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Church and Religion: 2023.01.15_kids

Exodus 23:20-33 Bound for Promised Land Summary: Today we get back to the history of God's people in Exodus, where God tells them about the journey to the promised land. He promises his angel, warns them of the temptations to sin, commands them to obey, and promises to give them blessing and victory. Let's see how this all applies to us: What does life on the way to the promised land look like? 1. God promises his guardian 2. God promises victory 3. God warns of the dangers 4. God tells of a lifelong struggle on the way to glory Verse: Exodus 23:20 Behold, I send an angel before you to guard you on the way and to bring you to the place that I have prepared. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Who might this angel be that God promised to Israel? What divine attributes does he possess and why might that be important in helping us understand his role? 2. What promises are given to Israel in this passage? How might those promises also apply to us who have believed in Jesus? 3. Israel was warned about the danger of compromise with the world and the temptation to follow after the gods of these other nations. What temptations and allurements might also be a danger for you? How does this passage help us and teach us about the fight against idolatry and compromise with the world?

Playing: 2023.01.15_kids

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