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Church and Religion: 2022.02.06_kids

Exodus 20:1-2 What Motivates You to Obey God? Summary: What makes you want to obey? When your parents or your teacher tell you to do something, do you want to obey, or is it usually a struggle? When God gave us the Ten Commandments, he told Israel powerful words to help them obey joyfully and willingly. Let's think about it: 1. God's sovereignty 2. God's covenant promise 3. God's redemption Verse: Exodus 20:2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery. Questions for Devotions and Family worship: 1. Which one of the truths about God in this passage motivates you the most to obey Him? What aspects of God’s authority, God’s covenant and God’s redemption do you find most compelling? 2. Why is it so important to read and understand these verses before studying the Ten Commandments?

Playing: 2022.02.06_kids

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