Church and Religion
Philippians 2:5-11 Christmas Servanthood Summary: One of the most amazing things about celebrating Christmas is remembering that Jesus, the God of the whole universe, took flesh like you and me! Christmas is great because God became a man, all to save us. Today in worship, we also get to participate in ordaining new elders and deacons. Let's think about how Jesus came to save us, and how he gives us the strength to serve him. Outline: 1. Jesus’ glory 2. Jesus’ humbling 3. Jesus’ exaltation Memory Verse: Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped. (Philippians 2:5-6) Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What does Philippians 2:5-11 tell us about Jesus' attitude toward his mission to take flesh and save us? 2. Why is it so important to believe that
Viewed 836 times - Created by bdsmith.
The Second Sunday of Advent Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Immanuel. (Matthew 1:23)
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Numbers 6:22-27 The Blessing of God’s Name
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Jeremiah 33:14-18 NRSV
Viewed 1066 times - Created by lamcelroy.
2 Kings 22:1-10; 23:1-3 NRSV
Viewed 5310 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Covenant Faithfulness Ruth 2:17-23 Summary: Throughout the Bible, God makes a promise to save his people. Sometimes we call it a covenant. God is always faithful to his covenant! In the book of Ruth, God is showing us a picture of this through the man named Boaz, who treated Naomi and Ruth with covenant faithfulness. Let's see it in action: Outline: 1. A heart reopened by covenant faithfulness 2. A redeemer acting in covenant faithfulness Verse: Ruth 2:20 “May he be blessed by the Lord, whose kindness has not forsaken the living or the dead!” Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. When Ruth returned after the day of gleaning in Boaz' field, how did Naomi respond? How is Naomi's heart becoming more softened toward the Lord, compared to chapter one? 2. How is God's covenant faithfulness toward us reflected in the actions of Boaz? How does Boaz show us Jesus? 3. How might your own heart need to be softened toward God? Have the experiences of this life hardened you toward Him? Meditate today on the faithfulness of God in the Gospel, and ask him to stir up your heart in worship today.
Viewed 823 times - Created by bdsmith.
Ruth 2:1-16 The Shelter of His Wings Summary: Do things happen by accident? Is God in control of even the little details? Jesus tells us that God is concerned even for the smallest bird (Matthew 6:26). How much more is he in control of every detail of our lives too? Let's think about God's good plan in Ruth's life today: Outline: 1. Divine
Viewed 1020 times - Created by bdsmith.
1 Kings 18:20-39 NRSV
Viewed 3852 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Ruth 1:19-22 Call Me Mara Summary: Sometimes in our life hard things happen to us. We might ask:
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1Kings 12:1-17, 25-29
Viewed 2416 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Ruth 1:6 -18 Covenant Loyalty Summary: Trusting Jesus and following him in this life seems crazy to an unbelieving world. Today in the book of Ruth we hear about Naomi again as she returns home to Israel. But she urges her daughters-in-law to return to Moab and not come with her. Orpah choose to go back. But even though it seems hopeless, Ruth chooses to stay with Naomi. Let's find out why, and think about how it shows us Jesus, and the call to follow him: Outline: 1. A call to decision 2. An unlikely evangelist 3. A response of faith Verse: Ruth 1:16b ...For where you go I will go, and where you lodge I will lodge. Your people shall be my people, and your God my God. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why did Orpah choose to go back to Moab? 2. What do we learn about Naomi's worldview and her view of God in this passage? 3. Why does Ruth choose to stay? What do her words show us about her faith? How do they point us to Jesus and what he would do for us? 4. How does this passage teach us about the call to discipleship? How might God want to change you as a result?
Viewed 1272 times - Created by bdsmith.
Luke 18:9-14 The Pharisee & the Tax Collector Summary: Two men went up to the Temple to pray. One of them received what he was seeking, and the other did not. Today we will hear of the problem of both of these men, their need for righteousness, and how they, and we, can attain a righteousness fit for the Kingdom of God. Outline: 1. The scene as they saw it 2. The scene as Jesus saw it 3. The scene as we see it and live it Verse for Kids bulletin Philippians 2:8 And being found in human form, Jesus Christ humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Jesus told the parable of two very different people: the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. In which ways were they alike? How were they different? 2. Jesus told this parable to correct the problems of sin, self-righteousness, and treating others with contempt (looking down on others). How do you see these problems in this day and age? 3. Do you relate to either of the characters in the parable? In which ways? 4. How was the Tax Collector justified, that is, made right with God? How are you justified?
Viewed 6146 times - Created by bdsmith.
Ruth 1:1-6 Bitter Providence, Far from Home Summary: Have you ever heard of Ruth in the Bible? Today we start looking at her story as we hear about her mother-in-law Naomi and their struggles long ago. Today let's listen as we think about suffering, the struggle to trust God, and his unstoppable plans for us. Outline: 1. Hard choices 2. Bitter providence 3. Returning home Verse: Psalm 61:1–2a 1 Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; 2 from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. Why is the setting of this book
Viewed 760 times - Created by bdsmith.
Titus 3:12-15 Words of Care for the Church Summary: Have you ever written a letter to someone? When we finish a letter, sometimes we'll say,
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Sermon Text: Gen.2:4-25 Sermon Title: Garden Freedom Outline: Free to Be, Free to Enjoy Kid's bulletin Verse: Gen. 2:7 Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. Summary: True life and freedom are found in the presence of God
Viewed 1041 times - Created by bdsmith.
2 Samuel 23:8-39 The King's Mighty Men Summary: Today we stop and give thanks to God for those who serve and lead among us as elders and deacons. Listen to the amazing story in 2 Samuel 23 of David's mighty men and their deeds. They loved and served their king! It reminds us that Jesus (the greater king!) is worthy of our whole lives. God calls all of us (not just leaders!) to be wholly devoted to king Jesus. 1. Zeal and courage 2. Worship and sacrifice 3. Weakness and grace Verse: Revelation 5:13b “...To him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever!” Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What motivated the courage of David’s mighty men to risk their lives? 2. Why do you think David poured out the water that the men brought back from Bethlehem? What could we learn from this about our own service to King Jesus? 3. Most leaders in God's church do not feel like one of those mighty men. And yet what might this passage teach us about Jesus and our motives to serve him? 4. How can you pray for and encourage those who lead as elders and deacons in our church?
Viewed 1209 times - Created by bdsmith.
Genesis 18:1-15, 21:1-7
Viewed 800 times - Created by lamcelroy.
Titus 3:9-10 Seeking the Peace and Purity of God's Church Summary: Today as we’re back in Titus, listen for two really important words: peace and purity. Do you know what each means? God wants us to guard both in his church. Keeping the gospel of Jesus at the center means that we want to honor him in our speech, our relationships and with what we believe. Let’s think about it: Outline: 1. Seek the peace of the church in your speech and relationships 2. Seek the purity of the church through decisive action 3. Keep the Gospel the main thing! Verse: James 1:19 … let every person be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to anger… Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What are the controversies in this passage that we should avoid? Why might it be tempting to engage in such controversies and debates? How do we know which controversies are necessary and which are fruitless? 2. Why are these debates, “unprofitable and worthless” as Paul says? Where might you be tempted in this? 3. How does Paul command us to deal with a divisive person in the church? Why is this so vital to the health of our congregation? 4. To put it positively, how does focusing on Jesus and his gospel help promote the peace and purity of the church? How can you be involved in that today?
Viewed 662 times - Created by bdsmith.
Titus 3:1-8 Grace for a Whole New Life Summary: No matter how old we are, we could all look back on our life and remember where we failed to love and obey God. The older we get, the more we see it! But there is great news, because God's great salvation for us is not based on how well we have done. It is based on how well Jesus did when he lived, died and rose again for us. This great news gives us the power for a whole new life. Let's listen as God speaks to us today: Outline: 1. To put on a new life, remember the emptiness of the old 2. To put on a new life, the Gospel is our hope 3. The power of our new life is shown by our good works Verse: Titus 3:4-5a But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us... Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. How does Paul describe the character of this new life to which we are called (Titus 2:1-2). Why do you think he goes on to describe all of his past failures in verse 3? 2. How does Paul describe God's great salvation in 3:4-7? What makes this salvation so great? Discuss or think about words such as
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Titus 2:11-14 Grace Changes Everything Summary: Have you ever thought about how you can find the strength to obey God? Does the strength come from some power inside of you? From a list of rules? Fear of punishment? Or does the power to live a godly life come from somewhere else? Today, let's think about how God's grace in Jesus changes everything and gives us the power to please God. Outline: 1. Grace saves us 2. Grace trains us for godliness 3. Grace builds our hope 4. Grace fuels our good works Verse: Titus 2:11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people... Questions for devotions and family worship: 1. What are the
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