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Church and Religion: 2023.03.26_kids

Exodus 30 Altar of Prayer Summary: God loves to hear us pray to him. He wants us to speak to him, and bring all our thoughts and needs before him. In Israel, the prayers of God's people was a central part of their life together. Today let's listen as God instructs them for regular worship and work in the tabernacle, including prayer: 1. Your prayers are a sweet aroma to God 2. Atonement and cleansing allows our prayers to be heard Verse: Psalm 141:2a Let my prayer be counted as incense before you... Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What was the purpose of the altar of incense? What is the significance of incense in the Bible? )See psalm 141:1-2, Luke 1:8-10). How is it connected to prayer? 2. How might it change your prayers to know that God regards them as a

Playing: 2023.03.26_kids

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