at Psalm 83 together to find out how to pray for God's help. Praying when you are surrounded Praying out of past victories How to pray as a warlike, loving Christian Verse: Psalm 83:1 O God, do not keep silence; do not hold your peace or be still, O God! Discussion questions: 1. The psalm writer describes Israel's experience as being nearly surrounded by enemies who want to wipe them out. How might that mirror our experience as Christians? 2. This is a psalm of
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The Wisdom & Power of God 1 Corinthians 1:17-2:5 Summary: Sometimes we think that God only uses important people. But Paul shows us its the people that everyone overlooks who God has chosen to use. Outline: God’s foolish message God’s weak and foolish methods God’s wise and powerful Savior Memory Verse: 1 Corinthians 1:31 … so that as it is written, “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.” Community Group Questions -What messages does this world send to us to put confidence in ourselves and other people? -What are some ways that we bring worldly wisdom to proclaim the gospel? -How does the foolishness of the cross change how we think about and do evangelism?
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John 16:16-24 Joy that No one Can Take Away Summary: He is Risen! Today we get to celebrate the great news that Jesus is risen. We live in a world where we often get bad news. But today, let's listen as we hear Jesus speak about the joy that this news can bring us. Because Jesus is risen, there is a joy that can never be taken away from you! Outline: 1. Jesus' death brings sorrow and joy 2. Jesus' resurrection brings a joy that cannot be lost Verse: Matthew 28: 5b-6a Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said. Discussion Questions: 1. In this passage, Jesus speaks of His death and resurrection. How is Jesus death a cause for sorrow for us, but also a great joy? In what sense did the world rejoice at His death? 2. What is the joy that Jesus holds out because of His resurrection? What does his new life mean for us that should cause joy?
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Luke 24:13-35 Title
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Love, Hatred, Tears and Blessing Romans 12:9-21 Summary: What does real faith look like? How can you and I live in a world of trouble and live out our faith, even when we are sinners in need of grace? Let's take a moment to see what the apostle Paul says about this, as we think about how Jesus lived a life of love, and can give us grace to do the same: 1. The Gospel of Jesus produces genuine love 2. The Gospel of Jesus produces proper hatred 3. The Gospel of Jesus moves us to respond like Jesus 4. The Gospel of Jesus produces people who bring blessing Verse: Romans 12:21 (ESV)21 Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good. Discussion Questions 1. How did you respond to the tragedy in Poway last week? What were some of the emotions and thoughts you experienced? 2. How should Christians respond to such tragedy? What is our role with our neighbors and friends? How can we live out the love of Christ, especially when the perpetrator was a member of a Christian church? 3. Which of the commands of Paul do you find it hardest to follow? How do Paul's words embody the Gospel and the life of Jesus? How do you need to pray for God's grace this week to be a loving neighbor?
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1 Timothy 1:3-7 Guard the Truth Summary: Why do we make such a big deal about the Bible at our church? It is because God has spoken to us and we want to listen! Let's listen today to hear about how God's Word changes us. Outline: 1. We are called to guard the truth 2. God's truth works true love in us by forming: a. A renewed heart b. An informed conscience c. A sincere faith Verse: 1 Timothy 1:15b ...Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost. Discussion questions: 1. Where are the dangers of false teaching that are a danger to the church today? Are there temptations you experience to wander from the truth of God's Word? 2. How is the church called to guard the truth? What role do you play in this? 3. What does Paul say is the effect of solid doctrine (v. 5)? What does he mean by
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What Good is the Law? 1 Timothy 1:8-11 Summary: Have you ever felt like there were too many rules in your life? You are not alone! Most of us struggle with this. But God does not give laws in His Word because he wants to steal our joy in life. He wants to keep us safe and actually find joy in Him! So let's think about God's good law for a few minutes together from 1 Timothy 1:8-11. 1. What is the law of God NOT supposed to do? 2. So why is the law GOOD? a. It is a mirror b. It is a muzzle c. It is a map 3. How the law can be used for YOUR good 1 Timothy 1:8 Now we know that the law is good, if one uses it lawfully... Discussion Questions: 1. Read 1 Timothy 1:8-11 again. Which of the descriptions sinful people in vv.9-10 do you associate with? Why? 2. What do you think it means to use the law
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Chief of Sinners 1 Timothy 1:12-17 Summary: Has someone ever given you something that you knew you did not deserve, like a gift? When that happens, we are usually very humbled and grateful for the gift! The apostle Paul knew that he was a sinful man who deserved nothing from God. He called himself the “chief” (worst) of sinners! But God gives us much amazing grace! Let’s think about it: Outline: 1. An undeserving sinner 2. An overflowing grace 3. A beautiful display Verse: 1 Timothy 1:15 “...Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners, of whom I am the foremost.” Discussion Questions: 1. What is the description Paul gives of himself? Can you relate to it at all? 2. Why does Paul call himself the “chief” (foremost) of sinners? Is he really the worst sinner who ever lived? What might change in your relationship to God and to others if you felt this way about yourself? 3. How does Paul describe the Gospel in this passage? How does he describe the reason for God’s grace in His life? What might that mean for us?
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1 Timothy 1:8-20 Fight the Good Fight Summary: Last Monday our country celebrated Memorial Day, where we remember our soldiers who have fought and died to protect us. Living the Christian life is much like a solider in battle also! Today in our passage, Paul tells Timothy to fight, but it is a different type of battle. He says fight the good fight of faith! What does this mean? Let's listen to God's Word and find out: Outline: 1. How to fight the good fight of faith 2. How to make shipwreck of your faith (Hint: Don't do this!) Verse: 1 Timothy 6:12 (ESV)12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called... Discussion questions: 1. What is the nature of the charge Paul has entrusted to Timothy? How should that inform our life and ministry? 2. What is the “good warfare” and what does it mean to fight it? 3. What does it mean to make “shipwreck of the faith?” What does it mean to be “handed over to Satan?” How should these things be applied to the church today?
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1 Timothy 2:1-7 Ministry for All Peoples Summary: There are so many people in the world who need Jesus! Did you know that God wants to use us, His people to help reach them? Today let's listen to hear how He uses us to pray for the nations and go to tell them the Gospel: Outline: 1. Prayer for all peoples 2. The Gospel is for all peoples 3. We are sent to all peoples Verse: 1 Timothy 1:5 For there is one God, and there is one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus... Discussion Questions: 1. How and why are we to pray as Paul describes in this passage? What are some of the possible results of such prayers? How can you be praying? 2. Why does Paul say that God desires
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Sermon Text: Philemon (all verses) Topic: An Unlikely Exchange Discussion Questions: 1) What changed for Onesimus that Paul now called him “his heart” and “useful”? How does this affect how we see fellow Christians? 2) Why does Paul plead instead of command Philemon to receive Onesimus? How does Paul encourage Philemon to receive Onesimus? How does this change how we approach people to act in love? 3) Why would Paul be willing to take on Onesimus’ debts to Philemon? How does this inform the way we see those who are indebted to us? Outline: From a slave to a brother From useless to useful From debt to freedom
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Ephesians 6:10-20 Take Up the Weapon of Kingdom Focused Prayer for Your Spiritual Welfare Memory Verse: Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. (Ephesians 6:10)
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1 Timothy 3:8-13 God's Leaders: The Deacon Summary: God has blessed our church with many different leaders, and many people with wonderful gifts. Each of you have gifts and abilities that God has given you! Some in our church called to be deacons. What are deacons? God has called some men to lead our church in service, showing mercy and giving help to those in need. Let's listen more to 1 Timothy to find out more: 1. The calling of the deacon 2. The character of the deacon 3. The convictions of a deacon 4. The capability of the deacon Verse: Mark 10:45 45 For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Discussion questions: 1. How does the description of the deacon in this passage differ from that of the elder? 2. How should the ministry that characterizes the deacon also be reflected by all of us? What is your attitude toward sympathy, service and help? Do you struggle to do these things? 3. How Does the office of deacon reflect the character and work of Jesus? How was he the perfect Servant for us?
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Blessed Assurance Summary Because God refuses to hold your sins against you, you don’t have to fear coming into God’s presence, even when you sin. Outline: 1) Define: What does it mean that God is greater than your heart? 2) Two practical benefits of assurance 3) Living faithfully in light of these great truths Verse: 1 Jn. 3:19-20 By this we shall know that we are of the truth and reassure our heart before Him; for whenever our heart condemns us, God is greater than our heart, and He knows everything. Discussion questions: 1) The word
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1 Timothy 3:14-16 Life in God's House Summary: Have you ever tried to change a habit in your life, but failed? We have all probably had this happen. God wants us to live lives that please him, but we cannot do that without the power of Jesus. Let's think about it today. Listen as we talk about what
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1 Timothy 4:11-16 The Best Workout Plan Summary: Do you like to exercise or play sports? Anyone who wants to be good at a sport needs to train and exercise to get better. But did you know that we need spiritual exercise and training also? Paul tells us that this is even more valuable for us to grow in godliness! Let's think about it more: Outline: What do we need to grow in grace? 1. Good teaching 2. Godly training 3. A great hope Verse: 1 Timothy 4:7b-8a Rather train yourself for godliness; 8 for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way... Discussion/study questions: 1. Outline the passage. What some main themes and the structure for these verses? How does it relate to what Paul has already said in this letter? 2. How does Paul describe the value of physical training vs. spiritual training? Why might each be important? 3. How is Jesus the Savior of all men? 4. What steps can you take to be trained in good doctrine? To discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness?
Viewed 2408 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

David Nutting 11:14 AM (7 hours ago) to me, irene Hey ladies - Here is my sermon info for this week: 1 Timothy 4:11-16 The Minister's Self-Watch Summary: Did you know that you can have a godly influence on other people, even adults? Today, listen as Paul tells young Timothy that he can be an influence on those who are older, even though he is a younger pastor. He says
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1 Timothy 5:1-8 Mercy, Part 1 Summary: God has a special love and care for those who are unprotected, like the fatherless and the widow (a widow is someone whose husband has died). God is a loving guardian for those who are in need! The Bible shows us that we are to reflect God's love, and care for the widows among us. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. Behold our God, the Protector of widows 2. Care for the widow in your family 3. Be a church committed to merciful care of widows Verse: Psalm 68:5 (ESV) 5 Father of the fatherless and protector of widows is God in his holy habitation. Discussion Questions: 1. How does Paul describe each family's responsibility to care for their parents/grandparents? Why (biblically) should it begin there? 2. What is the state of our own contemporary culture regarding the care of the aging? What are your own thoughts or plans regarding your parents? 3. Since God has a particular love for the fatherless and the widow, how should that be reflected in our church?
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Psalm 30 Rejoicing in Our God Who Saves Summary: God saves us from our enemies, our troubles, and ourselves. Because of this we rejoice and give thanks to our merciful God and Savior. Verse: Psalm 30:4 Sing praises to the LORD, O you His saints, and give thanks to His holy name.
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Sermon text: Colossians 4:2-18 Sermon title/topic:
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1 Timothy 5:9-16 Mercy, Part 2 Summary: Did you know that God has given our church many good gifts? One of them is the gift of people who serve in different ways. Today let's listen to God's Word as it describes how widows (ladies whose husbands have died) can serve in powerful ways in God's kingdom. Outline: 1. The qualifications of a widow who serves God's church 2. The ministry of a widow who serves God's church 3. The power of a widow's service to God's church Verse: Psalm 146:9 The Lord watches over the alien and sustains the fatherless and the widow... Discussion Questions: 1. Why does Paul give these qualifications for a widow to be
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1 Timothy 5:17-25 The Church and Her Leaders, Revisited Summary: Part of our life together as God's people includes choosing and caring for our leaders. God gave elders and pastors to the church, but they are people just like us. They are sinners who need grace! God also calls us to honor and care for their needs, but also to choose them wisely. Let's listen carefully to God's word to us: Outline: How do we care for our elders? What do we do when an elder sins? How do we choose an elder? Verse: John 10:11 I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. Discussion questions: 1. Verse 17 tells us that elders
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1 Timothy 6:1-2 A Witness to Those Above Today we're going to hear about a hard topic known as
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1 Timothy 6:11-12 Fight the Good Fight Summary: Sometimes the Christian life is described in the Bible as a battle, fighting against sin. Other times it is talked about like a race we run. Sometimes we have to flee from danger, other times we have no choice but to stand and fight. Listen for all these word pictures today as Paul tells us about the Christian life: Outline: A time to RUN: The pursuit of holiness A time to FIGHT: The pursuit of truth A time to GRASP: take hold of eternal life Verse: 1 Timothy 6:12a Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called... Discussion questions: 1. When Paul describes the Christian life, what do we flee from and what do we pursue? 2. What does Paul mean when he says
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1 Timothy 6:3-10 The Great Gain of Godliness Summary: Do you struggle to be content with what you have? Or do you always find yourself wanting more? Paul talks about this today in 1 Timothy 6, and tells us about the dangers of loving money and the things it can buy too much. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. How to spot a false teacher 2. Why godliness is the greatest gain Verse: 1 Timothy 6:6-7 6 But godliness with contentment is great gain, 7 for we brought nothing into the world, and we cannot take anything out of the world. Discussion Questions: 1. What are the sure signs of false teachers according to Paul? Why might they believe that godliness is a means of gain? 2. Why and how, according to Paul is godliness actually a means of great gain? What does he mean? 3. How might Paul's statement be applied to us:
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1 Timothy 6:13-16 Immortal Invisible Summary: Today as we listen to God speak in His Word, we get to hear amazing and beautiful truths about who God is. Listen for words like
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1 Timothy 6:17-19 Set Your Hope on God Summary: Today in our sermon we are going to learn that money is one of God's tools we use to do good for others. We often think about money as a tool to get the things we want. But God wants us to be aware of the dangers of setting our hope on our riches instead of on God, and show us the joy of using it to love others. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. The dangers of being rich 2. The duties of being rich Verse: Matthew 6:20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. Discussion Questions: 1. What are the dangers of riches that Paul outlines in this text? Which resonates most with you? What is Paul's
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1 Timothy 6:20-21 Guard the Good Deposit Summary: Have you ever seen a soldier guard something important? They have a job to watch over and protect something valuable. God calls us to guard as well - to guard His precious truth! Paul finishes his letter to Timothy with this command: Guard the “deposit.” What does that mean? Let’s find out: Outline: 1. God has given us His Word as a treasure to guard 2. God calls us to turn away from error 3. God promises to give the grace we need Verse: 1 Timothy 6:20-21 ...Guard the deposit entrusted to you... Grace be with you. Discussion Questions: 1. God calls us to guard the deposit of truth he has given us. Where do you see the biggest threats to God’s truth ? What should it look like to guard God’s truth? 2. This passage warns us about the danger of foolish controversy. Where might you be tempted to engage in this? What might be the dangerous consequences of engaging in these things? 3. Paul often ends his letters with the words “grace be with you.” Why are they so important for the end of this letter?
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Text: Isaiah 52:1-12 Title:
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John 1:1-5
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John 1:6-8 Christmas Reflection Summary: Jesus said He is the “Light of the World” (John 8:12). Part of what we celebrate at Christmas is that Jesus, the Light of the World, has come to this dark world of sin to save us. When Jesus first came, John the Baptist was called to tell people that the Light had come. Let’s think about John’s job, and what it means for us: Outline: 1. The sending of the witness 2. The role of the witness 3. The goal of the witness Verse: John 3:30 “He must increase, but I must decrease.” Discussion Questions: 1. Why do you think God chooses to use human messengers to testify to the Gospel of Jesus? 2. How did God use John the Baptist? What does that mean for you and me? How is our calling the same or different from John’s? 3. How can this passage in John 1 help you cherish Jesus more this Christmas?
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John 1:9-13 Christmas Rejection Summary: Have you ever felt left out or rejected by someone else? When that happens, it usually hurts us. Imagine for a moment how it was for Jesus, the Creator of all people, who came to earth and was rejected by the very people he made for His glory! But there is good news today: even though we naturally reject God, Jesus came to bring us back into His family. Outline: 1. The rejection of the light 2. How to find life in the light Verse: John 1:12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God... Discussion Questions: 1. How does John describe the reception Jesus received when He came into the world? 2. Even though we have all rejected Jesus, he still makes a way for us to be welcomed into His family. How does this happen, according to v.12? How does it NOT happen, according to v.13? 3. How can these verses help you cherish Jesus more this Christmas?
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John 1:14-18 Christmas Glory Summary: It is the last Sunday before Christmas! It is amazing that God has not stayed away from us. He has drawn near by sending His Son Jesus so you can know Him. Joy to the world, the Lord is come! Let earth receive her King. Outline: 1. God knows your struggles 2. God has come near to know you 3. God has shown you His glory 4. God has given you grace and truth Verse: John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory... Discussion Questions: 1. Why is it so important to believe that Jesus took flesh and dwelt among us? What are the implications of it? 2. How do these words in vv. 14-18 relate to the tent of meeting in the Old Testament, where God promised to dwell with His people? How does Jesus fulfill this? 3. Why do you think John compares the law of Moses and the grace and truth that came in Jesus? Are they opposed to each other? 4. How can these truths in this passage help you cherish Jesus this Christmas?
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Shining as Lights in the World Philippians 2:12-18 Welcome today Pastor Ming Li from the Chinese Reformed Church of SD, which meets together Sunday afternoons in our worship center here after North City. God calls us as believers to shine as lights in the world, but how are we to do this? Pastor Ming will share with us two characteristics that Paul focuses on in our passage this morning from his letter to the Philippians. 1. Shining as Lights in the World in _______________ ___________________ 2. Shining as Lights in the Word in _______________ _____________________
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Text: Revelation 12:1-6 Sermon Title: Cosmic Victory Outline: I. Preview II. The Woman III. The Dragon IV. The Child Questions: Preview What did
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Proverbs 1:1-7 The School of Wisdom Summary: Every single day, we need wisdom from God; wisdom on how to live, how to serve God, and how to worship Him with our lives. As we start a new year together, let's seek wisdom from God as we study the book of Proverbs. Let's begin by understanding why God gave us this book of the Bible: Outline: 1. The subject of the Proverbs: We need wisdom 2. The two paths in Proverbs: the way of wisdom or the way of folly 3. The goal of Proverbs: to worship JESUS, the source of wisdom Verse: Proverbs 1:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; fools despise wisdom and instruction. Discussion questions: 1. What are the areas of life where you need wisdom the most? Where do you tend to go for wisdom? 2. What is the difference between knowledge and wisdom? 3. According to Proverbs 1:1-7, what might be the goal of the book? 4. Read Colossians 2:1-3. How is Jesus described? How then should we read the Proverbs?
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Proverbs 1:8-19 Fatherly Wisdom Summary: Do you remember a time when you got into trouble for doing something that your parents said not to do? Did they warn you of the dangers? God gives parents the job of teaching their kids the way of godliness and wisdom. Today our passage in Proverbs 1 tells us all about this, so let's listen in! Outline: God’s plan for kids (and adults!): Hear and heed your parent’s wisdom A father’s wisdom: run from sinful influences A father’s warning: Unrepentant sinners get what they deserve Your parent’s hope: a victory of God’s grace in your life! Verse: Proverbs 1:8 Hear, my son, your father’s instruction, and forsake not your mother’s teaching, Discussion Questions: 1. What is the role of parents as you read Proverbs 1:8-19? What is the role of children? 2. How do you see the enticements of sin in this passage? What is enticing you currently (or your kids?) 3. What is the positive motivator to embrace wisdom in this passage? How do we balance the warnings with these motivations? 4. Where might you see Jesus through this Proverb? 5. If you are a parent, how can this passage shape your parenting?
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Proverbs 3:1-8 Who Will you Trust? Summary: Have you ever felt like it is hard to trust God? We wonder if He is really caring for us sometimes, especially when life is hard. We hope we can figure out problems on our own and fail to realize that God calls us to lean on Him. Today we’ll see in Proverbs 3:5-6 that our own wisdom often fails, but God calls us to trust Him with our whole heart. Let’s think about it: Outline: 1. The folly of independence from God 2. The wisdom of dependence on God 3. The spiritual health God promises Verse: Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart... Discussion Questions: 1. What are the areas in life where you feel “competent?” Where do you feel the weakest? Where might you be tempted to “lean on your own understanding?” 2. How does leaning on your own understanding cause you to live by works instead of by faith in Jesus? 3. Since Proverbs 3:5 tells us to trust in in the Lord with your whole heart, spend time praying about situations in your life where you are not trusting God. 4. Spend time this week meditating on the character of God, the power of the Gospel, and how He is worthy of your trust
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Proverbs 16 Commit Your Work to the Lord Summary: Today we begin a time of praying for wisdom for our church and our future together. It is always good to pray. But there are times when it is good to devote ourselves to seeking God for big decisions. Today let’s listen to wisdom from Proverbs so we can seek God and commit our plans to Him. Outline: 1. Commit your work to the Lord 2. Commit yourself to contentment 3. Commit yourself to the righteous King Verse: Proverbs 16:9 (ESV): The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps. Discussion questions: 1. Read Proverbs 16 again. What are the major themes you see? 2. How do you see the sovereignty of God and the plans of man interact in the chapter? How do you see this in your life? What plans do you have and how might they be shaped by this chapter? 3. Why do you think he spends so much time speaking about a righteous king? 4. How can we seek to commit our plans and work to the Lord as a church?
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Honor the Lord with Your Wealth, Part 2 Proverbs 28 Summary: Money is one of God's gifts to us. But like all His gifts, we can misuse it if we are not careful. The book of Proverbs is full of teaching on how to handle our money well. Last week we saw that we are to honor the Lord with our wealth. Today we are going to look again at the topic of wealth in Proverbs, and see the danger and the purpose of money. Let's listen carefully to God's Word! Outline: 1. Wealth can be dangerous 2. Wealth is for doing Kingdom good 3. There is mercy for the wealthy Verse:Proverbs 28:25 A greedy man stirs up strife, but the one who trusts in the Lord will be enriched. Discussion Questions: 1. Read Proverbs 28 again, and also read Proverbs 27:23-27. What are the dangers of riches that are described in these verses? 2. How can riches lead to self-deceit in your life (Prov. 28:11)? How might you be tempted to treat others differently by their financial status (vv. 3-9)? 3. Why might it be dangerous to
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Proverbs 4:20-27 Guard Your Heart Summary: What do you do to take care of something valuable and important? Do you put it in a safe place? Do you keep a close watch on it so nothing happens to it? Did you know that the Bible tells us that guarding your heart is kind of like that? Proverbs tells us to guard (or keep) our hearts, to protect our relationship with God. But what does it mean to guard our hearts? Let's think about it: Outline: 1. Our actions shape our hearts 2. Our heart shapes our actions 3. Guarding the heart is God's work 4. Guarding the heart is our work Verse: Proverbs 4:23 Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life. Discussion Questions: 1. Read Proverbs 4:20-27. What are some of the actions in your life that are currently shaping the spiritual health of your heart? Remember the heart is the
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Sermon Text: Ephesians 3:20-21 Sermon Title: To God be the Glory Confessing Our Sin: Isaiah 50:10 Promise of Forgiveness: Isaiah 53:5 Tithe Reading: Proverbs 11:25 Children’s Memory Verse: Romans 11:36 For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be glory forever. Amen
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Viewed 1956 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Go to the Ant Proverbs 6:6-11 Summary: Did you know that doing work is a very good thing? I know it may not feel like it, because there is some work that is hard or boring or we just don't like it sometimes. There will always be some parts about work that we don't enjoy, because we live in a sinful world, and we are sinful people. But God made meaningful work for us all to do. Today in Proverbs we are going to think about work, and take a lesson from an unlikely creature: the ANT! Outline: 1. Consider the ant 2. Consider the sluggard 3. Consider yourself 4. Consider the Lord Verse: Proverbs 6:6–8 Go to the ant, O sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise. 7 Without having any chief, officer, or ruler, 8 she prepares her bread in summer and gathers her food in harvest. Discussion questions: 1. What is the main work God has given you to do, and what is your general attitude about it? 2. Take some time for self evaluation: would you tend toward the temptations of laziness or being a workaholic? How might they have similar sinful roots? 3. What are the lessons we learn from the ant? From the sluggard? 4. How does the Gospel inform the motives for our work? How does God's character inform our work?
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Philippians 1:11-21 Partners in the Gospel Summary: We are in a strange time, not having Sunday worship together right now. I know it may seem strange and even scary. But God is on the throne and loves us still! He has a plan for us. Today let's look at Philippians 1 and think about how God is at work in us, even in difficult times. Let's think about it for a few minutes: Outline: 1. The Gospel is the foundation of our life together 2. Jesus will finish what He started in us 3. The Gospel strengthens us to suffer well Verse: Philippians 1:6 And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Discussion questions: 1. How does Paul feel about the Philippian Christians? How should the Gospel be the foundation of our life as a church? What ought to be different about the way we relate? 2. What hope does verse 6 give you in the middle of all this uncertainty we are experiencing? 3. How does Paul describe his own suffering in all of Philppians 1? How does the Gospel give you the grace to
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Trusting God and Living Wisely in Troubled Times Proverbs 21 1. Take courage, God is on the throne (21:1-2, 30-31) 2. Live wisely: Do justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with your God (21:3-4, Micah 6:8) 3. Live wisely: Be slow to speak, quick to listen (21:23, James 1:19-20) Proverbs 21:1 The king’s heart is a stream of water in the hand of the Lord; he turns it wherever he will. Discussion questions: 1. Take a few minutes for an honest assessment of your heart. How have you been at guarding your heart and trusting God's sovereignty during these troubling days? 2. How does Proverbs 21:1-2 help reset our worldview and perspective during days of trouble? 3. How does Proverbs 21 in general call us to wise living in the face of chaos and national unrest? Where are the areas where you have struggled to live in wisdom recently? 4. How should the Gospel shape our words? How should actions be shaped when we know our own sin has been washed clean by the blood of Jesus?
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Burial Preparations John 12:1-8 Summary: Have you ever broken something really expensive? I broke a vase that belonged to my mom once (not a really expensive one, but still it was nice!). What would you think of someone who did that intentionally? That would seem wasteful. Today we're going to start getting ready for Easter by looking at the moment when Mary broke open a really expensive bottle of perfume and poured it on Jesus. Why would she do this? Let's find out together: Outline: 1. Judas: a heart of stone 2. Mary: A heart of worship 3. Jesus: the One at the heart of it all Verse: John 15:13 Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends. Discussion Questions: 1. Think about Judas' response in this scene in John 12. How might you have responded to Mary's act? What is he missing? 2. Why would Mary have done this? What would lavish devotion look like in your life? 3. How might this account in John 12 help you today as you prepare for Good Friday and Easter?
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Today is called
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Matthew 28:1-17 Worship The Risen Christ Summary: He is Risen! Today, even though we can't be together, we can still be glad that Jesus is risen from the dead! Today let's hear Matthew tell us about the resurrection of Jesus and learn how it should change us: Outline: 1. Don't be afraid 2. Come and see 3. Go and tell 4. Fall down and worship Verse: Matthew 28:5-6 5 But the angel said to the women, “Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. 6 He is not here, for He has risen, as He said. Discussion Questions: 1. What are the ways you might be able to make this Easter a significant time of worship, even though we can't worship in person together? How might God want you to
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Proverbs 6:16-19 Seven Deadly Sins Summary: I wonder how things have gone for you this week as you've lived together with your family at home during this time? If you're like me, some days are good, and other days I see my sin in how I speak and act. Today, as we study Proverbs, God tells that He HATES sin! And He wants us to feel the same way. Let's pray that God would help us to do that today. Outline: Seven deadly sins: 1. God HATES sin 2. God describes sin's darkness 3. God solves the hatred Verse:1 Peter 2:9a (ESV)9 But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession... Discussion questions: 1. Why is it so important for us to know how deeply God hates sin? 2. Which of these sins in Proverbs 6:16-19 is the biggest struggle for you? Why? 3. Would you say you are currently, actively fighting against sin, or are you giving in to its temptations? What should you be doing to kill sin in your life this week? 4. How did God ultimately deal with His hatred of sin? How will he do that finally one day? How can this help you in the war against sin?
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Proverbs 15 Words: Apples of Gold Summary: Have you ever said something that you wish you hadn't said to another person? Or maybe someone said something to you that hurt you? Our words are powerful, either to hurt or heal others. The Proverbs tells us about the power of our words. Let's listen to God's words today: Outline: The Power of our words: 1. Words of peace 2. Words of knowledge 3. Words of life Verse: Proverbs 15:1 A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. Discussion questions: 1. Read Proverbs 15 individually or with your family. What are the ways in which this chapter speaks about the power of our words? 2. How might your words spread strife instead of peace? 3. What do you think Solomon means when he says
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Proverbs 31:10-31 Praise Her in the Gates Summary: Today is Mother’s Day! Make sure you say Happy Mother’s Day to your Mom today and I hope all our moms enjoy a day where we thank them for all they do. Today as we study Proverbs we're going to look at chapter 31 and see someone called
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Proverbs 17:17, 18:24, 27:6,9,17
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Title: Refugee Spirituality Text: 1 Peter 2:9-12 Intro 1. What is Peter’s message in 1 Peter? 2. What does the Bible mean when it uses the word “exile”? 3. What’s the point of this text? Coronation (v.9-10) 1. How many times is Jewish exile language used prior to our text? List the provided summary statements. 2. Is our royal identity recognized? Why or why not. 3. What is the purpose of our disguised royal identity? 4. What specific “excellency” are we to announce? Summons (v.11-12) 1. Are the “passions of the flesh” sexual desires? 2. How are the two imperatives (“abstain” and “keep”) related? 3. What is the implied dishonorable conduct? 4. What happens if you follow this dishonorable conduct? 5. Does refusing to retaliate guarantee you won’t be attacked? 6. What is at the center of a refugee spirituality? 7. Can Christians have enemies? Memory Verse But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for His own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. (1 Peter 2:9)
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Good News for Recovering Pharisees Galatians 1:1-5 Summary: These days we are finally starting to get out and do things more after so long staying home because of the virus. It feels like freedom! But there is a bigger virus, and an even bigger freedom that is ours if we know Jesus. The virus is sin, and the freedom is the forgiveness God gives us by His grace alone. That is what we'll see today as we start a new study of Paul's letter to the Galatians. Let's think about what that means: Outline: Why do we need this letter from God? 1. Because it is Good News from God Himself 2. Because we are recovering Pharisees 3. Because we need the news of freedom Verse: Gal 2:16 16 yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ... Discussion Questions: 1. This week, read through Paul's letter to the Galatians several times. What do you think is the main point of his letter? 2. What is meant by the sentence,
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Galatians 1:6-10 No Other Gospel Summary: One of the most wonderful, joyful truths that we learn in the Bible is that God is willing to save us by faith in Jesus ALONE, not by our good works. As we study Paul's letter to the Galatians, we'll see that this is so important for us to believe. Anything else is a false Gospel! Let's listen to Paul describe it: Outline: 1. The danger of a false Gospel 2. God's judgment on false teachers 3. God's answer: there is only ONE Gospel Verse: Galatians 2:16...Yet we know that a person is not justified by works of the law but through faith in Jesus Christ... Discussion Questions: 1. How does Paul address the Galatians in chapter 1:6-10? How is it different from the way he speaks of the false teachers? 2. Why is Paul
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Luke 7:1-10 Faith Unexpected Intro: • What is this story about? • Describe the different ways to view the kingdom of God. (Hint: listen for the verbs.) • What does this story persuade the reader to do? • What do the four “movements” in the text explain about our expectations? Transition (7:1) • Which chapters fit into the wider unit of Luke’s narrative? • Which OT scroll does Jesus read from in Nazareth? • What does the scroll outline? • Luke 4-8 narrates Jesus’ provocative claim that the kingdom of God especially benefits whom? • Who, in our story, qualifies as the “poor”? Why? Plot (7:2-3) • What is the basic plot? • What are the two-character descriptions given about the centurion? • What is the “heightened” plot within these social dynamics? Rising Tension (7:4-8) • What is the “surprising interruption” in the middle of this scene? • What did the Jewish elders focus on while misrepresenting the centurion’s message? • What do the Jewish elders mean when they say the centurion “loves our nation”? (Hint: record the mainverb.) • What do the Jewish elders mean when they say the centurion “built a synagogue”? • How does this scene drip with irony? • What are the two ways to approach Jesus? (Hint: listen for the verbs.) Resolution (7:9-10) • What is Luke and Jesus’ message in the resolution? • Why does Jesus put the priority on faith? • What does this text require of us? Memory verse: “Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God.” (Luke 6:20b)
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Galatians 1:11-24 A History of Grace Summary: Have you ever bought something used? Some stores buy and sell used items, and we often call it a
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Galatians 2:1-10 Preserving the Gospel Summary: The great news of the Gospel is that God saves us by faith in Jesus ALONE. Our good works do not earn us eternal life. In Galatians, Paul is unwilling to let anyone change that simple, wonderful Gospel message. Let's listen to Paul's defense today and pray that we might hold on to the good news as well: Outline: 1. Gospel fruit 2. Gospel preservation 3. Gospel partners Verse:
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Viewed 2010 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Galatians 2:17-21 Crucified With Christ Summary: Being a Christian means that we have given up trying to earn God's love by our own good works and trying to obey God's law. We can never work enough! God saves us as a free gift through faith in Jesus. Today listen as talk about what it means to be
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Text: Exodus 26:1,31-35, 27:1-2, 27:9-10, 20-21 Title: The Path to Heaven: Jesus, the Mediator 1-2 Sentence Summary: Sometimes when we get something for free, we treat it like costs like $0. Because our ticket into heaven, the Holy Place of God,is for free, we sometimes treat it like a mere piece of paper; however, let us remember how much it cost to get into heaven and give thanks to Jesus Christ for paying it all! Outline: 1. In order to get into Heaven, God requires blood to cover our stench 2. In order to get into Heaven, God requires holiness as your permission to enter. 3. In order to get into Heaven, God requires complete obedience for you to stay there. Memory Verse:
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Galatians 3:1-5 Faith Alone Summary: I love the game of golf. I love being outside, playing with friends or family, and I really love the feeling of hitting a great golf shot. Of course that doesn't happen as often as I'd like! In golf you have to hit several good shots in a row to score well. You can start off well, but if you don't finish by putting the ball in the hole, you'll never get a good score. Today, let's listen to Paul in Galatians again. He was worried that his friends started the Christian life well, (accepting Jesus by faith), but were trying to finish by their own good works. Let's listen in: Outline: 1. Beware of the
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Galatians 3:6-9 Father Abraham Summary: Do you know this song?
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Galatians 3:10-14 Blessings and Curses Summary: Today, listen for two really important words: Blessings and curses. Blessings are words of hope, promise and comfort for us from God. God has given us the blessings of eternal life when we trust in Jesus by faith. But curses are words of judgment. If we try to earn our salvation by our good works, we will never succeed, and instead we'll only receive a curse, not a blessing. Let's think about it: 1. Don't rely on your works, they only bring a curse 2. Live by faith in Jesus who redeemed us from the curse Verse: Gal. 3:13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us... Discussion questions: 1. Read Galatians 3:10-14 again, and then read over all of the Old Testament passages (in context) that Paul quotes: Deut. 27:26, Hab 2:4, Leviticus 18:5, Deuteronomy 21:23. Try to read the surrounding context of each passage to get the full sense. Why do you think Paul quotes the Old Testament so much here? 2. Why does relying on the works of the law bring us under a curse? In what ways might you be relying on the works of the law? 3. How did Jesus redeem us from the curse of the law? In what sense did He
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Galatians 3:10-14 Blessings and Curses Summary: Today, listen for two really important words: Blessings and curses. Blessings are words of hope, promise and comfort for us from God. God has given us the blessings of eternal life when we trust in Jesus by faith. But curses are words of judgment. If we try to earn our salvation by our good works, we will never succeed, and instead we'll only receive a curse, not a blessing. Let's think about it: 1. Don't rely on your works, they only bring a curse 2. Live by faith in Jesus who redeemed us from the curse Verse: Gal. 3:13 Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us... Discussion questions: 1. Read Galatians 3:10-14 again, and then read over all of the Old Testament passages (in context) that Paul quotes: Deut. 27:26, Hab 2:4, Leviticus 18:5, Deuteronomy 21:23. Try to read the surrounding context of each passage to get the full sense. Why do you think Paul quotes the Old Testament so much here? 2. Why does relying on the works of the law bring us under a curse? In what ways might you be relying on the works of the law? 3. How did Jesus redeem us from the curse of the law? In what sense did He
Viewed 1967 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Galatians 3:15-18 An Unbreakable Promise Summary: Do you know what a
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Galatians 3:19-25 Law and Promise Summary: Why do you think God gave us His laws, like the Ten Commandments? Is it so we can try hard to obey God and earn His love? NO! God gave us the law for a much better reason. He knew we could not obey him perfectly, but the law shows us our sin and how much we need Jesus. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. The law is a mirror to show us our sin 2. The law is a prison to restrain our sin 3. The law is our teacher to lead us to Jesus Verse:Galatians 3:21a
Viewed 2151 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Galatians 3:26-29 One in Christ Summary: If you look around at our church you will see people from many different places in the world, and different backgrounds. But we share one thing: we are all children of God through faith in Jesus! This breaks down the walls between us so we can love one another no matter what are differences are. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. In Christ we are sons of God 2. In Christ we are united to one another 3. In Christ we are connected to the church throughout history Verse: Galatians 3:28 (ESV)28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Discussion questions: 1. Notice how many times Paul speaks about being
Viewed 1914 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Galatians 4:1-7 No Longer a Slave Summary: Today as we read Galatians, Paul is going to tell us about how God sent Jesus to redeem us out of slavery and adopt us as His Sons and daughters. Let's listen to this great news! Outline: 1. Life in slavery 2. The coming of the Son 3. The fulness of our sonship Verse: Galatians 4:4-5 God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law, 5 to redeem those who were under the law... Discussion Questions: 1. What is the picture Paul gives in this passage of life as a young heir in his father's household? How is it like us being under the law? How is the law like slavery in this way? 2. How does Paul describe the coming of Christ in vv.4-5? 3. How does it help you to know that God's adoption of you is sealed by the Spirit in us? How should the Spirit of adoption shape your own identity? How could it fuel your faith this week?
Viewed 1947 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Galatians 4:12-20 A Perplexed Pastor Summary: The greatest thing we hope for you as you grow up at NCPC is that you would grow up to love Jesus and His Gospel. Today as we hear again from Paul, we hear of his desire that “Christ would be formed in us” which is his way of saying that he wants us to grow up to love Jesus and walk with him. But there were enemies of Jesus in the church of Galatia that wanted to undo all this! Let’s think about it: Outline: 1. Follow Gospel leaders as they follow Jesus 2. Beware of Gospel enemies who want your allegiance 3. The goal of our ministry is to have Christ be formed in us Verse: Galatians 5:1 (ESV): For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. Discussion Questions: 1. How does Paul beg his hears to “become as I am, for I also have become as your are”? What does this mean? 2. How does this passage reveal the history between Paul and the Galatians? How would you describe it? Why did it change? 3. What are the tactics of the false teachers described here in Galatians 4? 4. How does this passage help us as we think about the relationship between the church and her leaders? Paul’s hope is that “Christ is formed” in us. What does that mean?
Viewed 2113 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Confessing Our Sin: Isaiah 53:6 Promise of Forgiveness: Isaiah 53:11 Tithe Reading: Proverbs 3:9-10 Sermon Text: John 10:11-18 Sermon Topic: The Good Shepherd
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Galatians 4:21-31 Two Ways to Live Summary: Today God wants us all to think about two totally different ways to live our lives. One is the way of freedom, and the other is slavery. There are only two options. Either we live in the freedom of forgiveness through faith in Jesus alone, or we choose the slavery of trying to please God by our own works and efforts at righteousness. Which do you choose? Outline: 1. Two wives, and their sons: Hagar and Sarah, Ishmael and Isaac 2. Two covenants: works and grace 3. Two ways to live: slavery or freedom Verse: Galatians 5:1 (ESV)1 For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. Discussion Questions: 1. Why do you think Paul uses this example of Hagar and Sarah to make his point again about living by works or by faith? Spend some time contrasting the two mothers and their sons. 2. How does that help us see the two different ways to live before God? How are they two totally different
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Galatians 5:1-6 Free at Last Summary: We talk about freedom a lot in our world, especially in America. But there is a different kind of freedom that Jesus wants you to have. It is a freedom from the burden of trying to save yourself by keeping God’s law. God wants you to be free from that! How? We live by faith in Jesus, and stop trying to earn our place with Him. Think about it: Outline: 1. Stand for true freedom 2. Falling from grace 3. Wait for our eternal hope Verse: Galatians 5:13–14 (ESV): For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another. Discussion Questions: 1. What does Paul mean when he says “for freedom Christ has set us free?” What type of freedom is he speaking of here? What is the slavery he warns against? 2. Paul tell us that if we try to be acceptable to God by the law (he speaks of obeying the laws of circumcision), then we are “obligated to keep the whole law.” Why is this? What “laws” are often set up in your own mind for how you can be acceptable to God? How might you place such obligations of law on others? 3. What does Paul mean by the phrase “faith working through love” in verse 6? How is this opposed to salvation by works? How does this help us understand the proper place of works in our relationship with God?
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Psalm 146 An Anthem for all Generations Summary: Today we are celebrating the 35th anniversary of our church! God has been faithful to our church for many years, caring for us, allowing us to worship Him, and letting us take part in His mission to share the Gospel with the world. Psalm 146 is perfect for a day like this. It shows us how God is worthy to be praised and has been faithful to all generations. Let's listen in as this Psalm shows us the beauty of God who is worthy of our worship and our lives: 1. Are you breathing? Then worship is your calling 2. Are you grasping for hope? Then put your trust in the Prince of Peace 3. Are you looking for happiness? Then open your eyes and see the beauty of our God Verse: Psalm 146:1–2 (ESV) 1 Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord, O my soul! 2 I will praise the Lord as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being. Discussion Questions: 1. Read Psalm 146 again. Why does the writer say
Viewed 1867 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Sermon Text: Galatians 5:7-15 Sermon Title: Freedom to be a Servant Music: *Rejoice the Lord is King *Arise, O Church Arise (Arise, Shine) *Jesus, I Come Call to Worship: 1 Chronicles 16:35-36 Confession of Sin: Romans 7:18-24 Promise of Forgiveness: Romans 7:29-8:4 Tithe Reading: James 1:16-17 Memory Verse: Galatians 5:13 For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.
Viewed 1633 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Galatians 5:16-26 Walk by the Spirit Summary: We live constantly at war! I don't mean with soldiers and guns, but a spiritual war rages all the time. Our sinful nature (Paul calls it the flesh) wants to control us. But the Holy Spirit lives in us now, so we can
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Galatians 6:1-5 Bear One Another's Burdens Summary: Because Jesus bore the burden of our sin on the cross, we are set free from the guilt of sin. Because we are free, God wants us now to move toward our fellow Christians in love and bear each other's daily burdens. Let's see what that means: Outline: 1. We are called to the ministry of bearing each other's burdens 2. Be on guard against sin in the ministry of burden bearing Verse: Galatians 6:2 (ESV)2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. Discussion Questions: 1. Why does bearing each other's burdens
Viewed 1535 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Galatians 6:6-10 Sowing and Reaping Summary: Have you ever planted a plant, or maybe a whole garden? If we plant carrots, do we ever expect to get tomatoes instead? No! Why? Because we reap what we sow. We sow (plant) carrot seeds, and we reap (harvest) carrots. The Bible tells us that our Christian life is like that. What we plant (spiritually) we will eventually harvest in our lives. The real question is, what are we planting? Is it sin, or is it good seeds, like God's Word? Outline: 1. The principle: we reap what we sow 2. Three examples of sowing and reaping: a. The ministry of the Word b. Our pursuit of holiness c. Doing good to others Verse: Galatians 6:7 (ESV)7 Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap. Discussion Questions: 1. Why does the Bible often compare our spiritual lives to the principle of sowing and reaping a harvest? Why, in Paul's context of sowing and reaping here, does he say
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Galatians 6:11-18 Boasting in the Cross Summary: Have you ever received a Christmas present that you loved, and were so excited to show it to your friends? When we are so thrilled by something, we want to talk about it and show it to others. As we finish Galatians today, Paul says that he
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Luke 2:22-28 Living in Anticipation Summary: Since it is the week of Christmas, let's take some time to think together about why Jesus was born. Long ago (in Luke 2) there was a man named Simeon and a woman named Anna who were waiting in faith and praying for God to send a Savior. They show us what it means to live by faith and worship Jesus this Christmas. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. Waiting for Jesus 2. How to be ready to die 3. A Child appointed for falling and rising Verse: Luke 2:29-30 29 “Lord, now you are letting your servant depart in peace, according to your word; 30 for my eyes have seen your salvation... Discussion Questions: 1. How does Simeon's statement describe who Jesus is and what he came to do for us? (see Luke 2:29-32) How is Anna's life portrayed for us by Luke 2:36-38? 2. Why could Simeon depart and die in peace, and how does it apply to us? 3. How is Jesus appointed for the
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Call to Worship: Hebrews 2:5-9 Confession our Sin: Daniel 9:7-8 Promise of Forgiveness: Psalm 32:1-2 Tithe Reading: 2 Corinthians 9:7 Sermon Text: Psalm 8 Sermon Topic: What is Man? Outline: God and his creation Man among God's creatures Christ the King of creation Discussion Questions: How can we relate Psalm 8 with the message of Genesis 1? Why do you think the psalmist does not mention man's fall into sin? What does the fact that God created man in his image tell about our place among God's creatures? How does Christ fulfill the high expectations the psalmist place upon human beings in Psalm 8?
Viewed 1855 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Call to Worship: 2 Corinthians 6:2 For He says, ‘In a favorable time I listened to you, and in a day of salvation I have helped you.’ Behold, now is the favorable time; behold, now is the day of salvation. Confession of Sin: 1 John 1:8-9 If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Promise of Forgiveness: Zephaniah 3:17 The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you with His love; He will exult over you with loud singing. Tithe: Malachi 3:10 Bring the full tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house. And thereby put Me to the test, says the LORD of hosts, if I will not open the windows of heaven for you and pour down for you a blessing until there is no more need. Sermon: Isaiah 61 Title: The Year of the Lord's Favor in a Pandemic
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Exodus 7 A Heart of Stone Summary: The Bible talks a lot about our hearts. When God speaks of our heart, He means that spiritual place inside of us that either learns to love God, or wants to go our own sinful way. In Exodus 7, God shows us the hard, stony heart of Pharaoh who refused to bow. But it also shows us that God is mighty and powerful, over Pharaoh's heart, and over all other competing powers. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. The obedience of God's servant 2. The weakness of God's enemy 3. The unstoppable power of God 4. The hard heart of unbelief Verse: Exodus 7:13 (ESV)13 Still Pharaoh’s heart was hardened, and he would not listen to them, as the Lord had said. Discussion Questions: 1. What is significant about the way Moses and Aaron acted in this chapter compared to the previous chapters of Exodus? Why is this so important? 2. How does God attack the heart and idols of Pharaoh and the Egyptians? How does God still do that today when He confronts our own sin? 3. How do we understand the fact that God hardened Pharaoh's heart? How can God also hold Pharaoh responsible for his sin? (See Romans 9:14-26 for Paul's thoughts on this). What warnings does this give us about refusing God's call to believe the Gospel? 4. How does God's victory over Pharaoh point us to Jesus' ultimate victory over Satan? As you engage in the spiritual battles of this life, pray that God would give us courage and faith to trust Him this week.
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God's Blessing in Affliction Exodus 1 Summary: Today we get to start a new study in the book of Exodus! Exodus is an adventure story where God dramatically rescues His people from slavery. Let's pray today that this book would help us grow deeper and closer to the Lord as He shows us that He is a redeeming, saving God. Outline: 1. The great drama of redemption 2. The fiery trials of our faith 3. The unstoppable blessing of God Verse: Exodus 1:12a But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and the more they spread abroad. Discussion Questions: 1. How does the book of Exodus fall into the larger history of God's Word? What might it teach us about God and His Gospel? 2. How would you describe God's work in Exodus 1 for His people? How is he at work through their slavery? Why do you think. the Egyptians wanted to oppress them? 3. Why were the Hebrew midwives commended for lying to Pharaoh? What might this teach us today? 4. How does this chapter point us to Christ?
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Exodus 2:1-10 A Redeemer is Born Summary: God can do amazing things! Today let's listen in on the drama of Moses being born, and then powerfully rescued from death as a baby. God had a plan to preserve this man so He would save His people from death. Does that sound familiar? Outline: 1. The love of a mother 2. The pity of a princess 3. The victory of God Verse: Exodus 2:10...She named him Moses, “Because,” she said, “I drew him out of the water.” Discussion Questions: 1. If you are a parent, how do you react to these verses that describe Moses' birth and the actions of his mother? 2. Even though God is not named in this passage, how is He at work? How might that help you in understanding God's ways today? 3. Read Matthew chapter 2. How does Exodus 2 mirror the events of Jesus' flight to Egypt? Why might this help us in understanding the point of Exodus 2? 3. Read Acts 7:17-23 and Hebrews 11:23. What do we learn about the faith of Moses' parents? Why is that important for us?
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Exodus 2:11-25 From the Palace to the Wilderness Summary: Have you ever been really mad at someone? Today we'll see Moses who took the life of an Egyptian who was beating a Hebrew slave. Moses had to run for his life, and God used all of it to prepare Moses to save His people. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. Giving up the dream 2. Living in the wilderness 3. Remembering the promise Verse: Hebrews 11:24(ESV) By faith Moses, when he was grown up, refused to be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter... Discussion Questions: 1. Why did Moses take the life of the Egyptian taskmaster? Was he right in doing so? Why or why not? Are there clues in the text that help us? 2. Read Hebrews 11:24-26. How does the writer of Hebrews describe Moses' break with his Egyptian family and connection? 3. How did God prepare Moses through his time in Midian? 4. When we look at Moses' early life in Exodus 2, how does it foreshadow or contrast Jesus and His own life and work? How can this help us walk in faith this week?
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Exodus 3:1-12 The Burning Bush Summary: Today we get to hear God tell us of a moment when He spoke to Moses through a burning bush. Imagine being alone on a mountainside, and God appears to you in a flaming bush! Moses was in the presence of the holy God. God told Moses His plans to save His people from slaverly in Egypt. Today, let's listen and hear of God's holiness, and his compassion on us that eventually led Him to send Jesus. Outline: 1. Our God is holy. How can we stand in His presence? 2. Our God sees, hears, and knows our affliction 3. Our God is our deliverer Verse: Exodus 3:5 Then he said, “Do not come near; take your sandals off your feet, for the place on which you are standing is holy ground.” Discussion Questions: 1. What do we learn about God's character from Exodus 3? Why do you think Moses needed to remove his sandals in the presence of God? 2. Why is it significant that Moses hid his face in God's presence? What other places in the Scriptures tell us about
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Exodus 3:11-22 I Am who I Am Summary: What is the big deal about names? Sometimes we get our names because of some family connection. Maybe you are named after someone in your family. But names have meaning, and God's name has great meaning. When God called Moses to lead Israel out of slavery, He told Moses His name. He called Himself
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Exodus 4:1-17 Out of Excuses Summary: Sometimes we just run out of excuses! When we really do not want to do something, we come up with reasons to avoid the thing we fear or dislike. Moses did not want to go to free God's people from Egypt, and gave God many reasons why he should not be the one to take on this big job. But God is the Lord, and His plan will never fail! Let's listen in again to the conversation between God and Moses, and hear God's gentleness and power with Moses, and us. Outline: 1. Moses' objection #3:
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Exodus 4:18-31 Preparing For Service Today we are going to look again at the life of Moses as he prepares to go back to Egypt to be God’s instrument for rescuing His people. Every time God wants to use us, He also wants to work in us. Let’s think about how God wants to work in Moses’ life and prepare him for this ministry: 1. Spiritual preparation 2. Moral preparation 3. Relational preparation Verse: Exodus 4:22–23 (ESV): Thus says the Lord, Israel is my firstborn son, 23 and I say to you, “Let my son go that he may serve me.” Discussion questions: 1. Why do you think Moses does not tell the whole story to Jethro his father-in-law? What are the important truths that God gives to Moses as he leaves? How is this important in preparing him for his ministry? 2. Why does God seek to take Moses’ life? How does his wife intervene? Why is this important for his preparation to be the deliverer of God’s people? 3. How may God be working in your life? What sin might he want to address so that you might be useful in his kingdom in a greater way?
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Exodus 5 Competing Kings Summary: How do you act when things don’t go your way? Do you get mad? Do you take your anger out on someone? God wants us to trust that He is the perfect King with a perfect plan for our lives. In Exodus when Moses goes to Pharaoh, he declares that God is king, and Pharaoh must let God's people go. But let’s see how Pharaoh wants to be God (and sometimes so do we!): Outline: 1. Thus says Yahweh... vv.1-9 2. Thus says Pharaoh.... vv. 10-19 3. “Thus says” Moses....vv.20-22 Verse: Exodus 5:1 (ESV): Thus says the Lord, the God of Israel, ‘Let my people go, that they may hold a feast to me in the wilderness.’ Discussion Questions: 1. Read Exodus 5 again. How would you characterize Moses' actions in this chapter? Does he obey in the message he delivers to Pharaoh? 2. Pharaoh makes a claim to sovereignty when he declares
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I Will Be Your God Exodus 6 Summary: Have you ever had a hard time listening to another person? Sometimes, when I am worn out, feeling sick or worried about other things, it feels impossible to hear someone else. We are often like that with God. The weight of sin upon us can make it hard for us to hear and believe God's promise of salvation. Today as we continue to study Exodus, we'll see how God promises to rescue us, just as He rescued Israel. Even when we sometimes struggle to believe, God's promise never fails. Outline: 1. God's message in our slavery: I am the LORD. 2. God's promise in our slavery: I will rescue You and be Your God 3. God's faithfulness in our slavery: His promise continues Verse: Exodus 6:7 (ESV)7 I will take you to be my people, and I will be your God, and you shall know that I am the Lord your God... Discussion Questions: 1. Notice how many times in this chapter God identifies himself as
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Exodus 7:14-25 Rivers of Blood Summary: God will move heaven and earth to shake us and get our attention! Today in Exodus we'll see God bring a terrible disaster on Egypt, in order to show them His glory and power. Sometimes God will also show us the weakness of the false gods we trust in, so we might trust Him alone. Let's think about those today: God’s desire to is to be known and worshipped God’s power will crush the false gods in which we trust God warns us to flee the wrath to come Verse:Exodus 7:16b “Let my people go, that they may serve me in the wilderness...
Viewed 1693 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Exodus 8:1-15 Frogs in Your Bed Summary: Today might be one of the most gross sermons ever! Imagine if our town was overrun by frogs! Frogs in the streets, our stores, our homes, even our beds!! It sounds nasty. Today, let's think about a time when God brought a plague of frogs on Egypt, all to show that He was God over all, and to compel Pharaoh to obey. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. Another god bites the dust 2. There is no one like the Lord our God Verse:Exodus 8:1 (ESV)1 Then the Lord said to Moses, “Go in to Pharaoh and say to him, ‘Thus says the Lord, “Let my people go, that they may serve me. Discussion Questions: 1. Why is it significant that God sent a plague of frogs on Egypt, and not some other creature? What god might He be crushing, and how might that apply to us as well? 2. Why does Moses ask for Pharaoh to name a specific time to end the plague? What should it have shown to Pharaoh, and us? 3. How could a plague of frogs help us understand the Gospel better?
Viewed 1859 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 21:1-19 It is the Lord! Summary: Today is Easter Sunday! It is one of my favorite days of the year, when we get to celebrate that Jesus is risen from the dead and reigns as our Savior. Today, let's look at one of the moments when Jesus appeared to His disciples after the resurrection. Let's listen in: Outline: 1. Renewed discipleship 2. Renewed fellowship 3. Renewed mission Verse: John 21:7 That disciple whom Jesus loved therefore said to Peter, “It is the Lord! Discussion Questions: 1. Compare this moment to Jesus' original call of the disciples in Luke 5:1-11. Why do you think they are so similar? 2. How does Peter's response at seeing Jesus help us? How should we respond to Jesus' resurrection? 3. How does Jesus renew his fellowship and mission with His disciples? How should this help you think about your own fellowship with Jesus, and the mission He has given us in the world?
Viewed 1651 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 6:1-14 Cruciform Communities Today we get to hear one last time from our intern Ty Gregory before he graduates. Pay attention to the questions below, see what you think about what Ty has to say, and listen especially carefully to what God has to say to us through Ty in this sermon. 1. What does the word “cruciform” mean? 2. What do you think makes a community? What about a Christian Community? 3. What does Jesus’ death mean to our sin? 4. What does Jesus’ resurrection promise? 5. What does this mean to our lives as Christians?
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Sermon Text: Colossians 3:1-11: If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. 2 Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth. 3 For you have died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. 4 When Christ who is your[a] life appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. 5 Put to death therefore what is earthly in you:[b] sexual immorality, impurity, passion, evil desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. 6 On account of these the wrath of God is coming. 7 In these you too once walked, when you were living in them. 8 But now you must put them all away: anger, wrath, malice, slander, and obscene talk from your mouth. 9 Do not lie to one another, seeing that you have put off the old self[d] with its practices 10 and have put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge after the image of its creator. 11 Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave,[e] free; but Christ is all, and in all. Sermon Topic: Hidden in Christ Outline: Alive to Christ Dead to Vices Discussion Questions: 1. In what sense can we say that we already have been raised with Christ since our resurrection is yet in the future? 2. What does Paul mean by saying that our lives are hidden Christ in God? 3. What are some of the practical implications of our union with Christ with respect to our fighting against sin?
Viewed 1679 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Call to worship Psalm 145: 1-3 Humbling Ourselves in God's Presence: Galatians 5:22-24: But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law. And those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Rejoicing in God's Mercy: Isaiah 53: 5-6: But he was pierced for our transgressions; / he was crushed for our iniquities; / upon him was the chastisement that brought us peace, / and with his wounds we are healed. / All we like sheep have gone astray; / we have turned—every one—to his own way; / and the Lord has laid on him / the iniquity of us all. Tithe: Proverbs 11:24-25 The Passage for my sermon: Isaiah 54: 1-10 Title: Eternal Covenant of Peace Outline: • A Barren Church • A Redeeming Husband • A Steadfast-loving God
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Ephesians 4:1-16; Our Upward Call
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Exodus 8:16-32 Lord of the Flies Summary: We're back in Exodus! Today we pick up the drama of God's power shown to Egypt through two more plagues. To show His power and convince Pharaoh to let God's people go, the Lord sends powerful swarms of gnats and flies throughout all Egypt. This sounds pretty gross! But God is at work to save His people. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. The finger of God destroys the power of Satan 2. God redeems His people from the wrath to come 3. God calls His people to a complete break with Egypt Verse: Exodus 8:20b ‘Thus says the Lord, “Let my people go, that they may serve me...
Viewed 1535 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Exodus 9:1-12 I Have Overcome the World Summary: It is hard to imagine the plagues that God brought on Egypt to show His power and lead Pharaoh to let God's people go from slavery. Today we'll see two more: sickness on the animals and sickness on the people as well. God had a plan to save His people. Let's think about it: 1. A mighty hand 2. A divine shield 3. A heart of stone Verse: Exodus 9:12 (ESV)12 But the Lord hardened the heart of Pharaoh, and he did not listen to them, as the Lord had spoken to Moses. Discussion Questions: 1. What do we learn in these two plagues (livestock dying and the boils on the people) about God's power? Why do we often shy away from speaking about these acts of judgment that God sent? 2. What do we learn about the state of Pharaoh's heart? 3. How might the sickness God sent on Egypt represent the spiritual condition of the people? How do the miracles of Jesus healing people give us hope when we consider the parallels between them?
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Exodus 9:13-35 Judgment Raining Down Summary: If you have ever been in a hailstorm, you know that they can be pretty scary...and painful! I grew up in Iowa where hailstones could be big. People can get hurt and property can get destroyed. When God called Pharaoh to repent and let the children of Israel go from slavery, a giant hailstorm was one of the demonstrations of His power. Let's think about it today, and see God's power at work: Outline: 1. The Lord of the storm at work: a. There is none like me b. I will proclaim my name c. The earth is mine 2. The response of the heart Verse: Exodus 9:16 16 But for this purpose I have raised you up, to show you my power, so that my name may be proclaimed in all the earth. Discussion Questions: 1. What were the purposes that God gave to Pharaoh for all these plagues? What do we learn about God, His character, and His ways in each of these? How might they point us to Jesus and His work? 2. Why do some of the servants of Pharaoh shelter their animals before the storm? What does the text tell us about the state of their hearts (vv.2-21)? 3. What should we make of Pharaoh's confession of sin? What is present and what might be missing? 4. How might this plague point us to the Good News of the Gospel?
Viewed 4784 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Call To Worship Revelation 19:11-16 Confessing Our Sin Isaiah 66:15-16 Promise of Forgiveness Psalm 18:3, 6, 10-12, 17-18 Tithe Reading Hebrews 13:16 Sermon Text Zechariah 1:1-17; 2:1-13 Topic The Horse and His Rider Preacher Calvin Kim
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Exodus 10:1-20 The Swarm Summary: Did you know that part of our job as adults and parents is to tell you about God's greatness and about His Son Jesus? Today as we come to the plague of locusts on Egypt, God tells them that this story of His great salvation is to be told to the children. So don't ever forget: the great drama of God's salvation is FOR YOU! Outline: 1. Tell our children the old story 2. Humility or humiliation 3. The swarm descends, but God's people are saved Verse: Deut. 6:6-7a And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. 7 You shall teach them diligently to your children.... Discussion Questions: 1. In this plague we learn that part of God's purpose is so that following generations will hear of God's greatness and
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Exodus 10:21-29 Darkness Summary: Have you ever been afraid of the dark? If so, you might be able to imagine the fear that came upon the Egyptians when God blocked out the sun for three days in their land. It was so dark, no one could even leave their homes! God was showing His ultimate power to Pharaoh. But He protected his people and gave them light. Let's listen in today, and remember that, if we know Jesus, we have the Light of the World: 1. The defeat of the sun god 2. The darkness of sin 3. The Light of the world Verse: John 8:12 (ESV)...“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” Questions for personal and family worship. Use these questions for your own devotions this week, or for family worship at home with your children: 1. Have you ever been afraid of the dark? Why do you think darkness is so frightening? Why might God have cast Pharaoh and his people into this long, dark night? 2. What does darkness signify in the Bible? Read what the Bible says about darkness in Matthew 25:30, John 3:19-21, and John 8:12. See also Revelation 16:10-11. 3. How does Jesus overcome the darkness that is in this world? How does he want to cast His light into the darkness in your own heart?
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Exodus 11 The Firstborn Summary: Today in our sermon on Exodus we hear God give warning of a final plague: all of the firstborn sons in Egypt will die. This sounds pretty terrible! But let’s think about it today, and remember why God brings judgment for sin: Outline: 1. Plundering the Egyptians 2. The wages of sin is death 3. God protects His people from death Verse: Exodus 11:1 The Lord said to Moses, “Yet one plague more I will bring upon Pharaoh and upon Egypt. Afterward he will let you go from here.” Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why do you think God brought this last plague of killing the firstborn in Egypt? Do you think they deserved this? Why or why not? Read Exodus 1 again to remember Pharaoh’s sin against Israel. 2. How did God show great mercy to Israel in this chapter? How does he protect us from the wages of sin? 3. Why do you think God allowed the Israelites to plunder the Egyptians? What does this teach us about God?
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Exodus 12:1-28 The Passover Summary: Today we hear more about God's final mighty judgment on Egypt in Exodus 12. Listen today for the word
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Ephesians 2:11-22 “Brought Near.”
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Call to Worship: Revelation 21:3-5 “And I heard a voice... ...for these words are trustworthy and true.” Confession of Sin: Psalm 51:3-4 “For I know my transgressions,...” Assurance of Grace Ephesian 2:8-10 Sermon Text Ephesians 3:1-21 The Mystery of the Gospel Outline 1. The Mystery of Christ through the gospel 3:1-7 2. The Plan of the mystery 3:8-13 3. Strengthened through His Spirit 3:14-21 Lord’s Supper Benediction
Viewed 1197 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

1 Kings 18:1-19, 36-46 Open the Gates!
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Exodus 12:29-42 Get Out! Summary: Today we finally see God completely defeating his enemies and delivering his people from slavery. But why is this so important for us? Let's see how God judges his enemies and saves his people to see why we need to hear this: Outline: 1. The judgment of God is inevitable 2. The Exodus of God is unstoppable 3. The care of God over us is perpetual Verse: Exodus 12:31 (ESV)31 Then he summoned Moses and Aaron by night and said, “Up, go out from among my people, both you and the people of Israel; and go, serve the Lord, as you have said. Discussion Questions: 1. How does the night of the final plague foreshadow God's final judgment? What might have been the Israelite's experience that night as the judgment of God fell around them? 2. Why might there be so many small details included in this account of the Exodus? (For example, v. 34 about the kneading bowls, v. 39 about unleavened bread, the number of people in v. 37, etc.). How might this help us as we read this historical event? 3. How is God's constant watchful care proved to us in this event? 4. What about these events should deepen our faith in Christ and trust in Him as we live in this evil world?
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Matthew 26:36-46
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Romans 5:1
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Rom 5.8
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A Feast to Remember Exodus 12:43-50; 13:3-10 Summary: Every month when we take the Lord's Supper, we stop to look back and remember what Jesus did for us on the cross. Even more, God promises to meet us there and give us grace to make us spiritually strong in Christ. This is so much like what God commanded Israel to do when they ate the Passover meal and celebrated a special holiday called
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words from Matt 28
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Words from Rom 1:1-17
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Romans 1:8-17
Viewed 1568 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Exodus 13:1-3, 11-16 Set Apart the Firstborn Summary: Did you know that you belong to God? Today we'll hear about another command that God gave to Israel to help them remember how He rescued His people from slavery. Because God required the lives of the firstborn in Egypt, He also called Israel to set apart all the firstborn in Israel, not for death, but as a sign of His ownership and salvation. Let's think about what it means to belong completely to the Lord together: Outline: 1. God our Father owns you completely 2. The power of redemption saves you from death 3. Tell your children they belong to the Lord 4. Jesus Christ is God's true firstborn Verse: Exodus 4:22 Thus says the Lord,
Viewed 5847 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God's Wrath on Unrighteous
Viewed 1499 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God's Righteous Judgment
Viewed 1547 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God's Judgment and the Law
Viewed 1395 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

God is faithful
Viewed 1829 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Exodus 13:17-22 The Glory Cloud Summary: How do you know that God is with you every day? When Israel left Egypt, God gave them something amazing: a giant pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire at night to guide them and show them that He was with them. Sometimes we might wish for something like that. But believe it or not, God gives us something even better! Let's think about how God cared for His people, then and now: Outline: 1. The wisdom of God 2. The promise of God 3. The presence of God Verse: Exodus 13:21 And the Lord went before them by day in a pillar of cloud to lead them along the way, and by night in a pillar of fire to give them light.... Discussion Questions: 1. Why did God guide Israel in the opposite direction of their destination? How does this show God's wisdom? How might God's plan for you feel like this at times? 2. Why was it so significant for Israel to carry Joseph's bones out of Egypt? How does this show us what it means to believe God's promises? 3. What did the pillar of cloud and fire show Israel? While we might wish for something like this in our lives, how can we know that God is present and guiding us today?
Viewed 1703 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Exodus 14:1-14 The Lord Will Fight for Your Summary: When you are afraid, what do you do? Do you go to your parents? Do you hide? Do you pray for God's help? Today in Exodus let's watch how God stepped in when His people are in trouble. The army of Egypt chased them down in the desert, but God fought for His people, and He fights for us too. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. The Lord of glory has a battle plan 2. The evil one wants you back 3. Stand firm and watch the Lord fight for you Verse: Exodus 14:14 The Lord will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.” Discussion Questions: 1. In this passage, God led his people into what seemed like a vulnerable position that actually led Egypt to pursue them. Why did God do this? Is there an application for us in this? 2. When Pharaoh and his army pursued Israel, they turned on Moses (see 14:10-12). After tasting the freedom we have in Christ, how might we be tempted to turn back to our old life when a crisis comes? 3. Moses rebukes Israel by telling them to
Viewed 1619 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Exodus 14:15-31 The Red Sea Summary: Today we are going to hear about the greatest miracle in the Old Testament: the moment when God parted the Red Sea and saved His people Israel from the army of Egypt. Let's see today how God was glorified (honored and worshipped) as He saved his people and judged His enemies: Outline: 1. God gets glory as He leads and protects His people 2. God gets glory as He judges the wicked 3. God gets glory as He saves His people Verse: Hebrews 11:29 By faith the people crossed the Red Sea as on dry land... Discussion Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. How does God gain glory in the Exodus? How is God glorified in the judgment of the wicked, as well as the salvation of His people? 2. Why do many people want to find a natural explanation for the Red Sea crossing? How does this passage show that this is clearly a supernatural act of God? 3. Why does the New Testament compare Moses to Jesus? (See Heb. 3:1-6) How is Jesus the better Moses, and how might this account of the Exodus teach us more about our great salvation through Christ? 4. When God's people saw the mighty judgment on Egypt, and God's great salvation, it says that they
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Text: Luke 7:16-23. Title: “The Heart of Disability Ministry” Outline (I give the same outline to kids and adults) Let me know if you want/need more than this. The Question The Answer What it means for us today 2-3 sentence summary directed to kids: God made you and He made everyone in the world. When you look around you realize that God made every one of us different and special. This morning as we look at the Bible, we are going to see that Jesus loved to spend time with people of all abilities and He welcomed them to be part of His family. Memory verse Exodus 34:6-7
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The Song of Moses Exodus 15:1-21 Summary: Have you ever wondered why we sing so much in church? Why do Christians sing at all? Let's look at one of the great songs in the Bible today, the
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The law makes the whole world accountable
Viewed 1429 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Exodus 15:22-27 Testing Summary: If you trust Jesus, you are on your journey to heaven, much like the Israelites were wandering in the wilderness on the way to the Promised Land. Life in the wilderness can be difficult, but it is where God wants to teach us to trust and obey Him. It takes our entire life to learn how to do this! Let's think about it: Outline: 1. The wilderness reveals our lack of faith 2. The wilderness is where we learn to trust and obey 3. The wilderness will eventually lead to the Promised Land Verse: Acts 14:22...
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Exodus 16:1-21 Bread from Heaven Summary: Have you ever been really hungry? Most of us know what that feels like, but very few of us have ever truly been starving. And, most of us have not feared running out of food. Israel in the wilderness struggled with complaining against God, and one of their complaints was about food. Where would it come from? Does God really care? Today we'll see how God responds, providing food, but also calling His people to trust him daily. Let's listen carefully to God's Word together: Outline: 1. The grumbling of unbelief 2. The gift of daily bread 3. The need for the Bread of Life Verse: John 6:35 ... “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst.
Viewed 1943 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 4 1-12
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Luke 19:11-27 The Parable of the Ten Minas
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Sermon: 1 Kings 10:14-29 Title: Seated on His Throne Main point for the kids bulletins: Our King in heaven shares His wisdom and wealth to His people who come into His Kingdom. Three points for the adults' bulletins: (1) The Shields and the Forest of Lebanon; (2) The Great Ivory Throne; (3) The War Machines and Tribute; and (4) Christ on the Great White Throne in Heaven. Discussion Question(s): 1. In your own words, describe Solomon's wealth and how you imagine them to be like. 2. How does Christ have greater glory and wealth than Solomon? Compare (1) the palace, (2) the throne, and (3) the tribute. 3. What does it mean for Solomon to rule from the throne with wisdom? 4. How does the peak of Solomon's reign point to Christ and His reign in heaven from His throne? 5. Does this matter to you? Why? 6. Why does this matter to believers? How might you share and reflect on this glory and wisdom of Christ with others? 7. Why should this matter to non-believers? How might you share this glory and wisdom of Christ with non-believers? I hope that reflecting on the glory and wisdom of Christ from His throne in Heaven will bring comfort and courage to everybody this Lord's Day.
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Romans 4:13-25
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Rom 5.11
Viewed 1218 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Isaiah 9:6a
Viewed 1075 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Exodus 16:22-36 The Gift of Sabbath Summary: Did you know that Sundays are a gift from God? Today we're going to hear how God gave the gift of a one day Sabbath (rest) to Israel in the wilderness. He taught them to trust Him by giving them a two day's supply of manna on the sixth day of the week, so they could rest on the seventh day. God still gives us a day of rest as well, our Lord's Day (Sundays!). Let's listen in and find out what it means for us: Outline: 1. Sabbath is a tool to teach us to rest and trust 2. Sabbath is a gift of God's grace 3. Sabbath is a sign of God's salvation Verse: Mark 2:27 The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. Questions for Devotions and Family Worship: 1. Why did God give Israel the gift of a one day Sabbath every week? Why does he give it to us? Why did Jesus say
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Covenant of promise
Viewed 1249 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

1 Cor 1.25
Viewed 1192 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 14.6
Viewed 1252 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Matt 1.23
Viewed 1191 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Rom 5.16
Viewed 1204 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Exodus 17:1-7 Water from the Rock Summary: How do you respond when someone around you is always complaining? Do you join them and complain too? Or do you get annoyed and wish they would stop? Do you not want to be near them? If we are honest, we all struggle at times with grumbling and complaining. Sadly God (and Moses) had to bear with the grumbling of Israel in the wilderness. Today we see God provide water again for His people. But He gives them much more than that. He provides mercy for their sin. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. God in the dock 2. God on the rock 3. God provides for His flock Verse: 1 Corinthians 10:4 ... For they drank from the spiritual Rock that followed them, and the Rock was Christ. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What are the things you most frequently complain about? 2. How does Israel heighten their complaint in Exodus 17? How is God on trial here? How do people put God on trial today? 3. Why is it significant that God took his stand on the rock and commanded Moses to strike it? How does Paul speak about this incident in 1 Cor. 10:4? 4. God constantly shows himself patient and forgiving with a complaining people. How should this passage shape us as we think about our sin, and God's mercy?
Viewed 1701 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Rom. 5:20-6:5
Viewed 1261 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Rom. 6:4-11
Viewed 1299 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Rom. 6:4-11
Viewed 1165 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Rom. 6:12-24
Viewed 1269 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 7:1-6
Viewed 1237 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

1 Thessalonians 4:11-018 Grieve with Hope 1. give a place to grief 2. mourn some don’t have hope 3. grieve with hope For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep. (1 Thessalonians 4:14)
Viewed 1011 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

1 Thessalonians 4:11-018 Grieve with Hope 1. give a place to grief 2. mourn some don’t have hope 3. grieve with hope For since we believe that Jesus died and rose again, even so, through Jesus, God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep. (1 Thessalonians 4:14)
Viewed 1135 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Exodus 17:8-16 Hands Held Up Summary: The Bible tells us that we are at war. It is not waged with guns and tanks, but we are in a spiritual battle against the world, against sin, and against Satan. Today as we see God's people in Exodus battle an enemy, we also see Moses stand and pray for God to give victory in the battle. Let's think about how to depend on God in prayer as we fight our spiritual battles in the wilderness: Outline: 1. We will wage war in the wilderness 2. The true war is waged in prayer 3. The Lord is my banner in the battle Verse: Exodus 17:15 And Moses built an altar and called the name of it, The Lord Is My Banner... Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. How does Israel's battle against the Amalekites reflect the long war against sin and Satan? 2. Israel was already saved from slavery and God vowed to bring them to the promised land. Yet they still had to face these enemies along the way. How might this help us understand our pilgrimage toward heaven? 3. How does Moses' prayer, and the help of Aaron and Hur help us understand what was truly happening in the battle? How does this help us understand prayer, and the spiritual battles we face? 4. What does it mean when Exodus 17:15 says
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Exodus 18 Wise Counsel Summary: Today let's listen to God's Word as Moses reunites with his family and gets wise advice from his father-in-law Jethro. Moses was called to be God's mediator. Listen for that word today, as we'll talk about Moses' main job to represent God before the people, and the people before God, much like Jesus does for us. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. Tell of God's work of salvation 2. We need a perfect mediator Verse: Exodus 18:11 Now I know that the Lord is greater than all gods... Questions for Devotions and Family Worship: 1. Describe Jethro's response to the news of God saving Israel from slavery? Why is this so important for us to see? 2. What is a mediator? How did Moses perform this function? How was Moses's job as mediator being hindered in this scene? 3. How does Moses foreshadow our perfect mediator Jesus? How is Jesus the greater Moses? How does Jesus mediate for YOU today before the Father, and how should this build your faith and courage today?
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Isaiah 40:1-5 The Glory Revealed Summary: It is the time of year when we get to think more about the birth of Jesus, and why it is so important for us. We're going to look all the way back to the prophet Isaiah. He lived hundreds of years before Jesus, and yet God used Isaiah to predict so much about Jesus. Let's listen to Isaiah describe the glory of God being revealed in Jesus' coming to save us: 1. Christmas is about God's promise of comfort 2. Christmas is about the revelation of God's glory Verse: Isaiah 40:5 And the glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together, for the mouth of the Lord has spoken.” Discussion Questions: 1. Read Isaiah 40: 1-5 again. What is the word of comfort Isaiah gives to Israel? How does it also apply to us? See especially vv.1-2. 2. What is the
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Isaiah 11:1-9 The Branch Summary: Have you ever pulled up a plant or tree, only to find out that you did not get all its roots? What happens? Eventually a shoot springs up from the tree stump or the ground. As we continue to get ready for the celebration of Christmas we are going to see a picture like this in Isaiah. Isaiah told God's people that a
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The Joy and Pain of Christmas Malachi 3:1-6 Summary: I hope you had a wonderful celebration of Jesus' birth yesterday! Let's keep thinking about the birth of Jesus today, as we look at another prophet from the Old Testament that tells us more about why Jesus came to this earth. Let's think about two things: the joy and the pain of Christmas. Let's listen to God's Word to find out what this means: 1. Christmas is a day of delighting in Jesus 2. Christmas is a day of pain because Jesus came to remove sin from us Verse: Malachi 3:1 Behold, I send my messenger, and he will prepare the way before me. Questions for Devotions and Family Worship: 1. Is Christmas always a day of joy for you? Why or why not? What pains might it bring up? What are the joys of this celebration for you? 2. How does Malachi announce the coming of Jesus? According to Malachi, who will announce the Messiah's coming? 3. Why is his coming to be a cause for joy? How do you personally seek to make the celebration of Christmas a cause for joy? 4. Why does Malachi 3 call the Messiah a
Viewed 1942 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 2:1-11 God's Righteous Judgment Verse: Or do you presume on the riches of His kindness and forbearance and patience, not knowing that God’s kindness is meant to lead you to repentance? (Romans 2:4)
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Exodus 19:1-8 A Kingdom of Priests Summary: Do you know what God thinks of you? Sometimes we might wonder. Especially when we sin, we wonder if God still loves us. When hard things happen, we think God might not care. But the Bible tells us what God thinks of us. When God's people met him at Mt. Sinai in Exodus 19, He told them:
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Judges 4
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Exodus 19:9-15 Get Ready to Meet God What do we need to do when we get ready to meet God? When do we do that? We meet God when we first come to faith in Jesus. But then, every week we meet Him in worship on Sundays. And yet we also can meet with God at any moment of the day. In Exodus 19, God's people are getting ready to formally meet with God on Mount Sinai for the first time. How can they do that? Today, let's listen to hear about God's holiness. Let's also listen to hear about how we need to prepare ourselves to draw near to a holy God. The only way we can do that is through Jesus! Let's think about it: Outline: 1. God is coming down- and He wants to meet us 2. His Holiness is dangerous, and our sin puts us at risk 3. We need a mediator so we can draw near to God Verse: Exodus 19:9 And the Lord said to Moses, “Behold, I am coming to you in a thick cloud...
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Exodus 19:16-25 The Terrors of Sinai Summary: Have you ever been so afraid of something that it made you tremble? Long ago, God came down in fire and smoke on a mountain to meet with his people. When he came down, God's glory was so awesome that the people trembled with fear! And yet, in Jesus, God has made a way for us to draw near and know God. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. A consuming fire 2. A dire warning 3. A better mountain Verse: Hebrews 12:22 But you have come to Mount Zion and to the city of the living God... Discussion Questions: 1. Exodus 19 shows us a glorious and even terrifying scene when God descended on Mt. Sinai. What does this moment show us about God? 2. Why did God give a second warning for the people to not come on the mountain? 3. Read Hebrews 12:18-29. How does the work of Jesus bring us to a
Viewed 1012 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

can't do the things I want
Viewed 1045 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Exodus 20:1-2 What Motivates You to Obey God? Summary: What makes you want to obey? When your parents or your teacher tell you to do something, do you want to obey, or is it usually a struggle? When God gave us the Ten Commandments, he told Israel powerful words to help them obey joyfully and willingly. Let's think about it: 1. God's sovereignty 2. God's covenant promise 3. God's redemption Verse: Exodus 20:2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. Questions for Devotions and Family worship: 1. Which one of the truths about God in this passage motivates you the most to obey Him? What aspects of God’s authority, God’s covenant and God’s redemption do you find most compelling? 2. Why is it so important to read and understand these verses before studying the Ten Commandments?
Viewed 1006 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

No condemnation in Christ Jesus
Viewed 1058 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Exodus 20:1-2 Matthew 5:17-20 Restoring the Law's True Intent Summary: Did you know Jesus spoke a lot about God's law? In fact, he wanted us to know that God's law is still important, even though it was given so long ago. If we want to understand why God's commands are important, we need to go to God's Word, and we'll see how they point us to Jesus. Let's think about it: God's law is: 1. Fulfilled by Jesus 2. Upheld by Jesus 3. Enforced by Jesus 4. Clarified by Jesus Verse: Matthew 5:17 (ESV): Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What did Jesus mean when he said
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Exodus 20:3 God Refuses to Share Summary: Have you ever had something so important that you knew you should not share it with someone else? Maybe someone told you a secret, or it was a valuable possession. There are some things that God doesn’t share as well. He tells us in the Ten Commandments, “You shall have no other gods before me.” He wants our hearts completely, and does not want us to share that worship and love with anyone or anything else but Him. Let’s think about it: Outline: 1. The command: To God alone be the glory 2. The danger: our hearts will worship something 3. The hope: The Gospel of Jesus breaks the chains of idolatry Verse: Exodus 20:3 (ESV): You shall have no other gods before me. Questions for Devotions and Family Worship: 1. Why do you think this was the first command God gave to Israel? Why was it so central for them and now also for us? 2. What things or people in your life might be taking the place of God, possibly becoming an idol for you? How does God want us to respond to these things? 3. Since Jesus came to fulfill the law, how did He do that with this first command? How can the Gospel of Jesus help break the chains of idols in your life?
Viewed 1497 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 8:12-17 Heirs with Christ, Adoption
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Does God Care How We Worship Him? Exodus 20:4-6 Summary: Does God care how we worship him? Do you think it matters? Yes it does! God's second command tells us that He does not want us to try to make up an image of Him for worship. Israel often made these idols, and worshipped them as false images of God. Let's think about how this applies to us today: Outline: 1. God does care HOW we worship Him? a. The command b. The reason c. The warning d. The promise 2. The point: worship Jesus, the image of God Verse: Exodus 20:4 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image...5 You shall not bow down to them or serve them... Questions for Family Worship and Devotions: 1. Why do you think God gave this command to Israel? What happens when we try to reduce God to a carved image or an artist's rendering of God? How does it reduce our view of God? 2. What about Jesus? Since Jesus had a body, is it acceptable for us to make images of Jesus? What is the danger of using those images of Jesus to help us worship? 3. In John 4, Jesus tells the Samaritan woman that true worshippers worship
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Romans 8:18-27
Viewed 1023 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 8:28-30
Viewed 1052 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 8:29-31
Viewed 1187 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 8:31-39
Viewed 1482 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Exodus 20:7 Name Above All Names Summary: Today we get to think about the third of God's Ten Commandments. God tells us not to
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Exodus 20:8-11 An Invitation to Rest Summary: Did you know that God has given us one special day every week? God loves us so much that he has given us the weekly gift of a day where we get to stop from our normal work. Can you guess what day it is? It is the Lord's Day, Sundays, where we get to rest, be with God's people, worship and be refreshed. God thinks this gift to us is so important that he put it in his Ten Commandments. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. God's pattern for a day of rest 2. God's reasons for a day of rest 3. God's goal for our rest Verse: Exodus 20:8 “Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What is the point of the fourth commandment? Why do you think this commandment is so important to God? How might it be different for us to know that it was God's creation pattern for us to follow? 2. How is the Sabbath a picture and a reminder of our salvation? How is the Sabbath a gift to us, and not a drudgery? 3. What is your current practice on the Lord's Day? Do you set apart the day for rest, worship, fellowship, etc? Why or why not? Do you feel stressed and overwhelmed with busyness? How might a true day of rest, worship and refreshment change you?
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Matthew 12:1-8 An Invitation to Rest, Part 2 Summary: Once Jesus and his disciples were accused of breaking the Sabbath, because they were picking heads of grain and eating on the Sabbath Day. Jesus talked to these Pharisees about what the Sabbath day really means. Let's think about it so we too can understand why God graciously still gives us a day of rest: Outline: 1. The Sabbath is about freedom, not burdens 2. The Sabbath is about God's kingdom work, not man-made rules 3. The Sabbath is about grace, not works 4. The Sabbath is about Jesus' Lordship, not man's Verse: Mark 2:27 “The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath.
Viewed 6448 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 9:6-18
Viewed 1331 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Rom 9.19-26
Viewed 848 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Rom 9.27-33
Viewed 933 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 10
Viewed 972 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Rom 11.1-10
Viewed 1030 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Exodus 20:12 Give Honor to Whom Honor is Due Summary: Think back on your week. Where have you struggled to honor your mom or dad? What does it mean to give them honor? Today, let's look at the fifth commandment, which tells us to honor our parents, and also gives us great promises of blessing. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. To honor your parents means to love, respect and submit to them in the Lord 2. We are to honor our parents because it is right, it pleases God, and brings His blessings Verse: Exodus 20:12 Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why do you think it was so central for God to include this command in the ten words given to his people? How does this command relate to the first four commands? How is it central to the well-being of our culture? 2. What does it mean to honor our parents? Where do you struggle the most with this command? How does this command apply to all the authority relationships in our lives? Where might you need to repent today? 3. How did Jesus actively obey the fifth commandment? How does the Gospel free you to gladly honor those who are in authority over you?
Viewed 1809 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 11:11-24
Viewed 985 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 11:25-36
Viewed 959 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 11:25-36
Viewed 994 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 11:25-36
Viewed 1072 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 11:25-36
Viewed 1006 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 12:1-2
Viewed 1144 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 12:3-8
Viewed 1165 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 12:9-21
Viewed 1133 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 13:1-7
Viewed 1162 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 13:8-14
Viewed 1056 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 14:1-12
Viewed 1030 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 15:1-7
Viewed 2472 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 15:8-13
Viewed 1179 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 15:14-21
Viewed 1214 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans 15:22-33
Viewed 1193 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Romans chapter 16
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Sermon text: Judges 16:1-22 Title: Samson and Delilah 1. Was Samson a good person? 2. Was Samson saved? 3. Why was Samson saved?
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Text: Psalm 90 Title: Number Your Days Outline: I. Struggle to Grasp God’s Eternality II. Grasp the Gospel Consequences of God’s Eternality III. Number Your Days
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John 20:24-31 My Lord and My God! Summary: Have you ever had doubts about Jesus? Sometimes we all wonder if Christianity is true. The disciples all doubted that Jesus was raised from the dead, including Thomas. Today on this Easter Sunday, let's think about Thomas' doubt, and how God calls us all to believe in Jesus. Outline: 1. Understand Thomas' doubt 2. Behold Jesus' compassion 3. Imitate Thomas' worship 4. Obey Jesus' call to faith Verse: John 20:27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and see my hands; and put out your hand, and place it in my side. Do not disbelieve, but believe.” Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. How would you characterize Thomas' struggle to believe that Jesus had risen from the dead? Do you struggle with doubts about Jesus? 2. How is Jesus compassionate and gentle with Thomas? How is he also compassionate with you in your failings and doubts and weakness of faith? 3. How might Jesus be gently calling you to worship, and to a deeper trust in him, and his ways this Easter?
Viewed 2088 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Exodus 20:13 The Gospel of Life in a Culture of Death Summary: God gives us his good commands to keep us safe, show us how life works best, and to show us how much we need Jesus to save us from our sin. Today let's look at God's desire for life, found in the command against murder: Outline: 1. The requirement of this law: no unlawful killing 2. The reason for this law: we are made in God's image 3. The root of this law: Anger is heart murder 4. The hope found in this law: the anger of God was poured out on Jesus for you Verse: Exodus 20:13 You shall not murder. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. How do we currently live in a
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Exodus 20:14 Spiritual and Marital Faithfulness Summary: God has given us marriage as a wonderful gift in this life. When two people get married, God gives people a lifelong companion to love and cherish. Marriage is not always easy, and must be protected! Today we're going to talk about how God wants us to guard marital love as we think about God's seventh command:
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Exodus 20:15 Trusting God's Provision Summary: Today we talk about the 8th commandment:
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1 Samuel 1: A Son is Given 1. Hannah’s __________ 2. Hannah’s ____________ 3. Hannah’s ________
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Exodus 20:16 Nothing But the Truth Summary: Have you ever been caught in a lie? Telling the whole truth all the time is hard to do. God thinks telling the truth is so important for us that he included it in the Ten Commandments:
Viewed 1200 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Exodus 20:17 The Rare Jewel of Christian Contentment Summary: Have you ever wanted something that did not belong to you? How did you feel, and what did you do about it? The Bible calls this
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Because of the Gospel, Present Your Body to God and Be Transformed by His Grace Romans 12:1-2
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Exodus 20:18-20 He Has Hushed the Law’s Loud Thunder Summary: If you have ever been really afraid, you know how it feels to tremble with fear. When God’s people stood before Him at Mount Sinai, they were filled with fear. Today, let’s finish the Ten Commandments by thinking about why they were afraid, and how God helped them in their fear. Outline: 1. The fear 2. The Mediator 3. The assurance Verse: Psalm 96:4 (ESV): For great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised; he is to be feared above all gods. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why do God’s people tremble with fear in this passage, and ask that God not speak directly to them? What does this reveal about God, and about ourselves? 2. Why does Moses tell them not to fear? As saved people, is it appropriate for us to fear God? 3. How does Moses’ role in this passage help us understand our need for a Mediator? How does Jesus fulfill this perfectly? 4. How should this passage help us understand the Gospel, and shape our obedience to Him?
Viewed 5149 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 2:1-12 Water Into Wine Summary: This summer we are going to hear about Jesus’ miracles. Jesus did many miracles during his ministry, but his first was when Jesus changed water into wine at a wedding feast. In this miracle Jesus shows his his glory in three ways: Outline: 1. Jesus is the perfect Son 2. Jesus purifies us from sin 3. Jesus is the giver of joy Verse: John 7:37 (ESV): If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink… Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why did Mary come to Jesus at this wedding when they ran out of wine? Why do you think Jesus answered her the way he did? 2. Why did Jesus have the servants use stone jars used for purification to fill with water? How might this reveal what Jesus was coming to do? 3. John tells us that this mircale revealed Jesus’ glory. What does this show us about the glory of Jesus? 4. How can this miracle help you worship Jesus mire deeply?
Viewed 1307 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Sermon Text: Psalm 63 Sermon Title: Better Than Life 1. Passion of a satisfied soul 2. Commitments of a satisfied soul 3. Hope of a satisfied soul
Viewed 1067 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 5:1-17 Do You Want to Be Healed? Summary: Because Jesus is God, he is mighty and powerful! He did many miracles, and often he healed people who were sick. Today we'll hear about a man who could not walk for 38 years. Can you imagine such a struggle? But Jesus' healing tells us that he is powerful and full of love for us in our suffering. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. Jesus is compassionate to the helpless 2. Jesus is mighty to save 3. Jesus is working for our holiness Verse: John 5:8 (ESV)8 Jesus said to him, “Get up, take up your bed, and walk.” Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Read John 5:1-17 again. What do you see about Jesus' compassion? How does this miracle show us the power and glory of God? What does this man's condition reveal about our own spiritual helplessness? 2. Why does Jesus ask the man
Viewed 1035 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 6:1-15 The Bread of Life Summary: Jesus has the power to do mighty miracles. One of the most amazing miracles is when he fed 5000 people with only five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus can do these things because he is God! Let’s think about the day Jesus miraculously and lovingly provided food for a huge crowd: Outline: 1. An overwhelming need 2. A failed test 3. A Savior who provides Verse: John 6:35 (ESV): Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. On that day when Jesus was with the multitude, why do you think he tested Philip by asking him how they might feed the crowd? What was Jesus’ goal? 2. How do you struggle to believe God’s power and provision for your life? 3. After this miracle, Jesus cautioned people against following him only for his material provision (see John 6:25-28). How might your faith in Jesus be like this at times? 4. How is Jesus the “bread oif life?” How does his work reflect and complete Moses’ role with Israel? How can this miracle deepen your trust in Jesus today?
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John 9:1-41 Who is Truly Blind? Summary: Can you imagine what it would be like to be born blind? It is hard to imagine having never seen a sunset, or the face of a loved one. Some live with blindness their whole life. Today let’s look at another miracle of Jesus where He heals a man who was blind from birth: Outline: 1. The reason for the miracle: so that the light of the world might be seen and savored 2. The result of the miracle: some see the glory of Jesus while others remain blind Verse: John 9:5 As long as I am in the world, I am the light of the world. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. When the disciples came upon this blind man in John 9, why do you think they asked if the man or his parents had sinned as a cause for he blindness? What does it reveal of their view of God? How does such a worldview manifest its self still today? 2. What are the various ways people reacted to this miracle? How do some still today have such varied reactions to Jesus? 3. How does this man’s responses to the religious leaders show us his heart and faith? 4. How can this miracle strengthen your faith and embolden your witness today?
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Ecclesiastes 2 Title: The Gospel for a Secular Age Outline: Frustrations of Life 1. The Frustration of Wealth and Pleasure 2. The Frustration of Work 3. The Frustration of Wisdom 4. Hope for Life
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John 11:1-44 The Resurrection and the Life Summary: Jesus said once “I am the resurrection and the life.” He said this just before bringing back a man named Lazarus from the dead! Jesus truly is the one who has the power over life and death. Let’s listen today and see four great things about God today from John 11: Outline: 1. The mysterious purpose of God 2. The great salvation of God 3. The compassion of God the Son 4. The glory of God Verse: John 11:25 (ESV): Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live… Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why did Jesus wait until Lazarus died before responding to Mary and Martha’s call for him to come? How should this shape our view of how God might be at work in our desperate struggles? Does it often seem like God is not present or taking action in your life? 2. Jesus made a bold claim to be the “resurrection and the life,” and then asked Martha, “do you believe this?” What do you think this statement means? Have you believed that Jesus is the resurrection and the life? What would it mean for your life if you did? 3. What does this miracle show us about Jesus? Pray today that God would deepen and widen your love for Him, and renew your sense of wonder at his greatness today.
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Here is my sermon info for this week. Thanks!! Luke 7:11-17 Do Not Weep Summary: Outline: 1. The bitterness of death 2. Do not weep 3. I say to you arise Verse: Luke 7:16b “A great prophet has arisen among us!” and “God has visited his people!” Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. How was the situation of this mother especially bitter and dark? How has the shadow of death and the curse come over your life? Take some time to stop and lament those losses before the Lord this week. 2. How do you see evidence of Jesus' compassion? When Jesus tells her
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Mark 7:31-37 He Has Done All Things Well
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Mark 10:46-52 Let Me See
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Mark 4:35-41 Lord of the Storm Summary: Have you ever been in a huge storm? How about a huge storm on the water? I never have, but I have been huge storms on land, and they are scary! Today, as we look at one more miracle, we'll see the disciples filled with fear on a boat in a storm. But there is good news! Jesus is with them. Let's see what happens: Outline: 1. A great storm 2. A great calm 3. A great fear Verse: Mark 4:41 (ESV)41 And they were filled with great fear and said to one another, “Who then is this, that even the wind and the sea obey him?” Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Remembering that the miracles of Jesus show us much about Jesus, his kingdom and his Gospel, what are some of the things in this miracle that reveal more of Jesus and his greatness to us? 2. What are the
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Mark 2:1-12 Authority to Forgive Summary: Today we get to look at another of Jesus' amazing miracles. We'll hear about a man who can't walk, carried by four friends who work hard to get their friend to Jesus. Jesus not only heals this man, but also tells him
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Mark 5:1-20 The Darkness Scatters Summary: Sometimes there are things in the Bible that are hard to understand – one of those is found in our Bible passage today about a man under the control of Satan. This man lives a hopeless life until Jesus comes and rescues him from Satan’s power. That is what Jesus does for us too when we trust him! Let’s listen today as God explains in His Word how Jesus defeats Satan and rescues us so we can be His children. Outline: 1. What is life like under the power of Satan? Spiritual death 2. The unstoppable power of King Jesus brings Spiritual life 3. How will you respond to Jesus? a. Will you send Him away? b. Will you desire to be near Him? c. Will you be sent by Him? Verse: Mark 5:19b “Go home to your friends and tell them how much the Lord has done for you...
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Do Not Fear, Only Believe Mark 5:21-43 Summary: Have you ever wondered how much faith we need to be saved? Do I need a big faith, a strong faith? Today Jesus performs two amazing miracles: he heals a woman who had been sick for twelve years, and then he raises a twelve year old girl from the dead. When our mighty Savior did these things, he helped us see that even weak faith in a strong Jesus is what we need to have eternal life. Outline: 1. God will often stretch our faith 2. Weak faith in Jesus is still true faith 3. True faith trusts in Jesus alone to save Verse: Mark 5:36b Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not fear, only believe.
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Exodus 20:22-26 Come to the Altar Summary: We're back in Exodus! So far we've heard in Exodus about God's amazing acts of power and mercy, rescuing his people from slavery. Now that they are delivered, what should they do? It is a great question. Since we have been saved by Jesus, what should we do? Let's think about that question today as God gives directions for his rescued people to live a life of worship. Outline: 1. God's rescued people put away idolatry 2. God's rescued people worship Him 3. God's rescued people never stop needing forgiveness Verse: Ephesians 1:7 In him we have redemption through his blood... Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why might these words have been given to Israel immediately after the Ten Commandments? 2. God again warned his people against idolatry. Author Philip Ryken tells us that idolatry happens when
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God Sees You (and that’s good news) Genesis 16:1-14
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Exodus 21:1-11 Free at Last Summary: Sometimes we read things in the Bible that are hard to understand. Today's passage talks about slavery, but not in the way we might think. Let's think about God's heart for justice among his people, and what it means to be servants of Jesus. Outline: 1. God's heart to protect the weak 2. God's path to true freedom Verse: John 8:36 So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What aspects of this passage sound odd to our ears? How does slavery in this passage differ from the view of chattel slavery, for example in America's history? 2. How do these verses give specific application of any of God's Ten Commandments? 3. How does this passage reveal God's heart to protect the vulnerable? How should it apply to us today? 4. How might this passage help us understand what it means to be lifelong servants of Jesus?
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Exodus 21:12-36 Framing a Just Society Intro: Sometimes when someone commits a crime, we wonder what will happen to them. Will they be punished? Will there be justice? God helps us understand how we should seek justice in a world that is often unjust. Let's listen to God speak to us in Exodus 21: 1. Crimes that deserve death 2. Outbursts that lead to harm 3. Negligence that brings loss 4. How to live justly in an unjust world Verse: Romans 7:12 So the law is holy, and the commandment is holy and righteous and good. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. How does this passage help us understand what a just society could look like? What parts of these laws make you uncomfortable? Why? 2. How does this help us see that
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Exodus 22:1-15 Restitution Summary: While we might all agree that stealing is wrong, the question is, how do we make things right when someone steals? Let's look at Exodus today to hear about the laws of
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Psalm 60; Rejection: Rejection (vv 1-5) Reminder (vv 6-8) Confidence (vv 9-12) Memory verse Psalm 60:11 Oh, grant us help against the foe, for vain is the salvation of man!
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Matthew 2:13-23 Raging Against the Messiah 1. A life of suffering 2. A mission of redemption 3. A path of humility Verse: Matthew 2:15 This was to fulfill what the Lord had spoken by the prophet, “Out of Egypt I called my son.” Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. According to this passage, how did Jesus' sufferings begin when he was a baby? Take a moment and think about all of the various moments of suffering in Jesus' life. How might this give you comfort in your own suffering? 2. How does Jesus fulfill the word to Israel,
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God our Guardian Exodus 22:16-31 God guards family life God guards true worship God guards the vulnerable Verse: Psalm 121:1–2 I lift up my eyes to the hills. From where does my help come? 2 My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. These laws in Exodus 22 might seem like they are unrelated at first. What might be a common thread that ties them together? What do they show us about God's character, and his desires for his people? 2. Although we do not live in the Old Testament nation of Israel, how might the principles in these laws help us reflect God's care and compassion toward others? 3. How might these laws be reflected in the heart and ministry of Jesus? 4. How might God be calling you to change and reflect his character in one of the areas?
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Exodus 23:1-9 Justice for All Summary: Sometimes we get into an argument with a friend, brother or sister, or our parents. We live in a world full of sin and conflict, and God wants to guide us into godliness, even through the messes of life. Let's think about how we should treat others in conflict: Outline: How do we speak about our enemy in a conflict? How do we love our enemy in a conflict? How do we seek to be godly in a conflict? Verse: Matthew 5:44 But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you... Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What does God mean in Ex. 23:1 when he commands us not to spread a
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Exodus 23:10-19 Resting and Feasting Summary: Imagine what it might have been like to grow up as one of God's children in Israel. God wanted them to learn about all he had done for them, so he called them to regular patterns of celebration. He gave them the gift of rest on the Sabbath, and also he gave them three yearly feasts to stop and remember his faithfulness. This week, as we celebrate Thanksgiving, God wants us to stop and remember all he has done for us! Outline: 1. The gift of Sabbath: God gives rest to his creation 2. The gift of feasting: a. Passover: Stop and remember his salvation b. Harvest: Stop and remember his provision c. Ingathering: The first Thanksgiving Verse: (1Cor. 5:7b-8a): ...For Christ, our Passover lamb, has been sacrificed. 8 Let us therefore celebrate the festival... Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What was the specific reason given in these verses for the Sabbath year and weekly Sabbath? How might these reasons shape or even change some of our thoughts about Sabbath keeping? 2. What was the significance of the three yearly feasts that God commanded Israel? What do we learn about God's saving power and mercy through each of them? 3. How might they show us more of Jesus's saving work? 4. Although Christians are no longer commanded to celebrate the Feasts of Unleavened Bread, Harvest and Ingathering, what can we learn about what it means to stop, remember, and celebrate God's goodness? How can that help you this week for example, as we celebrate Thanksgiving?
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Reason for Giving Thanks Luke 17:11-19 Summary: I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! This week as we give thanks for all God has done, let's think about a moment when Jesus miraculously healed ten lepers. Leprosy is a terrible, painful disease. Jesus healed all ten people, but only one of them returned and gave thanks for Jesus' mercy. Let's listen in and think about how God wants to make us thankful for his salvation: 1. A cry for mercy 2. A test of faith 3. A reason to give thanks Memory verse: (Luke 11:15) Then one of them, when he saw that he was healed, turned back, praising God with a loud voice; Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Leprosy in the Bible was often a symbol for the disease of sin. How does this help us understand the plight of these ten lepers? 2. Why might Jesus have told them to show themselves to the priests, before he ever healed them? What might it teach us about faith? 3. What is the significance of the one person who returned to give thanks? Why might it be important that he was a Samaritan (implying that the others were probably Jews)? 4. What does this miracle show us about Jesus, and his Gospel? How might it lead you to a deeper sense of gratitude toward God?
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Matthew 1:18-25 God With Us Summary: It is finally December, and we get to celebrate the birth of Jesus all month! Today, let's listen to Matthew's Gospel as he tells us of Jesus' birth: Outline: 1. Jesus is the long-expected king 2. Jesus is the Holy one of God 3. Jesus is the Savior we need 4. Jesus is God with us Verse: Matthew 1:21 She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why does Matthew give a long genealogy of Jesus' ancestors before telling us of His birth? Why is it important for us? 2. Do you struggle to believe that Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit, without a human father? Why is that truth so important for our salvation? 3. What does the news of God with us - the
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Matthew 2:1-12 Fall on Your Knees Summary: Today let's keep listening to the amazing history of Jesus' birth. Matthew tells us of wise men who come from far away to worship Jesus. But others who heard about Jesus' being born either felt threatened by him, or didn't seem to care at all. What is your attitude toward Jesus today? Let's think about it: Outline: 1. Unlikely worshippers of Jesus 2. Unexpected enemies of Jesus 3. Important gifts for Jesus Verse: Matthew 2:2 “Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we saw his star when it rose and have come to worship him.
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Luke 2:9-10 Good News of Great Joy Summary: Merry Christmas! Today we get to celebrate the birth of Jesus together. On that night so long ago, shepherds were visited by angels in the dark of night. Can you imagine their fear at seeing glorious angels appear in the darkness? But they brought
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Text: Philippians 2:5-8 Title: Our Humble Savior Outline: 1. He Came as a Man 2. He Obeyed Whatever it Cost 3. He Died on a Cross Memory Verse: Who, though He was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, (Philippians 2:6)
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Sermon text: Deut. 18:15-22 Sermon title: The Promised Prophet Memory verse: “The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your brothers—it is to him you shall listen— (Deuteronomy 18:15)
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Exodus 23:20-33 Bound for Promised Land Summary: Today we get back to the history of God's people in Exodus, where God tells them about the journey to the promised land. He promises his angel, warns them of the temptations to sin, commands them to obey, and promises to give them blessing and victory. Let's see how this all applies to us: What does life on the way to the promised land look like? 1. God promises his guardian 2. God promises victory 3. God warns of the dangers 4. God tells of a lifelong struggle on the way to glory Verse: Exodus 23:20 Behold, I send an angel before you to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place that I have prepared. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Who might this angel be that God promised to Israel? What divine attributes does he possess and why might that be important in helping us understand his role? 2. What promises are given to Israel in this passage? How might those promises also apply to us who have believed in Jesus? 3. Israel was warned about the danger of compromise with the world and the temptation to follow after the gods of these other nations. What temptations and allurements might also be a danger for you? How does this passage help us and teach us about the fight against idolatry and compromise with the world?
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Exodus 24:1-11 The Covenant Confirmed Summary: Today we're going to look at what might be one of the most important chapters in all of the Old Testament. It is a moment when God allows himself to be seen by his people. Can you imagine? It is what we hope for, that one day we'll be in heaven and get to see him face to face! God invited the elders of Israel to some up his mountain to renew his promises, and to see him. Let's listen in: Outline: 1. The book of the covenant 2. The blood of the covenant 3. The hope of the covenant: to see God Verse: Exodus 24:8
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Exodus 24:12-18 Ascending God's Mountain Summary: It is hard to imagine what happened to Moses in this passage we're going to look at today. Imagine getting invited up a mountain, covered in a bright cloud filled with the glory of God! But one day we too will see the glory of God, if we trust in Jesus as our Savior. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. God's law is our guide 2. God's glory is our future Verse: John 1:14a And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory... Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. It is very likely that God called Moses up the mountain to receive the Ten Commandments, written in stone. Why are they so central to the life of God's people? In what ways do you need the instruction of God's law this week? 2. When God called Moses up, he left Aaron and Hur in a place of leadership. Why was it so important for Moses to leave someone with this role? 3. How is Moses' experience on the mountain described? Moses alone was allowed to actually enter into the glory of the Lord. In what sense is this picturing fulfilled in Jesus? How will we as his people one day experience this?
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Exodus 25 Sacred Furniture Summary: Do you have pop up books at home? Maybe you've read them with your parents before. When you turn the page, the pictures pop up and we see the story come to life. Today, we're going to see God show us amazing pictures of his salvation when he tells Israel to build a place for them to meet with God, called the tabernacle. Every part of the tabernacle shows us something of God's great salvation. Let's listen today for the
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Exodus 26-27 God's Dwelling Place Summary: Today our text in Exodus is long and full of little details about building a place called
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Exodus 28 Holy Clothes Summary: As we have been following the story of God's rescue of his people in Exodus, we've seen that God wanted to have a place to dwell with his people (called the tabernacle). He also wanted priests to serve in his presence. Priests were people whom God called to the holy work of offering up sacrifices and ministering in his presence. Today let's listen as God calls them to make special clothes to set them apart for this holy work, and why it is important for us: 1. The priests reflect God's holiness, glory and beauty 2. The priests represent God's people before Him 3. The priests point us to our great high priest Verse: Hebrews 4:14
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Exodus 29 A Holy Priesthood Summary: Some parts of the Bible seem hard to understand. We might ask why God wants us to know them. Why did God want such a huge process to set apart his priests? Do we still need a priest today? The process might seem strange (and even gross) to us now, because God required sacrificing many animals. Let's think about why: Outline: 1. Anointing for service 2. Offerings for service 3. God promises to come in glory Verse: Hebrews 9:22b ...without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sins. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why do you think there was such an involved process to prepare the priests for ministry? As you read about all the offerings required to prepare and ordain the priests, what does it tell you about the priests themselves? 2. How does this process foreshadow all that Jesus would accomplish for us? 3. In what sense are we all now
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Text: 1 Corinthians 1:1-13 Title: Christ for You
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Text: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 Title: Christ for You
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How Can We Experience God? Exodus 12:1-27 Here are themes: God’s presence with us, God taking our punishment to rescue us from judgment. Freedom from sin and condemnation and shame. Having an ongoing, daily experience of communion with God.
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Exodus 30 Altar of Prayer Summary: God loves to hear us pray to him. He wants us to speak to him, and bring all our thoughts and needs before him. In Israel, the prayers of God's people was a central part of their life together. Today let's listen as God instructs them for regular worship and work in the tabernacle, including prayer: 1. Your prayers are a sweet aroma to God 2. Atonement and cleansing allows our prayers to be heard Verse: Psalm 141:2a Let my prayer be counted as incense before you... Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What was the purpose of the altar of incense? What is the significance of incense in the Bible? )See psalm 141:1-2, Luke 1:8-10). How is it connected to prayer? 2. How might it change your prayers to know that God regards them as a
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Romans 8:31-39 Easter Changes Everything Summary: Happy Easter! He is risen indeed! Easter is one of the best days of the year, because we remember that Jesus died and rose from the dead to save us from our sins. Today we'll look at the Bible to see how Easter changes everything if you trust in Jesus. We are more than conquerors through him who loves us. Outline: 1. If Jesus did not die and rise, everything is against us 2. The hope of Easter: Jesus DID die and rise to save us 3. The promise: because of Jesus victory, we are more than conquerors Verse: Romans 8:34a Christ Jesus is the one who died—more than that, who was raised... Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Read the larger context of Romans 8. In the flow of Paul's thought, what are
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Exodus 31:1-11 Art for the Glory of God Summary: Did you know that God loves beautiful art? Do you like art too? God himself is the great artist, creating all things for his glory, and he wants us to love all things that are true and good and beautiful as well. Let's look in Exodus today at two people to whom God gave great skill and wisdom to make the beauty of the tabernacle for God's worship: Outline: 1. The calling and gifts of the artist 2. The goal of the artist 3. The hope of the artist Verse: Exodus 31:3 ...and I have filled him with the Spirit of God, with ability and intelligence, with knowledge and all craftsmanship... Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What are your thoughts about art? How do we decide what is true and good and beautiful? How is that often twisted in our culture today? 2. How are the calling and gifts of Bezalel and Oholiab described in Exodus 31? Why are they significant for our understanding of the tabernacle? How does they calling help us understand all vocations that God might give us? 3. How did the tabernacle reflect the character of God as good, true and beautiful? How might this shape our understanding of all artistic or creative endeavors? What does it mean to engage in all these things for the glory of God? 4. How might all this artistic work in Exodus help us as we live in a sin cursed world that is often ugly? How does Jesus' work give us hope?
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Exodus 31:12-18 The Sign of the Sabbath Summary: Did you know that God has given us one special day every week? God loves us so much that he has given us the weekly gift of a day where we get to stop from our normal work. Can you guess what day it is? It is the Lord's Day. In Exodus God calls it the
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Exodus 32 The Golden Calf Summary: Today, it might seem funny to read about Israel making a statue of a golden cow, and then bowing down to it in worship. How could they so easily forget God? But that is what we'll see in Exodus today. The question for us is this: we might not make golden cows, but what things or people do we make more important than God in our lives? Let's think about it: Outline: 1. How idolatry tempts us 2. How idolatry hurts us 3. How God saves us from our idols Verse: 1 Corinthians 10:14 Therefore, my beloved, flee from idolatry. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What do we learn about the character of idolatry in Exodus 32? Why does Israel demand Aaron to make them a god? 2. How did idolatry bring great harm to Israel? What were the consequences they felt as a result of their sin, and how might the idols in your life bring you spiritual or temporal consequences? 3. How did Moses intercede for the people before God? How does he show us glimpses of Jesus' our perfect mediator? 4. What are the idols in your own life that need to be addressed? How can God shatter them by the superior power of his love in Christ?
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Exodus 33 Show Me Your Glory Summary: There are three things we all need, and they are all seen in Exodus 33 when Moses meets with God. We all need God's presence, God's friendship, and God's glory. Moses asks for God to go with his people on their journey. He speaks to God face to face, as friends do. And then Moses asks to see God's glory. God has given us all these things too, fulfilled in our relationship with Jesus: Outline: 1. The presence of God 2. Friendship with God 3. The glory of God Verse: Exodus 33:18 Moses said, “Please show me your glory.” Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why does God at first tell Israel that he will not travel with them? Why did this happen and what would it mean for Israel if they did not have God's presence? How has God promised to be with you today? 2. How did God speak with Moses (vv.7-11)? How do you as a believer have such friendship with God now? How is this fulfilled in Jesus? 3. Why is it so shocking that Moses asked to see God's glory? Why can we not see God's glory now? And yet, how have we seen it? (2 Cor. 4:6). How will we see the glory of God one day? How can this give you hope? (See Matt. 5:8; Rev. 22:4)
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Exodus 34 A Renewed Promise God is full of grace and mercy when we fail! Today in our sermon in Exodus, we will see God graciously renew his promise and love for his people, even though they had sinned terribly when they made the golden calf. We also sin every day, and yet God is full of grace to us. Do you believe this good news? Let's think about it: 1. A renewed promise, after failure 2. Renewed obedience, after forgiveness 3. Unfading glory, in the face of Jesus Verse:
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Exodus 35:1-36:7 Bringing Gifts Summary: Do you love to receive gifts? Most of us do! But do you also love to give gifts? There is a special joy in giving to others as we bless them. But maybe one of our best joys ought to be in giving to the Lord. God's people got caught up in the joy of giving to the Lord and his tabernacle. Today let's find the joy of giving as we look at Exodus again: 1. Receive the gift of rest 2. Embrace the joy of giving Verse: Exodus 35:5
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Exodus 36:8-40:38 The Glory Descends Summary: Today we finish Exodus! Let's think about our own relationship with God as we listen to the time when God's people built the tabernacle and God descended to be with them. God is with you too! Jesus promises
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Titus 1:1-4 Dear Titus... Summary: Have you ever written or received a letter in the mail? Not an email, but a real paper letter! This used to be the only way for people to talk from far away. The apostle Paul wrote many, and his letter to a man named Titus was one that we have in the Bible. We'll start to look at it together today, and see that God has given us his Word through the Apostles so we can grow in our faith. 1. The gift of Apostles 2. The faith of a true son 3. The grace of God through Jesus Verse: Titus 1:4 Grace and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Savior. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. How does Paul describe himself and his ministry in this passage? 2. How would you describe your hope of eternal life (v.2)? On what is it based? 3. Why do you think Paul calls Titus a
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Stewards of God's House Titus 1:5-9 Summary: God has given many gifts to the church, and one of them is her leaders. Being an elder in the church is a big job, but it is also a joy to serve God's people. Let's remember to pray for them! Let's listen today to learn what God thinks of elders: Outline: 1. God wants us to choose our leaders wisely 2. The characteristics of God's stewards (elders): a. Godly family life b. Personal character c. Godly in relationships d. Sound doctrine Verse: Titus 1:7a For an overseer, as God’s steward, must be above reproach. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why do you think Paul gives such a detailed set of criteria for those who serve as elders in the church? What is at stake? 2. What should this set of qualifications do in YOU, even if you are not called to be an elder? 3. With such a high set of qualifications, how should this shape our search for elders at NCPC? Will you commit to pray for this process at our church?
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Satan wants to hurt God's church! Sometimes he will use false teachers to bring harm. Today let's hear God's Word teach us about how to spot lies and how Jesus protects his church. What does a false teacher look like? Their character Their errors How do we deal with them? Godly leadership Godly confrontation Verse: Titus 2:1 But as for you, teach what accords with sound doctrine. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. How does Paul describe the character of false teachers? How does he describe their teaching? How might these be helpful for us as a church today? Where might you need to be on guard against false teaching today? 2. How does Paul exhort us to deal with false teachers? What part do godly leaders play in protecting Christ's church? 3. How does the teaching of sound doctrine and the purity of the Gospel protect God's church? How can you commit yourself to know and love this sound teaching in the Word?
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Titus 2:3-5 Spiritual Mothers Summary: Take a look around and the ladies in our church. God has blessed us with so many godly spiritual mothers! But what is their role in our lives? Let's listen to Titus today and think about their important calling in our church. Outline: 1. The godly older woman and her church 2. The godly older woman and her God 3. The godly older woman and her character 4. The godly older woman and her ministry Verse: Proverbs 31:26 She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. How should the church be equipping the spiritual mothers of our church for their work? 2. The phrase
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Scriptural Reading: Psalms 1 &2 Main Point: What is the surest path to God: Study or Prayer?” Memory Verse: But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and on His law he meditates day and night (Psalms 1:2)
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Portrait of a Gray Headed Saint Titus 2:1-2 Summary: Take a look around the worship center this morning and what will you see? You will see people who are young, old, men and women, boys and girls, and people from all over the world. God's Word calls people to live out the Gospel in every stage of life. Today, let's listen as God's Word instructs older men to pursue godliness: Outline: 1. Our doctrine and our behavior are deeply related 2. The portrait of a godly older man: a. A man with self-control b. A man of spiritual health Verse: Titus 2:2 Older men are to be sober-minded, dignified, self-controlled, sound in faith, in love, and in steadfastness. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. How is our doctrine (what we believe) and our behavior related? How does your set of beliefs and the way you live match up? Is there a disconnect between the two? 2. How does Paul exhort older men in this passage? Why are they particularly called to these set of virtues? Why is it so powerful to have such godly men among us? 3. Since these qualities ought to be pursued by all believers, how does a love for Christ and resting in his grace cultivate these things in us? In which of these areas do you need to pursue growth?
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Titus 2:3-5 Portrait of a Godly Young Woman Summary: Last week we saw in Titus that God has blessed us with godly spiritual mothers. But God has also given us young women as a gift to the Body of Christ. What is their role in God's kingdom? Let's listen to Titus today and think about their important calling. Outline: To younger women: you can love because God first loved you: 1. You can love your family 2. You can love godliness 3. You can love your role 4. You can love to represent your Savior Verse: Proverbs 31:10 An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What is the main family-centered calling of younger women? What do you think it means to be
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Titus 2:6 Portrait of a Godly Young Man Summary: Do you know what
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Numbers 6:22-27 The Blessing Sermon Outline: A. Aaron B. Israel C. Us Memory Verse: The LORD bless you and keep you; (Numbers 6:24)
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Sermon Text: Philemon 21-25 Sermon Title: The Unrealistic Hopes of Missionary Paul Kids Summary Do you know how many kinds of rooms there are in a hospital? There are many different kinds: a reception desk, an administrative office, a room for taking X-rays, a room for examining patients, a room for surgery, a room for patients' wards, a nurses' station, and so on. How would you feel if a hospital said,
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Sermon title: Too Far Gone The topic is how we believe some people have travelled too far down a path of sin for God to reach them. Sermon text: 2 Kings 21:1-18 along with 2 Chronicles 32:33-33:20 Outline: Bloody resume of Manasseh Consequences of Manasseh's sins Repentance and restoration of Manasseh Memory Verse: Then Manasseh knew that the LORD was God. (2 Chronicles 33:13b)
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Titus 2:7-8 The Charge of a Young Pastor Summary: Pastors in God's church aren't perfect people. They are sinners too, but God does call them to live in such a way that people might follow their example of godliness. But what does that mean? Let's listen to God's Word in Titus 2 to find out: Outline: 1. A faithful pastor is to be a model of good works 2. A faithful pastor is to be a teacher of sound doctrine 3. A faithful pastor is a witness to the world 4. A faithful pastor is a mirror of the Savior Verse: Titus 2:11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people... Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. How would you describe the picture of a godly pastor/leader in this passage? How does it differ from how the world might define a leader? 2. Paul highlights a pastor's actions (good works) and his teaching as two main qualities that are needed for godly leadership. How might this influence how we choose elders and pastors in the church? Why are both qualities so vital for faithful ministry? 3. How does the description in this passage show us a reflection of Jesus? 4. How might this passage lead you to pray for pastors and leaders in God's church?
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Titus 2:9-10 Noble Service Summary: Have you ever decorated something? Maybe a cake? Or your house for a party? Why do we decorate things? To make them look nice, more beautiful, or more attractive than they were before. Today, Paul talks to those who are under authority - that's all of us- (teacher, parent, boss) and tells us that when we do our work and submit to them joyfully, we
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Titus 2:11-14 Grace Changes Everything Summary: Have you ever thought about how you can find the strength to obey God? Does the strength come from some power inside of you? From a list of rules? Fear of punishment? Or does the power to live a godly life come from somewhere else? Today, let's think about how God's grace in Jesus changes everything and gives us the power to please God. Outline: 1. Grace saves us 2. Grace trains us for godliness 3. Grace builds our hope 4. Grace fuels our good works Verse: Titus 2:11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people... Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What are the
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Titus 3:1-8 Grace for a Whole New Life Summary: No matter how old we are, we could all look back on our life and remember where we failed to love and obey God. The older we get, the more we see it! But there is great news, because God's great salvation for us is not based on how well we have done. It is based on how well Jesus did when he lived, died and rose again for us. This great news gives us the power for a whole new life. Let's listen as God speaks to us today: Outline: 1. To put on a new life, remember the emptiness of the old 2. To put on a new life, the Gospel is our hope 3. The power of our new life is shown by our good works Verse: Titus 3:4-5a But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us... Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. How does Paul describe the character of this new life to which we are called (Titus 2:1-2). Why do you think he goes on to describe all of his past failures in verse 3? 2. How does Paul describe God's great salvation in 3:4-7? What makes this salvation so great? Discuss or think about words such as
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Titus 3:9-10 Seeking the Peace and Purity of God's Church Summary: Today as we’re back in Titus, listen for two really important words: peace and purity. Do you know what each means? God wants us to guard both in his church. Keeping the gospel of Jesus at the center means that we want to honor him in our speech, our relationships and with what we believe. Let’s think about it: Outline: 1. Seek the peace of the church in your speech and relationships 2. Seek the purity of the church through decisive action 3. Keep the Gospel the main thing! Verse: James 1:19 … let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger… Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What are the controversies in this passage that we should avoid? Why might it be tempting to engage in such controversies and debates? How do we know which controversies are necessary and which are fruitless? 2. Why are these debates, “unprofitable and worthless” as Paul says? Where might you be tempted in this? 3. How does Paul command us to deal with a divisive person in the church? Why is this so vital to the health of our congregation? 4. To put it positively, how does focusing on Jesus and his gospel help promote the peace and purity of the church? How can you be involved in that today?
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2 Samuel 23:8-39 The King's Mighty Men Summary: Today we stop and give thanks to God for those who serve and lead among us as elders and deacons. Listen to the amazing story in 2 Samuel 23 of David's mighty men and their deeds. They loved and served their king! It reminds us that Jesus (the greater king!) is worthy of our whole lives. God calls all of us (not just leaders!) to be wholly devoted to king Jesus. 1. Zeal and courage 2. Worship and sacrifice 3. Weakness and grace Verse: Revelation 5:13b “...To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!” Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What motivated the courage of David’s mighty men to risk their lives? 2. Why do you think David poured out the water that the men brought back from Bethlehem? What could we learn from this about our own service to King Jesus? 3. Most leaders in God's church do not feel like one of those mighty men. And yet what might this passage teach us about Jesus and our motives to serve him? 4. How can you pray for and encourage those who lead as elders and deacons in our church?
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Sermon Text: Gen.2:4-25 Sermon Title: Garden Freedom Outline: Free to Be, Free to Enjoy Kid's bulletin Verse: Gen. 2:7 Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. Summary: True life and freedom are found in the presence of God
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Titus 3:12-15 Words of Care for the Church Summary: Have you ever written a letter to someone? When we finish a letter, sometimes we'll say,
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Ruth 1:1-6 Bitter Providence, Far from Home Summary: Have you ever heard of Ruth in the Bible? Today we start looking at her story as we hear about her mother-in-law Naomi and their struggles long ago. Today let's listen as we think about suffering, the struggle to trust God, and his unstoppable plans for us. Outline: 1. Hard choices 2. Bitter providence 3. Returning home Verse: Psalm 61:1–2a 1 Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; 2 from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why is the setting of this book
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Luke 18:9-14 The Pharisee & the Tax Collector Summary: Two men went up to the Temple to pray. One of them received what he was seeking, and the other did not. Today we will hear of the problem of both of these men, their need for righteousness, and how they, and we, can attain a righteousness fit for the Kingdom of God. Outline: 1. The scene as they saw it 2. The scene as Jesus saw it 3. The scene as we see it and live it Verse for Kids bulletin Philippians 2:8 And being found in human form, Jesus Christ humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Jesus told the parable of two very different people: the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. In which ways were they alike? How were they different? 2. Jesus told this parable to correct the problems of sin, self-righteousness, and treating others with contempt (looking down on others). How do you see these problems in this day and age? 3. Do you relate to either of the characters in the parable? In which ways? 4. How was the Tax Collector justified, that is, made right with God? How are you justified?
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Ruth 1:6 -18 Covenant Loyalty Summary: Trusting Jesus and following him in this life seems crazy to an unbelieving world. Today in the book of Ruth we hear about Naomi again as she returns home to Israel. But she urges her daughters-in-law to return to Moab and not come with her. Orpah choose to go back. But even though it seems hopeless, Ruth chooses to stay with Naomi. Let's find out why, and think about how it shows us Jesus, and the call to follow him: Outline: 1. A call to decision 2. An unlikely evangelist 3. A response of faith Verse: Ruth 1:16b ...For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why did Orpah choose to go back to Moab? 2. What do we learn about Naomi's worldview and her view of God in this passage? 3. Why does Ruth choose to stay? What do her words show us about her faith? How do they point us to Jesus and what he would do for us? 4. How does this passage teach us about the call to discipleship? How might God want to change you as a result?
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Ruth 1:19-22 Call Me Mara Summary: Sometimes in our life hard things happen to us. We might ask:
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Ruth 2:1-16 The Shelter of His Wings Summary: Do things happen by accident? Is God in control of even the little details? Jesus tells us that God is concerned even for the smallest bird (Matthew 6:26). How much more is he in control of every detail of our lives too? Let's think about God's good plan in Ruth's life today: Outline: 1. Divine
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Covenant Faithfulness Ruth 2:17-23 Summary: Throughout the Bible, God makes a promise to save his people. Sometimes we call it a covenant. God is always faithful to his covenant! In the book of Ruth, God is showing us a picture of this through the man named Boaz, who treated Naomi and Ruth with covenant faithfulness. Let's see it in action: Outline: 1. A heart reopened by covenant faithfulness 2. A redeemer acting in covenant faithfulness Verse: Ruth 2:20 “May he be blessed by the Lord, whose kindness has not forsaken the living or the dead!” Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. When Ruth returned after the day of gleaning in Boaz' field, how did Naomi respond? How is Naomi's heart becoming more softened toward the Lord, compared to chapter one? 2. How is God's covenant faithfulness toward us reflected in the actions of Boaz? How does Boaz show us Jesus? 3. How might your own heart need to be softened toward God? Have the experiences of this life hardened you toward Him? Meditate today on the faithfulness of God in the Gospel, and ask him to stir up your heart in worship today.
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Numbers 6:22-27 The Blessing of God’s Name
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The Second Sunday of Advent Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel. (Matthew 1:23)
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Philippians 2:5-11 Christmas Servanthood Summary: One of the most amazing things about celebrating Christmas is remembering that Jesus, the God of the whole universe, took flesh like you and me! Christmas is great because God became a man, all to save us. Today in worship, we also get to participate in ordaining new elders and deacons. Let's think about how Jesus came to save us, and how he gives us the strength to serve him. Outline: 1. Jesus’ glory 2. Jesus’ humbling 3. Jesus’ exaltation Memory Verse: Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped. (Philippians 2:5-6) Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What does Philippians 2:5-11 tell us about Jesus' attitude toward his mission to take flesh and save us? 2. Why is it so important to believe that
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Oh sing to the LORD a new song, for He has done marvelous things! His right hand and His holy arm have worked salvation for Him. (Psalm 98:1)
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Matthew 1:1-17 An Unlikely Family Tree Summary: Merry Christmas! Today we're going to get ready to celebrate Christmas by looking at an unlikely part of the Christmas story: the list of Jesus' family tree. Although it might seem odd, this list of names shows us that God was faithful to his ancient promise to bring us a Savior, and that is good news for all of us! 1. Jesus is the long awaited Savior 2. Jesus is the Good News for unlikely people Verse: Matthew 1:21 She will bear a son, and you shall call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins.” Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why would Matthew give this genealogy of Jesus' ancestry before telling of His birth? Why is that important? 2. Why did Jesus need to be shown to be the
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Psalm 49 (Psalm 56:13) For You have delivered my soul from death, yes, my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of life.
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Finding Peace in Life AFTER Christmas Luke 2:25-35 The message will focus on how, in the midst of all the wonder and excitement of the first Christmas, life was still incredibly hard for Mary and Joseph… and this is true for us too. But this doesn’t mean that we’re on the wrong path. God is with us in what is hard, and gives us peace. Memory Verse: “Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed. (Luke 2:34b)
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Ruth 3 Hope on the Threshing Floor Summary: There are times when God calls us to trust him, and take big risks (Not foolish risks, but worthy risks!). Today we'll see Ruth take a huge risk. She approached Boaz in an unusual way, asking him to play the role of the
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Ruth 4 Blessed Redeemer Summary: Today we finish our sermons in Ruth. Today, listen for all the blessings God hands out. He blessed Boaz with a wife and a child. He blessed Ruth with a husband and a son. He blessed Naomi with a grandson. And, he has blessed us, because through this family we have king David, and finally King Jesus. Let's think about God's faithfulness together: Outline: A tale of two redeemers The blessing for Ruth, for Boaz, for Naomi, and us Verse: Ruth 4:14 “Blessed be the Lord, who has not left you this day without a redeemer...
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John 1:1-5 The Eternal Word Summary: The apostle John wrote one of the four Gospels (histories), the true stories of Jesus' life and ministry. John's Gospel starts by telling us something amazing: he tells us that Jesus is the living Word of God who was there at the beginning of creation! Today, ask God to fill you with love and wonder as we meet Jesus in John chapter 1: Outline: 1. Jesus, the eternal Word 2. Jesus, the mighty creator 3. Jesus, the invincible light Verse: John 1:1 (ESV)1 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. How do we know that Jesus is the
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John 1:6-13 Life in the Light Summary: Have you ever felt left out or rejected by someone else? When that happens, it usually hurts us. Imagine for a moment how it was for Jesus, the Creator of all people, who came to earth and was rejected by the very people He made for His glory! But there is good news today: even though we naturally reject God, Jesus came to bring us back into His family. Outline: 1. The witness to the light 2. The rejection of the light 3. The way into the light Verse: John 1:9 The true light, which gives light to everyone, was coming into the world. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why do you think God chooses to use human messengers to testify to the Gospel of Jesus? How did God use John the Baptist? What does that mean for you and me? 2. How does John describe the reception Jesus received when He came into the world? 3. Even though we have all rejected Jesus, he still makes a way for us to be welcomed into His family. How does this happen, according to v.12? How does it NOT happen, according to v.13? 4. How can these verses shape your relationship with Jesus?
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John 1:14-18 The Word Became Flesh Summary: It is amazing that God has not stayed away from us. He has drawn near by sending His Son Jesus so you can know Him. As we study John's Gospel we'll see today how important it is that Jesus took flesh and came to this world to save us. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. God knows your struggles 2. God has come near to know you 3. God has shown you His glory 4. God has given you grace and truth Verse: John 1:14 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we have seen his glory... Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why is it so important to believe that Jesus took flesh and dwelt among us? What are the implications of it? 2. How do these words in vv. 14-18 relate to the tent of meeting in the Old Testament, where God promised to dwell with His people? How does Jesus fulfill this? 3. Why do you think John compares the law of Moses and the grace and truth that came in Jesus? Are they opposed to each other? 4. How can these truths in this passage help you cherish Jesus more?
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Mark 5:25-34. Summary: Have you ever poured your heart out to Jesus? Today as pastor Matt Bohling will show us in Mark 5, a sick woman wanted to reach out and touch Jesus with the hope that she might be healed. When Jesus stopped and asked
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Jeremiah 31:31-34 A Better Covenant 1. What this better covenant will not be like (vv 31-32) 2. What this better covenant will be like (vv 33-34) Memory Verse: …I will put my law within them, and I will write it on their hearts. And I will be their God, and they shall be my people. (Jeremiah 31:33b)
Viewed 422 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 1:19-28
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John 1:19-28
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John 1:29-34 Behold the Lamb of God! Summary: One day John the Baptist saw Jesus and couldn't help calling aloud to all who would listen. He said,
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John 1:35-41 We Have Found the Messiah Summary: Today we get to hear about the time when Jesus called the first disciples. In Jesus' day, a
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Mark 16:1-8 He Has Risen! Summary: He is risen!! Today is one of the best days of the year! We celebrate this great news today: Three days after Jesus died, he rose from the dead! Because this is true, we have salvation and hope. Everything God promised is true! Let's think about this great moment from Mark's Gospel today: Outline: 1. The news no one believed 2. The mercy we too can receive 3. The truth that leaves us speechless Verse: Mark 16:6b ... You seek Jesus of Nazareth, who was crucified. He has risen; he is not here. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why do you think that no one believed Jesus' own statements that he would rise from the dead? How does Mark 16 show the women's slowness to believe? 2. What do we learn from the words of the angel in this text? What does it tell us about Jesus and his heart of mercy for his disciples? 3. Why do you think Mark's Gospel ends so abruptly? Why were the women so afraid? How can we square their silence recorded here with their testimony to the disciples recorded in the other Gospels? What might this show us is the true response to Jesus' resurrection?
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John 1:43-51 Stairway to Heaven Summary: Have you ever been on a ladder? Sometimes a tall ladder is scary, but it helps us get to places that would otherwise be too high. We use a staircase for the same reason. In today's sermon passage, Jesus calls himself a stairway! This sounds strange to us, but when Jesus called more followers (Philip and Nathaniel), he spoke of the day when Jacob (Abraham's grandson) saw a stairway leading to heaven with angels on it. Why would Jesus use this image to describe himself? Let's think about it: Outline: 1. Jesus is the fulfillment of God's promises 2. Jesus is the all knowing God 3. Jesus is the stairway to heaven Verse: John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. How might you describe Nathaniel from this passage? What do we learn about faith and following Jesus from Jesus' interactions with him? 2. What leads Nathaniel to believe in Jesus as the Messiah? How might that help to establish or strengthen faith in Christ for you? 3. Why does Jesus use this image from Jacob's ladder to describe himself? How does this shape our understanding of Jesus and the path to eternal life? How can this help you worship and serve Jesus this week?
Viewed 489 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 2:1-12 The Giver of Joy Summary: Jesus did many miracles during his ministry to show us who he is and what his kingdom is like. His first miracle came when Jesus changed water into wine at a wedding feast. What does this show us about Jesus and his kingdom? Let's think about it: Outline: 1. Jesus is sovereign son of God 2. Jesus is the giver of new wine 3. In Jesus, kingdom, the best is yet to come Verse: John 7:37 (ESV): If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink… Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why did Mary come to Jesus at this wedding when they ran out of wine? Why do you think Jesus answered her the way he did? 2. Why did Jesus have the servants use stone jars used for purification to fill with water? How might this reveal what Jesus was coming to do? 3. John tells us that this miracle revealed Jesus’ glory. What does this show us about the glory of Jesus? 4. What does this miracle show us about our future in Jesus’ kingdom?
Viewed 810 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 2:13–25 The Lord of the Temple Summary: Did you know that there are times when Jesus got angry? Jesus was gracious and merciful, but he also had holy anger against sin. Today let’s see that in action when Jesus saw people misusing God’s temple: Outline: 1. Jesus has holy zeal for God’s honor 2. Jesus is the true temple 3. Jesus is perfect in knowledge and wisdom Verse: John 2:17 “Zeal for your house will consume me.”
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John 3:1-8 You Must Be Born Again Summary: When a mom has a baby, we often say that she has
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John 3:9-16 Whoever Believes Summary: Have you ever asked, what does it mean to be a Christian? Have you ever really thought about it? A man named Nicodemus talked to Jesus one night long ago about these things, and there we find out what it really means to have eternal life. Let's think about what Jesus said: Outline: 1. Ask the question 2. Trust the source 3. See the Gospel 4. Hear the Gospel Verse: John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Have you ever been totally confused with Jesus's words like Nicodemus was? What did Nicodemus do? What did you do? 2. According to Jesus' own words in vv. 11-13, why should we trust what he says about eternal life, or anything? 3. In this passage Jesus relates the episode in Israel's history (Numbers 21:4-9) when God sent serpents upon the people when they grumbled. Why does Jesus compare himself to the bronze serpent that Moses made (John 3:14-15)? How does this illustration help us understand the Gospel? 4. How is John 3:16
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John 3:16-21 The Path to Eternal Life Summary: There is no greater love than the love that moved God to give his Son Jesus to pay for our sins. Today we'll see God's love in John 3:16. His love is so wide and deep that he gave us Jesus, and by believing in Him we can have eternal life. Have you put your faith in Jesus? Let's think about it: Outline: 1. God's great love 2. God's certain judgment Verse: John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. In what sense does God love the world? How is God's love described to us in John 3:16-18? Do you believe that God loves you? 2. How do verses 18b-20 describe God's judgment? Why can it be said that people
Viewed 1985 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 3:22-36 He Must Increase Summary: What does it mean to be humble? Someone who is humble does not want to think they are better than others. Today we will hear God's Word teach us about John the Baptist's humility. John said about his relationship to Jesus:
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John 4:1-15 Living Water, Part 1 Summary: Have you ever been really, really thirsty? Jesus felt this too, after a long journey. Today we'll hear in John 4 about a time when Jesus asked a woman for a drink of water, and he used it as an opportunity to talk about spiritual thirst. You see, Jesus' saving love is like living water that can satisfy our spiritual thirstiness. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. A relentless mission 2. A profound need 3. A bottomless well Verse: Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is that is saying to you, “Give me a drink,’ you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.” (John 4:10) Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Based on her response to Jesus, how would you describe the spiritual state of this woman? 2. Why does Jesus use the analogy of water and thirst to describe his work of salvation? 3. What are the ways in which you have tried to quench your spiritual thirst? Have they worked?
Viewed 5121 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 4:16-30 Living Water, Part 2 Summary: Did you know that God is seeking after you? He is seeking worshippers who are spiritually thirsty. Last week we saw Jesus speaking with a woman about her spiritual thirst. Let's listen in on the conversation again, and see that Jesus is on a mission to quench her thirst and make her a worshipper: Outline: 1. Jesus will not give up on us until we see our true thirst 2. Spiritual thirst can be quenched as we become worshippers 3. Our true thirst can only be quenched by Jesus Verse: John 4:24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.” Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What are the deepest parts of you that you don’t want to come out? Of what are you most ashamed that Jesus wants to deal with today? 2. What are the ways in which you seek satisfaction in something other than Jesus? If your soul is made to desire Jesus, what other things tend to fill the void instead for you? 3. As you study John 4 again, why do you think this conversation eventually led to Jesus and the woman speaking about worship? What does all this have to do with “living water?”
Viewed 221 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 2:1-11 The Best Comes Last Reverend Dr. Jason Pickard Assoc. Professor of Systematic Theology at Westminster Seminary – Escondido Introduction I. The Story II. The Sign III. The Woman IV. Six Stone Jars Conclusion “… But you have kept the good wine until now.” (John 2:10b)
Viewed 210 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Wisdom and the Christian life James 1: 1–8
Viewed 170 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Living Water, Part 3 John 4:19-30 Summary: What is worship? Is it just something we do on Sunday morning? Is it an emotional high? Is it a set of actions (like singing, praying etc)? It is possible for us to go through the motions and not really worship at all. Today as we listen in once more on Jesus' conversation with the woman at the well, let's think about true worship: Outline: 1. True worship is not just about where – it is about whom and how we worship 2. True worship is from our hearts that thirst for God 3. True worship is with our minds that know the truth Verse: John 4:24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth. Questions for devotions and family worship: As you study John 4 again, why do you think this conversation eventually led to Jesus and the woman speaking about worship? What does all this have to do with “living water?” Evaluate your own worship. Is it in spirit? In truth? Is there both “heat and light?” Is it from the heart as well as with a mind saturated with the truth? Where do you need to grow?
Viewed 536 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Sermon Text: Daniel 1 Sermon Title: Hyphenated Lives Points in Sermon: 1. Exile and Expulsion 2. Echoes of Exodus 3. Extradition Memory Verse: And the chief of the eunuchs gave them names: Daniel he called Belteshazzar, Hananiah he called Shadrach, Mishael he called Meshach, and Azariah he called Abednego. (Daniel 1:7)
Viewed 1511 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 4:31-42 A True Feast Summary: Have you ever been so distracted by doing something you love that you forgot about the time, maybe even forgot to eat? Or maybe you were so intent on doing something so important that you forgot about other things? Today we're going to see Jesus, so passionate and involved with his ministry to save people that it was like food and drink to him. God wants us to see Jesus in this way, and then follow in his path to help others believe in Christ. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. True food 2. An urgent task 3. A beautiful harvest Verse: John 4:34 “My food is to do the will of him who sent me and to accomplish his work.
Viewed 243 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 4:43-54 Gracious Healing Summary: We live in a world where we can take care of many things from far away. We can order food from our phones, pay our bills online, and even go to school on the internet. But Jesus powerfully healed a boy without ever going to his house! Why? Because he is God, and he wants us to trust him as our Savior. Let's think about it together: Outline: 1. God is gracious with our imperfect faith 2. God tests and stretches our growing faith 3. God gives the gift of life when we trust His Son Verse: “I believe; help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24b) Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. It seems that Jesus left Samaria for his home region of Galilee because he desired to minister to those who did not truly believe in him as the Messiah. They welcomed him, but only because of his previous miracle in Cana (vv.43-44). How might this temptation manifest itself in your own life at times, to be devoted to Jesus for the good gifts that he gives, rather than loving Jesus himself? 2. What does the miracle of Jesus healing the official's son show us about Jesus? 3. How does Jesus stretch and test the man's imperfect faith? How might he be doing this in your own life?
Viewed 138 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 5:1-17 Do You Want to Be Healed? Summary: Because Jesus is God, he is mighty and powerful! He did many miracles, and often he healed people who were sick. Today we'll hear about a man who could not walk for 38 years. Can you imagine such a struggle? But Jesus' healing tells us that he is powerful and full of love for us in our suffering. Let's think about it: Outline: 1. Jesus is compassionate to the helpless 2. Jesus is mighty to save 3. Jesus is working for our holiness Verse: John 5:8 Jesus said to him, “Get up, take up your bed, and walk.” Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Read John 5:1-17 again. What do you see about Jesus' compassion? How does this miracle show us the power and glory of God? What does this man's condition reveal about our own spiritual helplessness? 2. Why does Jesus ask the man
Viewed 5340 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 5:18-30 The Astounding Claims of Jesus Summary: Have you ever made a bold claim that you couldn't back up? Maybe you said you could beat someone in a race, or win at a game, only to end up losing. Jesus made amazing claims as well. He told people that he was equal with God! This made many religious people angry enough to kill him. But the wonderful news is that Jesus' bold claim is actually true. Let's listen in to Jesus' own words today in John 5: For Jesus, to be equal with God means that he has: 1. A deep union with the father 2. Saving power to grant us eternal life 3. Authority to judge all mankind Verse: John 5:24a Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Read John 5:18-30 again. What are the bold claims that Jesus makes in this passage? Do you find any of them hard to accept? How might Jesus' amazing claims be vital for your growth in maturity as a believer? 2. How does Jesus describe his union with God the Father? Why is this so important? Why did it enrage the religious leaders of his day? 3. How does Jesus describe his role as the giver of eternal life? 4. Why is it helpful for us to believe that God has given Jesus the role of being the final judge of all mankind? How does this shape or change your view of Jesus?
Viewed 118 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 5:31-47 Divine Testimony Summary: How do you know someone is telling the truth? We might never know fully in some cases, but mostly we trust several things: We trust that person's character, because we know them. Or, we might know because we check the facts and find out that they are telling the truth. But we also might have other trustworthy people speak up for that person. In a court of law this happens when a witness
Viewed 130 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 5:31-47 Divine Testimony Summary: How do you know someone is telling the truth? We might never know fully in some cases, but mostly we trust several things: We trust that person's character, because we know them. Or, we might know because we check the facts and find out that they are telling the truth. But we also might have other trustworthy people speak up for that person. In a court of law this happens when a witness
Viewed 191 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 5:31-47 Divine Testimony Summary: How do you know someone is telling the truth? We might never know fully in some cases, but mostly we trust several things: We trust that person's character, because we know them. Or, we might know because we check the facts and find out that they are telling the truth. But we also might have other trustworthy people speak up for that person. In a court of law this happens when a witness
Viewed 139 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 6:1-15 The Bread of Life Summary: Jesus has the power to do mighty miracles. One of the most amazing miracles is when he fed 5000 people with only five loaves of bread and two fish. Jesus can do these things because he is God! Let’s think about the day Jesus miraculously and lovingly provided food for a huge crowd: Outline: 1. An overwhelming need 2. A failed test 3. A Savior who provides Verse: John 6:35 (ESV): Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. On that day when Jesus was with the multitude, why do you think he tested Philip by asking him how they might feed the crowd? What was Jesus’ goal? 2. How do you struggle to believe in God's power and provision for your life? 3. After this miracle, Jesus cautioned people against following him only for his material provision (see John 6:25-28). How might your faith in Jesus be like this at times? 4. How is Jesus the “bread of life?” How does his work reflect and complete Moses’ role with Israel? How can this miracle deepen your trust in Jesus today?
Viewed 442 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

“Prayer and Piety” James 5:13-20. Summary: There will be a lot of difficulties in this life and God wants us to pray and ask him for help. Oftentimes, God uses you and I to answer these prayers for help! That’s a privilege the church family gets to do which is to help one another during difficult times. 1. Prayer in Apostolic Times 2. Ordinary Prayer and Healing 3. Spiritual Healing Memory verse: Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working. (James 5:16) Questions to answer during the sermon: 1. What is the Kingdom Reality in this text? 2. Does God heal only if you anoint with oil? TRUE or FALSE 3. Elijah was just a man like us. TRUE or FALSE 4. For how long did the rain stop when Elijah prayed? 5. If your brother or sister did something wrong and sinned, do you …. a. Ignore them. That’s their problem. b. Make fun of them for doing something wrong. c. Forgive them and gently help them do the right thing. d. Punish them because they did something wrong. 6. When we wandered from the truth, Jesus came and brought us back. TRUE or FALSE 7. What’s one way this Kingdom Reality can be applied in your life?
Viewed 157 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 6:16-21 Do Not Be Afraid Summary: Have you ever been in a huge storm? They are scary! Today, let's follow the disciples as they take a boat ride in a big storm, but something more powerful and amazing than the storm happens: Jesus walks on the sea to meet them! Let's see what happens: Outline: 1. Where is Jesus in the storm? 2. How will I survive? 3. How long must I struggle? 4. Who could possibly help? Verse: John 6:20 But he said to them, “It is I; do not be afraid.” Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why do you think Jesus sent the disciples onto the sea of Galilee without him? 2. After they struggled for hours, Jesus walked on the water to them. What may have been Jesus' design in doing this? What do we learn from the parallel accounts in Matthew 14:2-32 and Mark 6:45-52? 3. If the signs Jesus performed tell us about the Gospel of the kingdom, then what does the experience of the disciples on the sea help to see about the Christian life?
Viewed 100 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 6:22-35 The Bread of Life Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means: 1. Reasons for seeking Jesus 2. The desire for a sign 3. Receiving the bread from heaven John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ? 2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart? 3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 44 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 6:22-35 The Bread of Life Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means: 1. Reasons for seeking Jesus 2. The desire for a sign 3. Receiving the bread from heaven John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ? 2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart? 3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 72 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 6:22-35 The Bread of Life Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means: 1. Reasons for seeking Jesus 2. The desire for a sign 3. Receiving the bread from heaven John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ? 2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart? 3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 76 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 6:22-35 The Bread of Life Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means: 1. Reasons for seeking Jesus 2. The desire for a sign 3. Receiving the bread from heaven John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ? 2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart? 3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 98 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 6:22-35 The Bread of Life Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means: 1. Reasons for seeking Jesus 2. The desire for a sign 3. Receiving the bread from heaven John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ? 2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart? 3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 40 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 6:22-35 The Bread of Life Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means: 1. Reasons for seeking Jesus 2. The desire for a sign 3. Receiving the bread from heaven John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ? 2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart? 3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 87 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 6:22-35 The Bread of Life Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means: 1. Reasons for seeking Jesus 2. The desire for a sign 3. Receiving the bread from heaven John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ? 2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart? 3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 86 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 6:22-35 The Bread of Life Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means: 1. Reasons for seeking Jesus 2. The desire for a sign 3. Receiving the bread from heaven John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ? 2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart? 3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 85 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 6:22-35 The Bread of Life Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means: 1. Reasons for seeking Jesus 2. The desire for a sign 3. Receiving the bread from heaven John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ? 2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart? 3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 86 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 6:22-35 The Bread of Life Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means: 1. Reasons for seeking Jesus 2. The desire for a sign 3. Receiving the bread from heaven John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ? 2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart? 3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 90 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 6:22-35 The Bread of Life Why does Jesus want us to have a relationship with him? Jesus answers that very question for us today in John 6. After He miraculously fed a huge crowd of people, they searched for Him again, but only because they wanted more bread. But Jesus is not just the giver of bread; He is the bread of life! Let's think about what that means: 1. Reasons for seeking Jesus 2. The desire for a sign 3. Receiving the bread from heaven John 6:35 Jesus said to them, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why was the crowd seeking Jesus after the miracle feeding that Jesus performed? What might be the various lower motivations you might have in pursuing a relationship with Christ? 2. Why did the people seek a sign from Jesus, in order that they might believe? Considering the magnitude of the miracle they had already experienced, what does this show us about the human heart? 3. Why does Jesus call himself the Bread of Life? What does this reveal about Him and why He came from heaven to us? How do the patterns in your life reveal your hunger for this Bread?
Viewed 85 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 6:35-40 All That the Father Gives Me Will Come Summary: Today we'll continue to listen to Jesus in John 6 as he spoke to crowds of people. He had told them he is the
Viewed 54 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 6:41-47 Drawn by the Father Summary: Jesus made a bold, amazing claim: he claimed to have come down to us from heaven itself! Many of the people around Jesus knew his parents, and even had seen him grow up. This made it hard for them to accept that he came down from heaven, because they did not understand that God sent him as a baby to be born of Mary. Do you struggle to believe that Jesus was God's own Son sent from heaven to save us? Today let's listen and think about this struggle, and ask God for faith to believe in His Son: Outline: 1. The struggle to believe 2. The power to believe 3. The invitation to believe Verse: John 6:47 Truly, truly, I say to you, whoever believes has eternal life. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why did the people grumble about Jesus' claims? Do you have struggles to believe the things that Jesus says, especially in this passage? 2. Why does Jesus emphasize again that we cannot believe and come to him without the Father drawing us? Why is this so important for understanding how God saves us? 3. Jesus speaks of eternal life, the reality of heaven, and being
Viewed 68 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Celebration and Glorification Psalm 47:1-9 Outline: 1. Celebrating God – the King of all the Earth 2. Experiencing the Glory of our Exalted King 3. Expecting the Glory of our Exalted King Memory Verse: Clap your hands, all peoples! Shout to God with loud songs of joy! (Psalm 47:1)
Viewed 74 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 6:48-59 True Food and Drink Summary: Sometimes Jesus said things that were hard to understand. Today we'll look at one of those moments. When talking about how he is the source of eternal life, he tells us that we must
Viewed 35 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Last week we heard Jesus say hard things. He said that believing in him is like eating his flesh and drinking his blood (in other words, taking Jesus into the deepest part of our hearts). But some were offended when Jesus said this, and they left him. Why do some walk away from him, and others stay? Let's think about it today: Outline: 1. Why are some people offended by Jesus? 2. Why do some stay with Jesus? 3. Where else can we go? Verse: John 6:68 “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life...
Viewed 62 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Last week we heard Jesus say hard things. He said that believing in him is like eating his flesh and drinking his blood (in other words, taking Jesus into the deepest part of our hearts). But some were offended when Jesus said this, and they left him. Why do some walk away from him, and others stay? Let's think about it today: Outline: 1. Why are some people offended by Jesus? 2. Why do some stay with Jesus? 3. Where else can we go? Verse: John 6:68 “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life...
Viewed 62 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Last week we heard Jesus say hard things. He said that believing in him is like eating his flesh and drinking his blood (in other words, taking Jesus into the deepest part of our hearts). But some were offended when Jesus said this, and they left him. Why do some walk away from him, and others stay? Let's think about it today: Outline: 1. Why are some people offended by Jesus? 2. Why do some stay with Jesus? 3. Where else can we go? Verse: John 6:68 “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life...
Viewed 24 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

Last week we heard Jesus say hard things. He said that believing in him is like eating his flesh and drinking his blood (in other words, taking Jesus into the deepest part of our hearts). But some were offended when Jesus said this, and they left him. Why do some walk away from him, and others stay? Let's think about it today: Outline: 1. Why are some people offended by Jesus? 2. Why do some stay with Jesus? 3. Where else can we go? Verse: John 6:68 “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life...
Viewed 29 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 7:1-13 A Sovereign Timetable If you have ever had a sibling not treat you well, you know that can be really hard. Jesus knew what this felt like too. John 7 tells us that not even his own brothers believed He was the Savior. But Jesus never failed in His plan to save us, even though so many were against Him. Let's think about it: 1. Brotherly betrayal 2. Perfect timing 3. Popular opinion Verse: John 7:5 For not even his brothers believed in him. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Consider for a moment the pain Jesus probably experienced at the unbelief of his brothers. How does this experience of Jesus help us appreciate the scope of his suffering for you? How might this help you in your own hurts and losses? 2. Why did Jesus not go up to the feast at his brothers' urging? Why do you think He went secretly later? Is there a contradiction here? How does this show us Jesus' sovereign timetable for our salvation? 3. What were the popular opinions about Jesus in vv. 11-13? How might they reflect people's views about Jesus today?
Viewed 56 times - Created inside Church and Religion.

John 7:14-24 Divine Authority Summary: Why do people reject Jesus? That is the question we'll talk about today. We've already seen i John's Gospel that people do not come to Jesus unless God draws them by the Holy Spirit. But how does that rejection show itself? Let's listen to Jesus explain it today as he speaks with people who were blinded by sin: Outline: Why do people reject Jesus? 1. They do not accept his authority 2. They do not judge righteously Verse: “My teaching is not mine, but his who sent me.
Viewed 47 times - Created inside Church and Religion.
